I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 269 - Family Time-III

If there was one thing Seoyeon learned in the gatherings of vampires was that she needed to stay quiet. If she could steady her heartbeat at will that would have been better but for it to happen she would need to turn to a half vampire, she thought.

"Priorities," Lee Young repeated Jung Hwa's words as he looked at her and his gaze studied her whole figure. "Younglings, I can understand but the Associates don't. They only be pleased that you have destroyed the cellroom they built with all the money they kept so preciously."

"That is what it means to be young, to make mistakes and learn from it," responded Jung Hwa gaining the pureblood's laughter, "Did you come to follow me?"

"Yes while I bring your grandfather from the airport," Lee Young raises his hand to the man who appeared older, his black haired had been grayed since the last two decades. 

Jung Hwa met his grandfather's guess and Seoyeon keenly watched their expression. She had heard that out of all his family members, Jung Hwa was the closest to his grandfather and she spotted the smile that looked milder than before when looking at his grandfather.

"Did you bring my future new grandmother?" Jung Hwa joked when his grandfather rolled his eyes.

"With this age of mine? I might be able to find one if I try hard but borrowing your words," his eyes then moved to Seoyeon, "I have my priorities." He then went to pull Jung Hwa for a hug and although Jung Hwa didn't show it, she could see how his smile widened with the hug. Seeing it brought an overwhelming happiness to Seoyeon's heart. She didn't have a family members this close other than Seojun which why she could understand the happiness they two shared with the warmth hug.

After the older Jung pulled away from the hug, he went toward Seoyeon, a handshake was offered to her from him, "Finally I met you, I have heard a few words about you from  my  grandson but only now did I see you. I am Jung Cheyong, you can call me grandfather Jung."

Suddenly Seoyeon felt nervous rising from her fingertips slowly like how a root spread, "It is very nice to meet you too, g-grandfather Jung, my name is Seoyeon. Jung Hwa's..." drawled Seoyeon she often say she was his secretary yet now she wasn't sure if that word was what she want to use when introducing herself to Jung Hwa's grandfather. Her eyes shifted to Jung Hwa and there she saw him smiling.

"Someone I am trying to woo," Jung Hwa helped her as Seoyeon seemed to be bothered but it was great because for a moment, Seoyeon had thought of another word to use when describing their relationship. She was progressing and his heart never felt more alive to be aware of this progress. 

"I know," Jung Cheyong replied, "Well let's get to the main problem. Why did she and those two are here with you?"

"I asked them to," responded Jung Hwa and his grandfather's eyes fell on the blood that soaked his shirt. A frown marred his forehead and Jung Hwa noticed it but he continue, "Today's misfortune could be seen as my doing in case if the Associates Judges think so but I have the evidence that I wasn't the one who had killed Chu Sunji. In case for Che Hara she is dead along with the rest of her family."

Seoyeon wasn't sure if she could feel relieved that Jung Hwa could still acquire his evidence that could prove his innocence after what happened. But she didn't want him to die for something he never did.

"Have anyone take a note on how many people that had been estimated to die?" Lee Young questioned the person on his left.

"We have only count the bodies on the first floor, the Hunters are helping us to see the corpses on the second floor," replied one vampire who then saw Lee Young's hand raised and left. "We can talk about your evidence after this. Let me have your opinion of what exactly took place here?"

"The dark witches came to attack," Jung Hwa explained using the simplest wordings, "Few of my people came to defend and they succeeded. If you question what I guess for their reason to attack, it would be nothing."

Lee Young narrowed his eyes, Jung Hwa had been known to be a pureblood with a high intellectual. It was part of reason why he had asked him to work in the Associates to borrow his insight. Yet the answer confounded him. 

"They attacked not because of revenge, anger, or hatred but nothing," Jung Hwa continued his explanation, "I can tell they just came here only to make a mess, to erect a warning to vampires that they are stronger, more powerful, and as for why it has to be this house that they chose, it is due to Che Hara's involvement to the witches. She knew who this witch was and the witch had threatened her to accuse someone else as Chu Sunji's killer."

"So this is involved with Chu Sunji's case," Lee Young nodded while Seoyeon was confused.

"The evidence that I have is here," Jung Hwa snapped his finger and for a moment a large circle of blood appeared beside him, surprising Seoyeon as it came right across her eyes. The blood was more than a size of a watermelon and suddenly it popped, bursting but the blood didn't splash anywhere and instead disappear to air. Seoyeon felt as if it was a magic trick and from that magic trick, a luggage fell to the ground. 

Old stain of blood appeared on the corner of the luggage. Lee Young took the initiative to open the luggage only to frown when seeing the body of a vampiress that had rotted.

Seoyeon can't help but buried her face to her palm and avert her eyes until the luggage was closed. "Whose body is this?" asked Seoyeon to Jung Hwa.

"Someone who I have been searching for after Chu Sunji died, the vampiress who are a close friend to Che Hara," he explained, gathering confusion of people.

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