I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 229 - Eyes On Him-I

When morning arrived, Seoyeon woke up to feel her body somewhat lighter. She tried to think about the lucid dream before her sleep, however, nothing worked. It didn't seem like she had a continuation from the dream.

By time after taking a bath, like the first day she had arrived in Jung Hwa's house, Alfred prepared her a breakfast. She sat down, waiting for Jung Hwa before eating as she didn't want him or her to eat alone when both were staying at the same house.

"Waiting for me?" Jung Hwa's voice came to her ears and just from his voice her heartbeat fast. After the talk they had last night where Seoyeon told him what she felt, she became more aware of how her liking to Jung Hwa had somewhere turned more to love. 

"I don't want you to eat alone," she replied honestly. Seoyeon saw Jung Hwa pulling the necktie and his smile widened on her words.

"You know it is unfair for me that every time you say adorable things and I cannot eat your lips," said Jung Hwa while taking a seat, his expression remain unchanging even after the embarrassing words he said.

Seoyeon's cheeks had turned red. What was this man saying early in the morning?! 

By time, she noticed Alfred walked beside them, there was a wider smile on the man's lips that got her cheeks hotter. "I don't see your necktie," said Seoyeon, drawling her words.

"I don't like how you are getting immune to my advances," Jung Hwa pushed his hand to take her hand that was idle. For once, Seoyeon didn't try to retract her hand but let him to hold her hand.

With her lips pursed, Seoyeon replied in whisper, "I am not immune."If she was immune, she would not be in such a mess now. 

Every time she want to say words to Jung Hwa, being honest, she just felt she can't find the right words, and it was all due to his very presence. This confuse her. The feeling of love that Jung Hwa showed which was passionate and forward, was not something she ever know before.

She recalled how his fangs pricked her skin. It was painful but if Seoyeon had yo be honest with it, it was not only pain that she felt.

"What did you say?" It was clear that Jung Hwa heard the words she said. Being a vampire one of his perk was to have a sharp hearing and he would never miss a whisper Seoyeon said about him.

"I will eat now," saying this, Seoyeon stuffed the fruits to her mouth. By time it was getting harder to stay with Jung Hwa, but not because she found him unbearable. It was because coping with her loud heartbeat was getting harder.

Jung Hwa propped his chin, leaning forward and he continued to stare her with his eyes fixed the entire breakfast. The silence helped her to think in circle, about loves and the following. She kept thinking on how to tell Jung Hwa that she was ready for him. She had told him last night about her feelings that had changed and leaned forward to love, but somewhere she felt that was not enough to tell what she was experiencing.

When they were about to leave, Seoyeon who was about to leave the door felt Jung Hwa stopped before reaching the door, and his body turned at her. "About yesterday Seoyeon."

Speaking of yesterday triggered the memory of her confession and her cheeks turned redder when recollecting of his words. 

"Did you sleep well?" he asked and she wondered why he did.

"Like a log," Seoyeon paused before asking Jung Hwa, "What about you?"

"Hm, I don't dream," Jung Hwa walked a step closer to her. They could leave but he didn't want to yet, "Often time when I closed my eyes only memories came to replay in my mind but it's not a dream." Seoyeon wondered if Jung Hwa could not dream because of his lonely past, and if the memory he spoke of was the memories where he had to end the misery of his brother and mother.

"Thinking and remembering of the past isn't a dream?" Because she thought it was. She saw Jung Hwa smiling, there was no sadness she could find, and she could tell Jung Hwa had gotten over sadness for his family's death, but Seoyeon believe it didn't mean he didn't feel the pain.

"I doubt it was a dream. Dream is when your mind envision the imagination you hold in mind. Some times it is taken from emotions that you kept the whole day or wild imagination."

A curiosity brushed Seoyeon, and her eyes that was wide like a cat's curiously watching him, "Wild imagination?"

She had asked without knowing what he meant. What kind of imagination was count as wild?

Jung Hwa could tell Seoyeon was not being coy but she was an innocent girl. A woman who had always kept in the dark for love because she was focused on something else which was to run away from her relatives but now that she didn't, her mind was clear to only think about him, which Jung Hwa was delighted about.

He took one step and seeing him getting closer, Seoyeon want to take one step back but thinking of how they always chased one step forward for a step backward, as if they were playing chase, her feet stopped. 

At her action, she saw Jung Hwa's eyes sparkled. His smile widening on his lips, gracing the handsome face that looked bright despite early in the morning. He took a chance to hold her chin, and since Seoyeon didn't run, he pulled her waist, bringing her close to him. 

"Want me to tell you about wild imaginations? I have many after meeting you, but all kept tight in a lid but very passionate that I could tell you everything about it in details. Words by words, movements by movements," Jung Hwa's voice was seductive and Seoyeon didn't know what he was speaking of, but her body shuddered at his explanation.

"You must want to keep you imagination to yourself, I won't ask because it's rude to," responded Seoyeon. Frankly she didn't ask because of the sudden air that turned hot and hard to breathe in. 

Jung Hwa's advances had never stopped to sway her and she know he could tell her feeling for him had take stem to something more than a person to depend on but he chooses not to say nothing. She knew the reason, Jung Hwa want her to be the one to say her surrendering feeling to his love.

"It's not rude. People often mistaken being rude and intrusive. When one breach other's tolerance to the person, forgetting the line they are set with that is called rude. Intrusive is when the person is pushy for reply while knowing the person didn't want to answer. But this is different," saying this, Jung Hwa's finger trailed bellow her collarbone to stop before her chest. The touch was painstakingly slow, but Seoyeon can't help to focus on his shaped lips that was right across her eyes. 

He had not kissed her and like his words, he did nothing but touch her waist or her neck. Somewhere, Seoyeon questioned herself if vampires loved neck because how Jung Hwa spend most of his time to touch her neck. 

Now that her mind began to think of Jung Hwa as a potential loved, Seoyeon felt every of his touches were distracting and the place he trailed burnt in heat. She didn't want to focus on his lips, trying to break whatever thought swirling inside her mind like a dust that could not be wipe off. 

Seoyeon could still feel his lips, the same lips that had took captive of her lips, kissing her as he moved inside her mouth. Seoyeon took a deep breathe, breaking her thoughts to the current present where they were standing before each other.

"There is something called personal space," Seoyeon replied, pointing to his hand that didn't stop touching her, prompting her of his urge to kiss her, but didn't give her fully what she want. "I am fine not knowing the content of your imagination. People say that imagination is best keep to yourself and I agree."

She knows he had only agreed not to kiss her for his benefit. Even if her eyes were closed, she could see brightly that Jung Hwa was a person who only did things for his benefit. Like now how Jung Hwa would pulled himself away just in thought when Seoyeon thought he would kiss her.

Seoyeon now knows how a cat felt when they was about to be given a food but when the cat pawed a step to eat the food, the person holding the food pulled their hand away, provoking the cat to do more things in order to eat the food.

"Well you don't have to hear others. You can hear your heart of what you want to know and what you want to hear," seeing Seoyeon curling her lips, Jung Hwa's smile raised higher.

"It was a figure of speech, and I added my own thoughts, w-we, aren't we suppose to go now? Before we are late," replied Seoyeon. Jung Hwa seemed to know what he was doing, making her heart beating no less than a racing car, but this is going to kill her!

"Why are you so in a hurry to escape? You know, if you don't be honest I will tell you what I imagined in my dream." Trailing his words, Jung Hwa saw Seoyeon's eyes that was once fixed on his lips moved to stare back at his eyes. His languidly open, taking time to whisper...

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