I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 216 - Sweet Dream-III

Lee Taehyung pulled the needle out from his arm, before placing it aside to take the pack of blood which was drawn from his hand. He pushed the blood pack to his white gown to quickly run back to where his brother was.

He knew what kind of person his brother is. He was a cruel and ruthless person who could keep up with their mother's teaching to kill. When arriving to the place where he had told his brother to stay still, he found his brother no where to be found.

Clicking his tongue, Lee Taehyung sighed. He turned his head left and right until he saw Seulgi's room which was only a couple feet apart and his blood ran cold. His footsteps took a place to run when his wrist was stopped. Snapping his eyes to the back, he looked to the back to see his brother standing, "The blood?"

"Here," Lee Tahyung passed the blood pack from his pocket gown to then look at his face with a suspicious eye, "You didn't go anywhere did you?"

"Yes I did, I walked back and forth waiting for you. I will go now," Lee Taehin replied with his smile wide. "I will leave now. Thank you for the blood."

"You are saying the words like a vampire," scoffed Lee Taehyung, he was unimpressed by his brother.

"Why not? Don't you like vampires?" questioning this Lee Taehin smiled to the have his back face his younger brother with a hand raised to wave. 

Lee Taehin left the place with his smile wide spreading on his face. He had seen his brother's secret and he would take time to torture his brother.

"This should be fun," whispered Lee Taehin happily and he whistled as he left.

Seoyeon sat on the couch. After getting home from the hospital, she took a brief of time to wash herself and now he had gotten out while waiting for Jung Hwa to come back. Alfred came beside her, holding a plate of fruits, "Would you like to take a light snack? The hour of dinner is still far but I heard that you would be leaving at late evening. It would be good for you to eat."

"Thank you," Seoyeon answered. In time, she was feeling quite hungry after a lot of thinking. She saw Alfred elegantly pouring the tea for her. She didn't like tea at first as the ones made without sugar was bland but there was a way Alfred use when brewing the tea that make it taste differently.

"I heard about Hwa's parents," Seoyeon told Alfred who was taken aback before a empathetic smile came to sit on his face. "I also heard that you had served his parents before."

"I have served master Hwa since that time," Alfred placed the teapot aside, standing as he spoke and Seoyeon offered him a seat with her gesture but he shook his head, "When Mistress Hyesu was married I began to serve the family. I have been serving a little time before that but not personally to the mistress."

"What was Hwa's father's like?" she asked because the time was still long and Jung Hwa hadn't come back home yet. It had Seoyeon to look again at the clock to note the time and she saw that unlike usual, Jung Hwa failed to come on the promised hour.

Alfred noticed that the human girl seemed to be interested in Jung Hwa's past. To his eyes, Seoyeon looked as if she had learned of Jung Hwa's childhood but the man can't say to which point did she knows. Saying too much wouldn't be good. Regardless he didn't want to keep her in the dark either. With Jung Hwa telling Seoyeon of his childhood, it was evident that the girl was seen as precious, and not to mention Seoyeon had stayed for couple of days and Jung Hwa didn't show a hint of wanting her to leave when the pureblood dislike other's company.

"He was an extremely compassionate man who love his sons very much," replied Alfred, "Master Hwa loves his father a ton and when he died, everyone was broken hearted including him."

"He was?" Seoyeon inquired because from how she heard Jung Hwa had spoken, it didn't seem like he didn't mind the death. So she was correct, thought Seoyeon to herself. Jung Hwa was not one to express his feeling and to know he was hiding sorrow of his family's deaths pained her.

"Of course, every Sunday Master Hwa and his father would go out fishing together. They had a very close relationship as father and son," Alfred told her of how he saw the relationship between the families but Seoyeon wondered if it was true. 

Jung Hwa had told her how deep down his father felt fear to his son who was a vampire. Did they really had a close relationship?

She couldn't tell or wrap her mind in the dynamics of the family. Only one thing she knew and was sure of. Despite Jung Hwa's nature that was cold, he treasured his family so much that he could do many things in the name of finding his mother's killer. 

This led Seoyeon to strongly believe that Jung family in truth was sailing with a broken ship with many cracks that could break in every seconds to sink. Fortunately the ship was tampered with a lot of tapes over the crack to adhere the holes and the one who work to tape the holes was Jung Hwa.

He had become the person who was neutral to each member of his family in order for the family to not crumble. There was the love in him to his family which was equal. He didn't love one person heavily which could crumble the scale. 

Seoyeon doubted when anyone first meet Jung Hwa they would be happy or be in a friendly term. They would never know the gentle kindness in his heart and at one point, she can't deny to have seen his cruelty. But now she could see better with her eyes open the raw kindness that was inside him.

"Do you know anything about Hwa's brother?" questioning this, Seoyeon took a sip from the tea, her taste bud felt fresh after a sip and when looking back Alfred smiled at her.

"Master Hwa's and his brother are very close, I have always seen them together and as when they were small they looked the same the mistress would often mistaken the two when seeing them walking from behind," the man replied and Seoyeon nodded.

"What kind of person he was?" Since there was no family picture Seoyeon had always been curious of how Jung Hwa's family would look like. Taking from Jung Hwa's charming appearance, she could see how beautiful his mother would be and his brother.

After some thought, Seoyeon noticed Alfred didn't reply and she turn to look at the man who replied at time when their eyes met, "He was a good person with a little trait where he would be friendly to others."

"He sounds like the opposite of Hwa," replied Seoyeon. She could tell how Jung Hwa dislike getting close to others and that was the part of his charm that made people to flock at him. She often sees people gathering around him while Jung Hwa entertained them with his semi sarcasm. It was a wonder how people doesn't took his words as an offense or get turn off after hearing his words that were some times too direct.

"Yes, he was. Should I refill the fruits, miss?" Alfred then question, putting his attention on the empty plate where the grapes were placed before.

"No thank you," as she reply, at the same time, she could hear from behind a sound of switching. 

Alfred also noticed and he announced on her behalf, "Master Hwa has come back."

She stood up, turning to the door side when she saw Jung Hwa coming back with someone beside him. The man arrived and smiled at Seoyeon, "Miss Seoyeon." 

"Mr. White witch," Seoyeon took the present of the man in surprise. She then shifted her eyes to Jung Hwa who had taken off his coat. "Why is he here?"

"To teach you. Sorry, Seoyeon but I think we would have to change our schedule for a moment and push our date to visit your relatives next time. The white witch offered himself to teach," his eyes looked intently at Min Beomgyu, "Isn't that correct?"

"I did..." said Min Beomgyu after seeing the stare that Jung Hwa threatened him with. "But I would prefer and like it if you call me by my name, in case you have not forgot it yet, I am Min Beomgyu."

"The white witch would be here to give you some insight and perk of being a dark witchess, because even if you are one, you have to learn how to abuse the power you have," said Jung Hwa, ignoring Min Beomgyu and he placed his coat on Alfred's hand when the man came. "That why a power is blessed to a person.. To be abused for use."

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