I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 260 - Bursting Power-III

Che Hara knew instinctively that she would die. The two witchess in front of her had proved out their power and she knew that was barely a show of their enormous power.

"Do you know which person is called Jung in the entire associate?" questioned Ava as she took one step forward to the vampiress. It wasn't her hobby to kill but Ava had her share of hatred against vampire which why she had come here and participate willingly to kill the people in the house.

Why was it Jung Hwa again? Delaying to reply because of the question that passed to her mind, the grip on her body tighten and hurriedly, Che Hara said, "I-I know! I even know where he lives."

Heoyeon looked at Ava with a wider smile, "This is perfect!"

"You are not lying to save your life, are you?" questioned Ava to the vampiress who was alerted immediately after being suspected.

"I am not!" said Che Hara, "He lives in Jeongsang street, I know where the house is, you only need to bring me there and I can bring you to him." At the moment Jung Hwa wasn't in his house but she didn't care, she thought there should be a chance for her to sneak out and escape. She doubted she would be able to if she is alone but if she directed them to a place where there is a lot of people and human, they won't have the chance to keep a keen eye on her. "I often visited-" Che Hara didn't had the chance to continue her words as immediately a sharp edge of a stone pierced her heart. No matter how strong a vampire was, only a few vampires could heal themselves when their heart was pierced.

"That's enough for us to know no need for you to come as well," Ava said coldly, watching Che Hara falling from the floor to the ground with blood pooling down below her as she tried to crawl her way for help. "Next is to burn this house, those humans that are hiding would die either way if they stays here from the fire."

Heoyeon nodded in agreement and clapped her hand with excitement. She then spared a glance at Che Hara that crawled on the floor, "It's a pity that she has to die painfully like this. As a thank for spilling out his location, I will give you a faster death." The girl witchess laughed and extended her hand, ready to launch her spell when she saw her hand in front of her suddenly went missing.

Blood immediately filled Heoyeon's eyes and at first she stood in a freeze before realizing someone had served her forearm. The window beside them had broken but it was too late for them to notice it as the person nimbly sliced the younger witchess' arm as soon as they broke into the window.

Heoyeon was caught off guard when a blade moved across her face, readying to attack her when a snake tail stopped in front of the blade and was sliced instead of the witchess's neck. 

"That's a poor welcome," Ava said, her eyes looking closely to the younger man who had come by breaking into the window on their left side. "For a hunter."

"Makes me think when there had been a time where a hunter comes peacefully knocking on doors," Seojun flashed a sweet smile toward the witchess, "Witches don't do thinks such as knocking either, right? We could be friend if our aesthetic is similar."

"I'm honored to hear you want to be friends with us. It would be very assuring to have a friend like you, but I doubt you'll take me as a friend with a mere greeting aesthetic?" she looked down at the daggers the handsome young hunter had on both hands where one was dripping with blood of her friend's.

Seojun chuckled, unlike the most hunters whose face were gruff he, in comparison, had a gentle-looking face, "There is a way for you to be friend with me if you intend to do so by washing yourself off from the sins you did. We can cut and severe your limbs according to how many injuries you inflict to the people whose live you've taken. Starting from what you did today and what you did since the past."

Ava stood before Heoyeon who was bleeding profusely as her hand was severed, the younger witchess went to panic as she tried to heal her hand but none of her magic work, "What did he do?! My hand is not healing!"

"It's the blade," said Ava, narrowing her eyes in it, "You have gotten such a precious blade, is it okay for a young hunter like you to be entrusted with that?"

"My parents had it, I don't expect you to know this blade." Seojun's smile slowly fade as knowing the dagger means this witchess have faced his parents before.

"I did," Ava confirmed, she didn't know how fate played their trick but it often goes around, just like now how the child of the hunters she faced off years ago meet her again in a fight off. "Because at that time I inflicted a very dangerous wound on your parents, I wasn't the one who took their lives though."

In an instant the smile on Seojun's face dropped, his eyes were black but when the lights that had flickered between off and on switched brighter, his eyes glistened in silver. "I am quite in a hurry now since my sister is here, but hearing this I don't think ten minute would be enough."

