I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 218 - Witchy Study-II

Being asked the question, Seoyeon looked quizzical at Min Beomgyu. The White witch's question instead put a heap of confusion to her mind. If she was not a dark witchess then what was she? Did he mean to ask her being the catalyst? But Jung Hwa told her the man was yet to be trusted in the matter of the catalyst and she knows well not to fall into trap made by others.

"Yesterday we received a confirmation that her parents are dark witches," It was Jung Hwa who replied instead of her. "Can a dark witches couple have a child that does not belong to their own kin?"

Min Beomgyu gave some thoughts to then shake his head, "I see, I thought that Miss Seoyeon hadn't known what type of witches her parents are. As I have said before, most witches don't know what kind of witches they are; and there are numerous cases where they mistook what kind of witch they are because of the lack of knowledge from their parents."

Seoyeon who found another else hidden under Min Beomgyu's question than asked, "Do you think I was a white witch?"

"No, from what I can tell you are not. Dark witches' potions use the help of a dark magic spell. If you are a white witch, the potion made by the dark witches should give you some side effect. For example when a white witch used a dark witch's potion, the effect would work, but the flask that held the potion itself should be harmful to your skin. That is why I am using a glove today," the white witch was thorough with his explanation that made Seoyeon to understand the essence of witches easier. "Did you feel pain when touching it?"

"I didn't," replied Seoyeon.

"I was also surprised to see that you could touch the potion earlier unaffected and assessed that you are a dark witchess until your story from earlier," Min Beomgyu hummed, his brows furrowed to the case he had never seen before but the man was still with a smile. He was happy to learn more knowledge as it was one of reason why he had sided with the Associates.

"Is there any other type of witches than white and dark?" questioned Jung Hwa and at this point, the white witch's eyes that were fixed on his book turn up at Jung Hwa before he gave a wide smile and an excited nod. 

"No one believed me when I said this; but I found something odd while searching about the dark witches' origin. There is one of my friends whose parents had been white witches since the past, however, as time passes, they thought they were shamans. I learned him being a white witch, after some experiments and when I visited his family's house, he showed me this," while Min Beomgyu talked, he pulled out a large scroll of a size of an arm that had been curled.

Seoyeon pushed her back from the chair, to take a better look by leaning forward as Jung Hwa looked at it from afar. There was no smile on his face as his eyes were fixed at the scroll that was dirty and old. 

The parchment seemed to be feeble and was made from a thicker fabric. Signs of its old age could be seen from the uneven tears around the paper and the color of the fabric which seemed to be pure white in the past but now brownish yellow. 

When it was opened, Seoyeon saw that the language was not Korean but the witches' language that she could tell despite never remembering to ever learn the language before.

"Color of witches," Seoyeon read what was on the parchment of paper aloud by herself, "Yellow witch, dark witch, white witch, blue witch, and red witch. Each of color describe their powers and traits."

Jung Hwa's eyes had shifted from the parchment after observing how old the parchment could be before he looked at Seoyeon who was fixed to read what was written. He then gave a look at the white witch, to see Min Beomgyu stared at Seoyeon as if he was speechless and cannot believe what he heard of now.

"You can read this?" questioned Min Beomgyu to Seoyeon and her gaze breaks from the parchment to Min Beomgyu.

"I guess I could," she replied. Doesn't witches know their own language as it act like a code? "Can't you read the witches' language, Mr. Min?" she asked because the man seemed to be suffering from shock the moment she had read the writings in ease.

"I do read witches' language as my family all knew the blood flowing in their body but this is not the witch's language that I or any member of my family knows. This is far ancient. I don't know how to say it properly but it was written around three hundred years ago and at the time the language are written differently. I had to decode and decipher the words here on the scroll," but Seoyeon had read it in ease.

"In the past Seoyeon was said to have spoken witches language on her own," Jung Hwa said, cutting Min Beomgyu's line of thought. "Can I take that each witch learns their language on their own according to how their ancestors taught them?"

"Close like so," replied Min Beomgyu. He had to say how amazed he was to Jung Hwa who was fast when it comes to catch and made a conclusion that was often right than wrong. This was perhaps the reason why he could enter the Associates in a breeze. There was also rumors he heard in the past before the young pureblood entered the Associates of how he had been given an offer to work in the Associates for many times only to be rejected.

This turn to the question of why of all time Jung Hwa agreed to take the position when he could have done it before.

"It's the same as a parent teaching language to their children. According to the same scroll here, it is taken that witches lived in different places that could explain their differences in language," continued Min Beomgyu.

Seoyeon read the rest of the scroll, and she gazed up to look at Jung Hwa, "It is said that most colored witches lived in different lands. They have traits, power, and weakness." 

"That's all?" questioned Jung Hwa. The scroll looked wide and large yet what was written inside was less.

"The rest is about their power and weakness," replied Seoyeon. She also think it was odd for a large scroll to have only a few writings but the rest summarized the same extract she had said.

Jung Hwa got up from the chair, and his hand held the side of the table to lean forward and take a better look at the scroll. To his eyes, the writings were like scribbles. From the way it was written, the letters seemed like English alphabet but there was few symbols that he never know. "With this many type of witches, why only dark and white witches, are known and prevail to survive now?" asked Jung Hwa, the same question Seoyeon had.

Min Beomgyu explained, "Because dark and white witches are the main type of witch which is the origin. They can't disappear while the rest could. About Miss Seoyeon's parents, was there anything said or explained about them?"

"Taking the words from the dark witches I killed last night, they are known as famous amongst all dark witches and even praised them as they had killed tons of purebloods," Jung Hwa noticed how uncomfortable Seoyeon appeared when hearing the words of her parents and his hands slipped naturally on her palms. When fitting in, Seoyeon turns to look at him. She knew he encouraged her whose trust was torn with what the dark witches claimed to her. "Their names are Yang Jiae and Yang Sunghoon. Does it ring a bell in your mind, white witch?"

Min Beomgyu brought his hand to his chin, pulling his memory and his intelligent eyes looked at one fixed point before he look at the couple who stood before him and shook his head, "I don't remember hearing the names. All informations regarding dark witchess are classified but not because someone is hiding them but because they work seamlessly, leaving no trace. However, I heard of some rumors in the past which I don't know if it is true or lies."

"What kind of rumors?" questioned Seoyeon. If there was a clue, it was better to dive than to plunge into oblivion where she was kept in the dark about herself and the people around her.

"The hunters, they are said to be keeping some specialized group of people who possess power far stronger than others. This group was said to be hunting for witches for a long time. But no one know if it was the truth," Min Beomgyu tried to recall everything he remembered about the rumors but that was the extent.

"Even if it was a rumor, there is a bubble of chance that hadn't popped yet. We can try searching for that group and ask if they remember anything." Jung Hwa said, with his eyes fixed on her.

Somewhere Seoyeon doubted that Jung Hwa would ask them in a civil manner. A fight might break out and she knows she should be there with him to pacify the situation. There something that told her the Associates and Hunters is not in a good term either.. They appeared to be on a speaking term but not where they would exchange information freely out of weariness.

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