I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 273 - Dinner Together-I

"Before one changes fully into a catalyst, my parents found out that they goes through certain stages. There are possibly four of them and few hours ago during the time you were injured, I saw it," Seojun said, his hand clenching tighter to his phone. 

"What did you saw?" Jung Hwa questioned with narrowed eyes.

"The blue veins, a sign of the third stage," Seojun responded through a clenched teeth.

Jung Hwa's eyes widened which fail to prevail long as he didn't want to surprise Seoyeon with a sudden earthquake of a new information that would never be easy for her to accept. In a thought, rather than accepting the fact, Jung Hwa decided to find the loopholes that he found, "You said there are four stages what about the first and second?"

"I don't know. Have you seen any black markings on her neck or a sign of her eyes glowing?" Seojun asked, trying to find the answer as well.

"No, during the entire time she was with me that never happen," and Jung Hwa clicked his tongue. What was happening? Was it normal for the catalyst to grow faster in Seoyeon when other catalyst had to go through the first and second stages? "Is it possible that her growth is different from other catalyst?"

"I hoped so, but all catalyst went through the same stages, similar to the first catalyst. It was written in a book that my parents have from their ancestors. I wished I was wrong and I wished Seoyeon's stages was different because she was unique, but that blue veins that I know is the third stage."

There was only one more stage, thought Jung Hwa and the word of the fortune teller came to his mind. If one day the catalyst's power broke the seal, they would have no choice but to seal her entire memory. Jung Hwa swore he would never let that happen. For that he needs to find way for Seoyeon to surprise the catalyst as it seem the power grew in her without her own knowing. "Earlier you spoke about the previous catalysts, what happened to them after the catalyst took over?"

A silence passed as Seojun didn't reply to his words and Jung Hwa could feel in his entire bone the premonition that washed through his body.

"Except for the first catalyst, all the previous holders of the catalyst before Seoyeon had to be killed."

Jung Hwa's hand which was rested on his left side turned to a clenched fist, "Who killed them?"

"Us," Seojun replied, taking the word slow, "My ancestors. It was their responsibility to end the life of the catalyst before their power broke loose and like them, I was trained to protect her so the catalyst wouldn't fall to the wrong hands and to kill her in case the catalyst took over her."

"Kill her?" Jung Hwa repeated the word with a low growl, his eyes had turned blood red as his blood boiled with anger. "Was that what you were going to do when seeing that blue veins?"

Seojun didn't deny immediately. It took him minutes to softly release his reply, "Yes. I should have taken her life right there."

"And all this time you have stayed quiet as the loving little brother," Jung Hwa laughed sarcastically, "I was never wrong when I said her family is filled with rotten people, and you are included. Did she ever had the choice to enjoy her life when everyone had decided to kill her while keeping everything about her in the dark? What do you think would happen to her when the catalyst power burst while she was unaware of everything and how she would feel if she saw her own family kill her?"

"We don't have a choice-"

"I will make the choice," Jung Hwa reiterated, pressing a deep emphasis on each of his words. Anger was evident in his voice, and his red eyes glowered as if he was right across Seojun. "If the first catalyst was able to use the catalyst's power to her will, Seoyeon will be able to do it too. None of you tried to find a way out of this but I will."

"You know nothing Mr. Jung," Seojun replied to his words with a pressed anger, "We have tried everything. My ancestors did. My parents did. I did. But there was no way out of this. The book that the fortune teller told us was created hundred of years ago. What do you think the chance of finding it when my whole ancestors was never able to find it?"

"Whether the chance is low if there is a way I will find it. With or without anyone's help. And unlike you, I will tell Seoyeon about everything. She deserve to know what is inside her which all of you failed to tell her." Jung Hwa refuse to believe there was no way for Seoyeon to control her power. He had seen people who was born with abilities that were not compatible with their body, causing them to suffer from their own power. Seoyeon's case was different. Her body was used as a container and a seal to suppress the catalyst power, however, the first catalyst was able to utilize the power for herself. And Jung Hwa put the bet on that idea.

Seojun gritted his teeth, he closed his eyes and opened it while saying, "Do not tell her about me. Tomorrow I will tell her everything about me and my parents."

If Jung Hwa could get a punch across Seojun's face he would have done it for he had been hiding everything from Seoyeon when she could have use the time to find ways to help herself but he didn't which now cause her to being on the third stage. The only reason why he didn't punch the man was because Seoyeon would get hurt and sad, and if there was one thing he dislike the most to see was Seoyeon crying in pain. To see her smile and go wipe her tears, he would do anything even if it means turning against the whole world.

"Do what you want," Jung Hwa said before ending the call. By the time he had given Seoyeon the phone, the anger and frustration that marred his face had disappeared and he showed her a cocky smile to hid what he had heard.

"What did Seojun tells you?" Asked Seoyeon, putting her phone inside her pocket, she didn't saw Jung Hwa's eyes narrowed faintly, "For a moment I heard you two speaking excitedly."

Jung Hwa chuckled upon hearing her, "What do you think could make us excited?"

"I don't know, maybe sport?" Seoyeon made a guess. "Boys get excited with sports."

"Not entirely wrong but we didn't talked about sport. We talked about you," he smiled and Seoyeon caught the way he had pulled his lips gently, filling his heart with warmth that turn into heat rushing to her cheeks and head.

Was it her body that turn hot? Because she could see the AC was turned on. "Liar. What is there to be excited if you speak about me?"

"My silly cat. Your entire self is the seed to my excitement," he leaned forward and when his face cut the distance that caused by their height difference, Seoyeon felt her heartbeat drum next to her ears, she closed her eyes only to hear him speak again from the side of her ears, "What about yourself? I want to hear what you spoke about with Lee Young? You seemed to be excited."

Seoyeon opened her eyes to see that he was taking the pillow on the couch and felt like a fool for thinking he was about to kiss her. When she retrace her memories and talk with Lee Young, her eyes that looked at him narrowed, "I know you what you are trying to do?"

Jung Hwa raised his brows, "What am I going to do? What is that? I don't think I understand." He said, playing a fool which doesn't suit him, thought Seoyeon.

"Don't tease me. I know you eavesdropped to our conversation," Seoyeon watched him taking a seat, and he reached out his hand to held hers. With one pull, he tugged her to the couch and Seoyeon fell her her jumped at the sudden fall even though she had expected it.

"You know," whispered Jung Hwa. The way his breaths hit hers was like a soft feather which felt as hot as a burning iron. "That's great then. It will make this confession session shorter if you knew I eavesdropped to your conversation.. You can tell me what words Lee Young interrupted me from hearing them," his thumb pressed her lower lips and Seoyeon's breaths hitch when she felt lips travel against her naked neck, "Now with your own lips and your eyes looking at mine."

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