I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 258 - Bursting Power-I

Che Hara evacuate immediately once the housekeeper showed her the other way to escape from the house. Fortunately, the trespasser who she knew far better was the witches that came from the same witchess who had visited her house last time using the skin of her friend. 

Her fear of witches attacking her house and family came to live, and she begin to regret her action today for not bringing death to Jung Hwa any earlier that could have saved her and her family's life. But now it was too late, she thought while watching the blood pattern on the floor and walls. 

As they had been running, Che Hara stumbled on her feet, and when she pushed herself to stand up, her eyes caught what she had stumbled was the body of a maid who she had talked to previously with her head not present on her neck.

She was about to scream when a louder scream came from the other side of the corridor. The housekeeper pulled her up from the ground, "Miss, we cannot stay here any longer, you need to run!" Although the housekeeper was a half vampire to see so many bodies on the floor turn his blood cold. He didn't want to be the next target of the killer but neither did he want to leave Che Hara here alone heartlessly as once in the past he was a human before being turn, he had more humane emotions in him than most vampires. 

"Father and mother, did you know if they escape?" Che Hara questioned but the housekeeper shook his head, indicating he didn't know much to Che Hara's despair.

"We will know once we leave the house," convinced the housekeeper before they got up from the place they were and continue to escape. They moved from one corridor to another which leads to the garden. Like most garden, the garden built in the vampiress' house was made outside the house, and for easier entrance for the servants, a door was built there. However, the door was rather hard to spot due to the garden filled with many greens from trees and flowers. 

One more corridor and they took the left turn where the door was when they saw a shadow moved at the far end of the corridor where the door to the garden was. A hum echoed from the opposite side of the corridor from where Che Hara and the housekeeper was. 

The humming was a peaceful and elementary song that was always sung by children with a cheerfulness in it. The singer had a beautiful voice that could make one awed by her voice if not for the current condition of the house where people was killed and sound of a scream rings out if one took a closer hearing into it. 

"Take a step back miss," warned the housekeeper when he noticed the shadow moved. Being a person with a quick wit, he could sense a bad news from this person at the far end corner. 

Che Hara didn't need to be told again to take two steps back but by doing so, she had pulled a string of misfortune by kicking the vase that settled on the ground. The vase rolled from the place where it first fell and hit the wall to create a distinct cling sound. 

Within a second, the song the person hummed stopped in a chilling voice and it moved it's face to look at the two people standing at the corner of the ground. 

"Can I do it?" asked the younger voice, a voice that Che Hara pressed to sound like one belong to a younger teen. 

"No, you've done more than enough. If you do more it would be a trouble to clean up," said the other voice which was older and stricter. 

The younger teen frowned, opposing to this idea, "But that's not fun, Ava! The mistress told us-"

Ava cut in between, clear and sharply, "My words goes by the mistress words. I have been chosen to oversee whatever to happen today. You have done enough, stand down, Heyeon."

Heyeon wasn't happy and she grumbled like the child she was. During the time the two had conversed, the lights at where Ava and Heoyeon was standing at was turned off but when one of them took a step forward, the light flickered and buzz as it was turned on.

The light continue to flicker between on and off, giving an eerier color as Che Hara, that had frozen in spot watching the witchess in fear if they moved they would be killed, saw blood painting the entire walls, even reaching to the ceiling that was very far away from the, in red, it's as if the lone corridor was painted in red when the whole house had a white interior.

Heads of men and women were collected on the right side of the walls while the bodies were placed in the left. The younger witchess, Heoyeon seemed like she was holding a harmless doll to her red dress but when Che Hara took a better look into it, she noted the dress original color wasn't red and it had only turn red because the amount of blood that soaked to her dress. What Heoyeon held on her hands wasn't a doll either but a human's head that had been severed cleanly where the eyes had disappeared from the socket, giving the scene a horrifying light for one to be traumatized their entire life. 

"Miss," started the housekeeper in a whisper and Che Hara was brought back from her state of fear. "You will need to run to the opposite corridor from here. This house is not safe, no matter what you need to escape from here even through the windows."

Che Hara was born and taught like a princess. She had never thought this day would fall to her, even more for her to feel pity for servants which she never did, "What about you?"

"I would be alright," the housekeeper told a lie that they both knew. He took a deep breath and shouted, "Now!" and Che Hara ran without looking back.

"Look, they ran! I told you it would be faster if I was to kill them," complained Heoyeon who watched what happened with a wide grin that was stretched as far as saucer.

"Quiet, Heoyeon," warned Ava. She didn't move from her place but raised her hand and almost immediately, the housekeeper felt his legs pulled with an incredible force that pulled him from the floor. Che Hara didn't have much time to run as well as she was pulled with the same force.

The vampiress struggled to stand up, and she curled her body while being dragged to see what actually had took her by her feet. Shivers broke out on her skin when she saw what had pulled her was a tail of a snake with scales that were a mix of green and blue color.

She tried to crawl her way to take a hold of anything that could help her from being drag by the snake tail, but it was useless as the snake had pulled her with not only a powerful pull but also a quick speed.

She was continued to drag until the tail stop and pull her to the air. Ava narrowed her eyes when seeing Che Hara, while Heoyeon beside her clapped her hand after staring at Che Hara's face, "Finally! This must be the daughter.. We have been awaiting for your arrival for a long time, it took you long to be here. Taking a standby here was the right choice!"

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