I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 238 - Judgement-I

For a moment Mrs. Valerie could not speak which was something Seoyeon had somewhat expected. Her eyes looked at the elder vampires collected. She kept a smile enough for being polite but it was not high to show her friendliness. 

After being betrayed by her aunt and uncle, Seoyeon learned that people like Mrs. Valerie were better off cut before getting too close.

"W-what are you saying?" Mrs. Valerie was taken aback. Each time she met the human, she had gotten more backbone. Did she think she could speak every time like this to her?

"It is as I have said. It is unfortunate," murmured Seoyeon, her eyes shifting to Barbara who frowned while looking at her. The girl's eyes were not less intense than her mother's. Somewhere seeing that Barbara was set in the same mold as her mother, set Seoyon in an uncomfortable feeling. 

If her mother and father were truly a dark witch with a black heart and a murderous intent, would she become soon like them?

"What is unfortunate? Speak," demanded Valerie, not liking the way Seoyeon had looked at Barbara.

"That Hwa didn't have a family who could be on his side," she answered, her eyes removing from them both, and she took a step back to bow, "I hope the day would get well, excuse me."

Valerie stared at Seoyeon's back as the girl left the hallway. To what extent does the human girl know? She narrowed her eyes, did Jung Hwa told her of everything and the girl still stayed beside him?

"Betraying her naive look, she is actually someone without a conscious of good and wrong," murmured Valerie for her to see Barbara's eyes looking at her confused.

"Who was that mama?" Like her mother, Barbara didn't want to arse herself to remember a human's face; particularly a woman. "That was a human right? How can she speaks insolently?"

"She is yet to learn how her tongue would burn if it touches a flame," remarked Valerie, who crossed her arm. 

"Then we should teach her a lesson," suggested the daughter. The young vampiress had heard from Jung Hwa of delight in the art of torture. Thinking that the human could be her first experiment to torture, the vampiress can't help but smile. 

"We can't," Barbara looked at her mother at the word she said, "Your cousin is infatuated with the human girl if we do anything to her, we would incur his anger."

For a moment Barbara looked at her mother as if she was dumb. "Mama, I think I should go to the doctor, I am hearing things."

"You are not. Your brother chose her. I saw her living in Hwa's house," her mother stated in displease. She had planned to use Jung Hwa for the betterment of her daughter yet he refused for a dunce little human peasant. Not only Jung Hwa had chosen a human, he had chosen a penniless woman to boot. 

"What?! But she is a human!" Barbara shrieked, her expression morphed to a face full of disgust. 

"Like mother like son. He didn't change much from his mother's mold who marry a human. If only instead of him, your other cousin was alive, he would never have done things like this to tarnish our family's name. I will report this to your grandfather and see what we can do."

The last thing Valerie want was to have a human niece in law. She didn't want to be spin as a clown amongst the vampire's society for marrying a human. 

On the other side of the room, Jung Hwa crossed his legs, leaning backward with an attitude very different than a criminal who had been caught.

Seoyeon entered to see Jung Hwa sitting like a king as if the whole room had become his house. Their eyes met and he pulled her his smile. 

"Was it far?" he asked when Seoyeon sat beside him as if it was the most natural place for her to choose. 

"No, it wasn't," she replied, not as far as she thought it would be. When she first walked with Gu Manyeong the hallway felt long as if the day would turn to the night before she was able to reach the washroom. But the moment she came back, it took her less than five minutes that had Seoyeon to almost think that she was under witchcraft on her first walk.

"I thought you would be lost, like Alice," Jung Hwa spent his time by playing with Seoyeon's finger. His gaze burnt to Seoyeon as he trailed on her neck. At times like this, Seoyeon hoped Jung Hwa wouldn't stare at her.

There was something intangible from his gaze that felt as if his finger covered the place his gaze focused on.  

"Someone showed me the way and lead me there," she quickly replied. Putting a hand on her neck, Seoyeon didn't want to look at his eyes to remember the heat she felt this morning from their kiss. Her voice then turned small, "I read the writing. Do you think I can enter Che Hara's house?"

