I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 234 - Bringing Light-III

Seoyeon recollect the day before she nodded, "What happened?" she didn't act coy saying no, but she had a feeling the spark of the fight revolve around her.

Jung Hwa confirmed by saying, "That man called you a whore." His words simple but the effect had Seoyeon to frown. "I know that no one in this world there will be a woman who would like being called a whore. And I don't like anyone calling a whore to my woman either."

Jung Hwa let Seoyeon a pause to retort his words by calling her his woman, but she didn't retort saying no or giving denial, this only stretched Jung Hwa's smile even wider. 

Clouds could gather on him all day and even storm or typhoon, he didn't care. All he needed was the changes Seoyeon gradually make in a short time.

On the other hand, Seoyeon who had been quiet questioned herself, Was it wrong for her to feel happiness that Jung Hwa had broke other's hand because of her? But that was what Seoyeon felt right now. She didn't know when it had become where she could feel her heart beat raise as if she had run a mile in a second when she had done nothing but stand beside him or hear his words. 

"There is one saying my mother said that I agree wholly for once," Jung Hwa had spoken not in a whisper but his voice was still small for only Seoyeon who stood beside him to hear. 

"What was it?" Seoyeon asked him as the silence ensued for a minute.

"An eye for an eye," a hint of cruelty diluted on his words, "But my mother said, when someone stab your eyes, you should not stab their eyes." That was somewhat kind, thought Seoyeon but the thought failed to stay longer than a second when Jung Hwa continued, "Tear apart their limbs, do not let them die, and if you still feel angered, finish off their families."

For a moment or two, Seoyeon could not speak as if a ball of something lodged on the back of her throat. Was that truly a saying a mother would teach to their sons? But then again, Jung Hwa had describe his mother as cruel, and Seoyeon could his mother telling the words to Jung Hwa in her mind even though she never saw the woman before.

This was yet another glimpse Seoyeon could take to see Jung Hwa's childhood past.

"Although I am not one to kill other's family just because their parents or siblings harmed me," Jung Hwa continued, his eyes smoothly turning over to her. 

Seoyeon couldn't tell how he could be gentle to her. Hearing his past, his mother, and the world he live in, he could have done things that were more forceful. Jung Hwa could also trick her by only showing her the best of him. 

The love Jung Hwa had for her, thought Seoyeon. Jung Hwa's love was like a white rose, strong and pure. With each petals removed, she could see the core of his heart.

While wordlessly staring at Jung Hwa, a single question flitted in Seoyeon's mind. Would there ever be anyone who could deny Jung Hwa's love?

"You have stared at me for one full minute, Seoyeon. Can I take this as you finding my face so handsome that you are unable to shift your gaze from me?" Like a wake up call, Seoyeon realized how she had stared at him longer than necessary and she quickly turned her eyes when Jung Hwa pulled her chin. "Don't worry you can keep looking at me, not very much people could escape my charm."

Without replying, Seoyeon only blinked and nod before shaking her head to make a meaningless move. Jung Hwa didn't mind the confusion staying on her mind, because he could see from Seoyeon how she agreed to him for a break of second.

"About my accusation," Jung Hwa's finger left her chin and his tone became serious. Not as if he was not serious a moment ago, but his smile had turned clipper, "I need your help on something. Would you help me?"

"I would," replied Seoyeon without thinking over her choices and her fast reply had Jung Hwa's smile to raise, a genuine delight came over him. She saw Jung Hwa leaning forward, for a moment she thought he would kiss her, and Seoyeon closed her eyes only to open and narrow at Jung Hwa's words.

"Thank you," Jung Hwa whispered and she felt something pushed to her coat. He had moved with stealth that Seoyeon doubted anyone knew or see Jung Hwa had pushed something to her coat pocket. She wondered what it was, but taking it right now would only spoil Jung Hwa's silent movement.

Right at the same time, they arrived at one place. Deok Ji Hyeang was the one to open the door as he walked first before them. When entering, Seoyeon saw the man's gaze. After their discussion which ended in heat, Seoyeon didn't see the man to eye and find him fishy. 

Being careful with the man, Seoyeon didn't stare at him for than necessary.

"By now most people would have put in the cell, but you are an exception. Do you want to explain yourself?" Deok Ji Hyeang questioned, his offer sounded nothing but trap to Seoyeon. It was as if she had heard death whisperer beside her ears and didn't want to put her hearing at the man.

"I don't need to do it now, and wouldn't it be more exciting for the suspense?" Jung Hwa smiled and Deok Ji Hyeang burst to a small laugh.

"I will leave the rest to your care," Deok Ji Hyeang stated to Chung Gon before he left. The human girl should have leave from the room than staying with the accused but people knows Jung Hwa didn't take it too kindly when people touch what he treasured. 

Just as the door closed, Seoyeon took a look around the room, finding the room once again large and wide. Chung Gon took a seat somewhere else while Seoyeon took the safest seat which was beside Jung Hwa. She saw the man puffing a cigarette on one hand.

Not long Seoyeon excuse herself to the washroom. Jung Hwa knew what she was going to do, to open the paper he had write as she had been fidgeting her hands, wanting to read the paper he had folded small to her pocket.


Seoyeon turned her head when she felt that the person called her name. Turning her head, she saw it was a man with straight brown hair. The man greeted Seoyeon with a smile, and she noticed the sharp fangs which was shown from the corner of his smile.

"What can I help you with, sir?" asked Seoyeon. The man was someone she hadn't seen before which had her question herself why the man stopped her in midway.

"I was wondering if you are new here," the man subtly seized her figure which came unnoticed by Seoyeon but she can't help to put a guard to the man as he was a vampire. In the place, she learned that other than Jung Hwa others come as suspicious to her eyes, and she had done it without her conscious.

"Yes I am," she replied, the man greeted her with a smile and she returned in politeness, "Is there a problem?" she asked with the softest time so she doesn't offend anyone while being blunt at the same time. Jung Hwa's note was still on her pocket and she had to see it.

"No, nothing of course," the man raised his hand, "I was it's thinking that it is dangerous," Seoyeon raised her brows, "For a human woman to enter the Associate is the same as a single mouse on a snake's den. Will it be a problem if I ask where you are going?"

With the way the man phrased his words, it sounded to Seoyeon's ears that the man was a snake himself. If there was lots of snakes, and she was a mouse, Seoyeon chose to find the best person she could trust and the person is not this man, she thought in silence.

"To the washroom," she replied, and when seeing the man nod, Seoyeon asked, "Can I go now? I assume that there is no rules that humans could not use a washroom here?"

"Nothing similar to that. It's just that there has been no precedent before," the man noticed Seoyeon's eyes being skeptical and smiled, "I mean I haven't seen a human venturing the building. Do you know where it is?"

"I was going to find my way," confessed Seoyeon. Truthfully she didn't need washroom and only a place where she could open the paper as it might be urgent.

"I can show you the way," when Seoyeon was going to reject the man said, "There are dozens of vampires in this place, in fact the whole building is filled with us. I don't think it's safe for you to go alone without someone. I thought that there should be someone to accompany a human in Associate, it had always been like that."

"Okay." replied Seoyeon. She didn't see the problem as the man was going to drop her off. If push come to shove, she could scream and hopefully someone could hear her scream.

Seoyeon kept her distance between her and the man. The walk was too long and she wondered why.

While thinking, the man said, "The washroom is quite far," the man started the conversation and Seoyeon turn her eyes from the walls to the man.

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