I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 271 - Stay With Me-II

On the question Seoyeon took a pause. There were too many emotions that he had in her heart at the moment, swirling inside her heart as if her heart was a container and her emotions was water of many colors. When it comes to Jung Hwa those colored water separated, leaving a distinct different emotions which was directed only for him; causing her to be more aware of the emotions she held for him.

"I-" Seoyeon was about to say when Lee Young pulled his index finger over his lips, signaling her to not speak.

"Let's take it as I have never asked thy question. Emotions between two people is better taken care by the ones who are involved; and I do not want to get in between you two," and when Seoyeon lifted her eyebrows, Lee Young grinned, "Feelings stay as feelings forever unless you decide to tell others what you feel. Every relationship begins with a step and that steps acquire courage." He said while getting near her ears and lowered his voice, "Which why I hope you can tell Hwa those feelings you have to him and save him."

"Save him?" Seoyeon caught the word that didn't make sense to her but Lee Young didn't take the time to interpret his words. She could only tell the meaningful smile he dropped before he departed from the spot next to her right and left, leaving her in a puzzle.

When Jung Hwa had finished catching up with his grandfather, Seoyeon stood beside him. She was drown in her thought about the last two words Lee Young had told her. 

"Will you be staying here?" asked grandfather Jung to Lee Young.

The oldest pureblood nodded his head, his long hair falling when he moved, "I will take care of the rest myself. My grandnephew needs to rest with the amount of wound you receive. I know you are trying hard but in fact you are in the border of getting crazy from thirst of blood. You would not want to suck dry a person by mistake, don't you?" Questioned Lee Young and Jung Hwa could tell who that person he mentioned was which was none other than Seoyeon.

"Thank you, grand uncle," Jung Hwa humored the pureblood who then laughed. Soon after Lee Young left with his subordinate, taking the unconscious Yu Sheen who was still asleep and it was only at that time did Seoyeon learn the connection the half-vampire had with Lee Young.

"I will also be taking my leave, there are many Hunters here and I am not comfortable with them," informed Min Beomgyu and Jung Hwa didn't stop him, letting him leave as the white witch had considerably done well. That is if Jung Hwa turn a blind eye to how the white witch didn't participate in any fights because by far he seemed to be the only person with less wound.

"Will you be going home?" questioned grandfather Jung once the white witch took off from the place; and when Jung Hwa nodded, he asked another question, "Where will you be going? I would be very happy if I can spend a night with my grandson under my roof."

"Seoyeon is staying at my house we can't bother you by staying in your house," Jung Hwa rejected the offer playfully and Seoyeon could see how grandfather Jung looked saddened by this. "I have given you some company, he can spend time with you in your room if you allow him to."

"That wolf?" Grandfather Jung shook his head and Seoyeon realized it was the same wolf that she and Jung Hwa had seen together. While entering his house in the beginning, Seoyeon wondered where the wolf have gone to and now she learned that Hwa had placed the wolf in his grandfather's house. 

Grandfather Jung sighed seeming exasperated with the idea of the wolf being pulled back, "Ever since that wolf came to my house he would run in the hallways, causing the servants in the house to be screaming with horror."

"He won't bite people," Jung Hwa claimed, not bothered with how people screamed horror when seeing the wold he brought back home instead, he appeared to be smiling to Seoyeon's eyes and she wondered how he could take that as a joke. It's also one of the reason why he had tell her to pat the wolf that day.

"He won't bite them but people wouldn't get close to them either. The servants in my house are not vampires but humans. What do you think human would do seeing a wolf with a large frame running toward them?"

"Hug them," replied Jung Hwa. "Wolf has only one difference than a dog. They eat raw meat and that's all. There are many dogs who are as large as a wolf. Why would you get scared when most of the time humans would hug dogs if they sees one."

"It's due to the fact they could eat raw meat that humans don't want to touch them!" said Grandfather Jung with an exclaim. The old man was confused, while his grandson appeared normal in the past by being less ruthless than his late daughter or eldest grandson, there was still the difference between him and human.

"Okay, what would you do if you see a wolf then, Seoyeon?" Asked Jung Hwa while bringing her in so casually to the conversation.

"Escape," Seoyeon replied and grandfather Jung clapped his hand in approval.

Jung Hwa looked at her and gave her a disapproving pout, "You are not in my side despite being my secretary, are you?"

"She is in human's side!" Grandfather Jung said, "That's what I have been saying. In any case, do you want to see an old man playing with wolf from morning until night? Do you not feel sorry for me? If it is about Miss Seoyeon's room I have enough vacant room in my house."

Jung Hwa frowned and he was about to reject the offer his grandfather whined again when Seoyeon catch his hand, taking his attention, "I don't mind if we go there." 