"You would be," Jung Hwa assured her as if he had seen the future, "You have done this once before, twice wouldn't be hard."

She raised her brows, what was he saying? "I have never trespassed into someone's house."

"You did," Seoyeon tried to recollect when Jung Hwa added, "The orphanage."

"That was different..." she whispered, thinking it, she did break to the orphanage.

"You two are quite closer than I thought," came the third voice that chided their conversation. Seoyeon watched Jung Hwa's expression. His smile on her dropped, and she could almost hear in the back of her head the sound of needle ice fell on the ground. 

"I would like to be close with what I like to possess," Jung Hwa answered, his head turned from her to look at Chung Gon. The vampire had been quiet. Most guard for criminals or accused doesn't speak with the people they had captured, but this was an exception for Chung Gon. 

"It almost to my ear that you are calling her a thing," the man spoke in a way that he didn't seem to be wanting to upset anyone, but it did put Jung Hwa in a worse mood.

The expression he showed was something Seoyeon had never seen before. Sitting beside him with an angered expression caused her back to straighten at will.

"The age must have caught you then, seeing that your hearing is getting worse," Jung Hwa spoke without looking at the man. "For me, someone who treats others as a thing is still much better than someone who turned a blind eye to everything. But I don't blame you. Saying the truth takes courage; not everyone is born with one."

"Thank you for your understanding then," Chung Gon didn't look offended to Seoyeon.

The room fell silent. Taking the chance, Seoyeon asked him, "Do you know that person?"

"Hm," confirmed Jung Hwa. Uncrossing his feet as if to prepare to walk, "He is someone who took my mother's case which he wrote of as suicide even after seeing all the evidence that laid across him. He also wrote me as the prime suspect in the beginning as I had stabbed my mother while knowing that I didn't have the opportunity to make a different choice."

"Why did he do that?" Seoyeon couldn't judge if she didn't hear this from Jung Hwa. The man looked competent, but she had seen it wrong.

"Who knows," Jung Hwa shrugged his shoulders.

In time, the door was opened. Chung Gon stood up when seeing Deok Ji Hyeang. "Is it ready?" asked Chung Gon.

"Yes everyone has gathered," the person to reply was not Deok Ji Hyeang but another man who entered. His hair was black and long tied behind his back. "It gives me an odd feeling to be interrogating you," said the man to Jung Hwa. 

Seoyeon wondered who the man was. She remembered to see him before as the person who was on the court, asking her questions to interrogate her. Truth out that he knew Jung Hwa.

"It's not an everyday opportunity, enjoy it while it lasts," Jung Hwa confidently replied. When he noticed Seoyeon's eyes on Deok Ji Hyeang was with a frown, he laughed. Pulling her hand, he attracts her attention again.

"Don't look at him too much or I will get jealous. What are you seeing in Ji Hyeang?" Shamelessly, Jung Hwa had spoken and asked her aloud. 

Seoyeon could feel she attained some gazes from her left and right side, coming from the other three men. "Nothing," she whispered. There was too much, to begin with. Did Jung Hwa think she had stared at the man because she liked him? "It wasn't that," she replied.

"Wasn't that?" Gradually, Jung Hwa's voice becomes louder as if the attention he earned was not enough for him. He didn't like the way Seoyeon stared at Deok Ji Hyeang. He noticed Seoyeon stealing gazes on him, and was glad that she gotten over conscious of his face, and even find him to be handsome. Now, the attraction shifted to Deok Ji Hyeang.

Jung Hwa knew that Seoyeon didn't stare at the half-vampire just because he was a handsome man. It was something else, but it still didn't sit well with him.

While Lee Young spent his time staring at the young couple with a smile, Deok Ji Hyeag replied. "I told the young miss about the ghosts roaming around the building, she must have stared at me in disbelief."

"Ghosts," repeated Jung Hwa, his eyes then trailed at Seoyeon, "Do you want to see one now?"

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