Ava looked interested at his words, preparing herself to a stance for a fight. "And how many minutes do you think you would be able to defeat me?"

"Eleven," Seojun responded, twirling the dagger on his hand to put the blade on the back.

"No!" Heoyeon stopped Ava by her cloak, her eyes were livid as she glared at Seojun, "I will be the one to take care of this. He is mine to kill!"

Ava turned her face toward Heoyeon with a cold eyes but the younger witchess didn't notice it as she was too furious to keep a calm state of mind. "For a person who got defeated by a slice, you shouldn't be here, Heoyeon, get back."

Hearing the tone of Ava's words which was demanding, the younger witchess became angrier, she shifted her blazing gaze to Ava when she felt a numb pain on her stomach and her eyes widened to have a better look on the face Ava had currently. Less than a second, Ava had pushed her hand into the witchess' stomach, causing blood to drip below her wide blue dress, "Never disobey me, did you forget that, Heoyeon?"

Seojun who watched what happened narrowed his furrowed brows. He knew witches were the last being that people could expect heart from, but to not feel any sympathy and kindred emotion to their own kin was worse than what he had in mind. Thinking about his parents, the grip on his dagger tightened. He needed to find his sister whose motorcycle he had spotted laying outside the wall of the house earlier.

Seojun didn't know how Seoyeon had gotten herself in the mess, but he had a faint idea that it was the pureblood, Jung Hwa's involvement that leads to this. He gritted his teeth further. 

Heoyeon quickly nodded because she knows one more word of disobedience from her would usher her death. Taking one step back, the younger witchess faded to the shadow and disappeared. Seojun took one sharp glass that laid near his feet to threw it over where Heoyeon had disappeared only to hit nothing as the younger witchess had disappeared.

"Why do I think you are in a hurry, someone important of yours in here, hunter?" asked Ava who is now alone but she didn't appear perturb at the fact she would be fighting a hunger alone as she had the confidence the fight would last lesser than eleven minute with her as the winner. "Are you afraid that person of yours would get hurt? I see that you are alone which mean you have come here for your personal mission."

"You're wrong," Seojun said with a solemn expression, "What I am afraid the most isn't her getting hurt but something entirely worse than that." Seojun didn't came here only to save his sister. He had moved alone as the rest of the hunters that were assigned to take care of the witchess's war that broke to one of a vampire's household once he spotted his sister's motorcycle for he fears the secret his parents told him to keep until death would break out to the world today. 

Not only would the secret be bad for the entire world, it would also be dangerous for his older sister. His hatred toward Ava comes second to this.

"What's that?" curiosity came on Ava's voice. Being a person who had once someone to protect there should be nothing worse than the person they treasured getting hurt. 

"I'm afraid this entire household would turn to nothingness." Seojun didn't waste another breath to explain and charged forward to kill the witchess in front of him who would stand in his way to meet Seoyeon.

Even if he was young, Seojun had become even one of the strongest captain of the Hunters. His hardwork payed off as he had something he needed to protect even with his life on the lines. Because of his past experiences of fighting the witchess, taking a single witchess alone shouldn't be a big deal, the problem was Ava was not a normal witch either. She was the person chose by the Mistress herself as the third-in-command who could use her authority to order the witches under her, proving the extent to her witchcraft potential.

Each movement the two people made was effortless, not one of them wanting to loosen their guard even for a second. Seojun used both hands to push his daggers in a speed that made the wind flew opposite sides when he swung them. When he manage to stab his dagger on Ava's right palm and another on her left shoulders that suppose to block the movement of the witchess for a second, a large and thick scaled tail whipped out from Ava's back, hitting Seojun's stomach and threw him off from the floor. 

In the middle of being thrown from the floor, Seojun pushed himself and made a full circle jump to stand back on the floor. He didn't have a breath to inhale as the next moment Ava appeared in front of his face with a sneer, "Eleven minutes did you say? That's barely a full one minute, good boy."

"It is eleven minute," Seojun wasn't the least surprised as he pushed the dagger on his arm to pierce Ava's chin as he had read the witchess's movement since the time he was thrown across the floor.

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