Being someone with a family, she knew how joyful it was to be able to gather together and just because she was a guest she didn't want to interrupt the time between them. She had seen and talked with Valerie, the woman, thought Seoyeon was a terror. She could easily accuse Jung Hwa for killing his mother and brother that could cost him his life. Yet the woman had done it. It posed another question to Seoyeon that had her wonder if the reason for Valerie to accuse Jung Hwa was solely for her anger to his mother? Or may there be another reason?

Jung Hwa hummed and she sighted another smile of his, "Then that's settled. You can go back first grandfather I will come back after you. There are things we need to settle before going back home."

"I will be waiting for you two in the dining room then. I will also notify June to prepare a grand dishes!" The old vampire said excitedly before he left, seemingly happy and eager to have his grandson in his house.

"He seems very happy," Seoyeon commented while looking at his grandfather. 

"Because you agreed his invitation. My grandfather hates to be alone," amused Jung Hwa as he took a step away from the place he stood at and Seoyeon immediately followed.

"You know that and yet you refused his invitation?" When seeing there was a rubble on her path, Seoyeon fastened her steps, taking four more steps faster than Jung Hwa.

"That was my first time refusing him."

Seoyeon then turn when she heard his words, her eyes narrowing, "You did it in purpose? You wanted me to be the one to decide it."

"I am not sure if you would like staying in my house. A warning, although most servants are humans there doesn't mean there are no vampire. You had enough fill of horror today and I don't want you to get emotionally tired with vampires all around you twenty-four-seven," Jung Hwa pulled a boyish smile and Seoyeon felt her heart shake with his consideration.

"But you are a vampire too," she teased.

Jung Hwa took one step to climb over the debris of broken wall to hop a few step and stand beside her. He took his hand where there was a scratch and pulled something from his pocket. Seoyeon was curious when she saw it was a vial and he poured what was inside to the wound on her hand. In second, the wound disappeared, "Yes I am a vampire but am I not the sweet, good, and kind vampire who always think of your well-being? Deep down I am sure you know you different I am than others."

Seoyeon looked at his eyes when he lifted his chin, "Yes, I know," she whispered and Jung Hwa never missed how lovely her expression was while looking at him. He was sure that in this entire world there was only him who she would show such a mellowed and loving gaze and he took proud in it.

"And I forget to add one more thing to the list," said Jung Hwa with his three fingers raised with the rest folded, "Handsome," and with a satisfied expression he lifted his fourth finger. 

"Narcissist," Seoyeon remarked and saw his lips curled deeper.

"I am not being narcissistic. One I am stating the truth and second, I want to appeal myself in front of you," winked Jung Hwa when he wiped her hand from the liquid, smearing some to the cuts on her face.

"Is that why you brought yourself handsome for a few times during our talk in the dates that we went to?"

"Oh you caught me," Jung Hwa grinned, "But what can I do when I want to shine in your eyes?"

"Thank you," Seoyeon took her hand the her side when he released them. "And for today too and saving me." even when it almost cost his life, thought Seoyeon, she was moved by the thought of him had saved her and she felt butterflies in her stomach when thinking that he had done it all for the love he held for her.

Jung Hwa stared back at her eyes that sparkled even though the moon was covered by the cloud and the sky was starless. It's as if the stars had disappeared from the sky to be in her eyes. "I should be the one who thanked you, you had helped me with the evidence even though now you had to get hurt. Let's get back, being with you now with my thirst is hard to contain."

Seoyeon remembered Lee Young words and noticed how Jung Hwa had been holding himself from sinking his teeth to her neck and she wasn't wrong. At the moment, Jung Hwa felt his gum heart because his fangs were aching to drink blood. Seoyeon was the most delicious person to his eyes now and for a hungered person to see their delicious food it almost drive him crazy but he wanted to take care of her not the way he treated food. 

Yet Seoyeon surprised him by saying, "Do you want to drink my blood?"

"You were scared still last time, are you sure?" Jung Hwa questioned while staring deeply in her eyes, "I need a lot of blood at this moment." He decided to let her know the consequence of him needing her blood.

"I believe in you," was the simple words Seoyeon said that was deep from her heart and it also drive the cogs in his heart. She was scared and she think it will take her some time to get used to the idea of being eaten, but she also want to help Jung Hwa and that feeling was stronger than her fear.

Jung Hwa smiled. It was at time like these he always felt that Seoyeon was much stronger than anyone ever thought. She was scared yet she still helped him. Perhaps it was because he had helped her first and she only offered him her blood out of guilt and gratefulness, nonetheless he was happy that she trusted her. It's a step further to their relationship. "Let's go back.." He said with his hand locked with hers.

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