I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 276 - Meditating The Situation-I

Every time Seoyeon took a breath, it immediately flew away from her lungs, causing her to pant for breaths in a hurry. Jung Hwa didn't drink too much blood from her that would cause her to faint but she can't help to feel light-headed and it wasn't due to loosing blood but rather his process of drinking blood from her body.

"You drank too much," she complained and see him chuckle. The way his fingers glide on her inner thigh was dangerous as it was in the borderline of touching her and getting deeper in a place he should not.

"Blaming me again. I only drink a little more than a mosquito," Jung Hwa leaned forward to kiss her forehead, pulling back to kiss her lips and settled himself over her to watch her expression, wanting to keep her under his arms forever and protect her from the chaos of the world and hands that want to tear down their little happiness.

Finding him staring and not doing anything, make her felt embarrassed, "What are you looking at?"

"At how delicious you are," he hummed, licking his lips as if he didn't have enough of her yet but abstained himself as Seoyeon had been tired today. "Seeing your expression melted when I drink your blood is something I wish to look everyday."

Seoyeon shook her head, not understanding what he meant as all this time she could only see his expression and didn't know how she looked like at the moment. "I think I won't be able to handle it if you drink my blood each day," she responded, when she had gathered herself and took a better position to sit, she asked, "Earlier what else did you speak to Seojun? You spoke long so I thought maybe you spoke about something intricate."

Jung Hwa shifted his gaze to her. As he had told to Seojun, he won't hide anything about the catalyst from her when she deserve to know what was happening inside her body, it might broke her heart but it was much better than knowing it when it was too late.

"I didn't speak that much with him, we only talked about you, I don't lie," Jung Hwa said. It was true that he didn't lie but at the same he didn't told her the truth about Seojun being a hunter. Not because he supported the younger brother but because he respect Seoyeon. Matters of family was best settled amongst themselves, thought Jung Hwa.

"Instead, there is something important which I need to talk with you," he said and Seoyeon noticed the turn of serious tone which he used. "It's about-"

"Excuse me, young master Hwa," the voice interrupted them from the other side of the door, adding a frown to Jung Hwa's forehead which Seoyeon caught. "The Master had been waiting for the two of you in the dinner room. He asked if you would need more time...or if it would take the whole-"

"We will be there soon," Jung Hwa shooed off the servant who quickly left the door. "Let's go," he offered his hand to Seoyeon and she took it to stand from the couch.

"What were you going to say earlier?" she asked when they were about to leave the room because it seemed to be important.

"We can talk about it after dinner," Jung Hwa decided which Seoyeon replied with a nod to.

Leaving toward the dinner room, Seoyeon saw Grandfather Jung sitting on the middle of the rectangular dining room. Upon seeing them his face beamed with a smile and she could feel the happiness radiating from the man who finally met his grandson. Jung Hwa seemed to be the opposite of excited, however, if he didn't like his grandfather, he would have treated him the same way he treated Mrs Valerie which Seoyeon could tell that deep down, he treasured his grandfather. 

"I thought you would take another hour," said the older man, offering a seat in front of them toward the two.

Seoyeon murmured a thank you which was responded with a smile. Meanwhile Jung Hwa rolled his eyes at his grandfather, "If you know it would have taken another hour, why did you sent the servant?" and his grandfather replied with a silent smile.

Seoyeon didn't react due to her embarrassment and kept silence. Not long the food was served and she wondered if the two pureblood would eat or it would only be her which would be very awkward. But much to her worry, Jung Hwa participate in the eating, even helping her by cutting the meat which was cooked well.

Grandfather Jung eyed what happen and smiled underneath his bent head, "Lee Young told me about everything including how you were brought to the court again."

"It's not the first time, I know what I need to do based in my experience," Jung Hwa replied casually as if it wasn't something important when in truth, they all know being called to to the court is very critical experience that most vampires on his place wouldn't like to be at.

Seoyeon watched the elder vampire's expression noting there was a smile on his face that looked much older than Lee Young's which somewhere make her curious if they were truly close in age as Lee Young seemed to still keep the appearance of a man in his early thirty while Grandfather Jung appeared to be in his late fifties.

His squared jaw had lost it sharpness and his skin turn wrinkly but the eyes, thought Seoyeon must have been something that Jung Hwa took from him. Over Jung Hwa's light reply which he didn't seem to be bothered with, it was received the opposite way to his grandfather, he appeared to be sad and Seoyeon noticed it well which she sure Jung Hwa also knew but he didn't press on it.

"I see that Auntie finally left this house," Jung Hwa commented, evident that he was swerving the conversation, "I don't know how long I can handle staying quiet with her presence."

Mrs Valerie lived here for a while? Asked Seoyeon in her mind, remembering that they were related as somewhere Seoyeon couldn't feel that they were related, especially after looking at Jung Hwa's Grandfather who didn't bear any little resemblance to Mrs Valerie.

"I know it's not easy handling her, Hwa; but no matter how angry you are I hope you won't cross the line by killing her. Related or not she is still your aunt," replied grandfather Jung that had Seoyeon to raise her brows.

"Precisely because she isn't related to me that she should relax," Jung Hwa hummed, cutting his meat that was cooked in a way so fresh blood dribbled from the cut of his knife, "I heard what she told to Barbara, telling her to stay away from me out of fear that I would kill her daughter, claiming that I kill my own relatives. Because she is relative by name and not blood, she should have the least worry. Next time you should tell her that. But then..." Jung Hwa hummed in a whisper, looking fairly innocent as if he wasn't aware of what he had said. His eyes glistened when he stared at the blood and his tongue sneaked out to lick his upper lip, "I also kill people who isn't related to me. I will take my words back, tell her to be careful for her entire life."

"I won't tell she doesn't mean harm to you," grandfather Jung said, and Seoyeon didn't know if the older man would protect Mrs Jin, or he would be on the neutral state as he seemed to her would settle on the latter case, "But I wish you won't spill blood in process."

"How can I, when auntie had been so kind to me?" and Seoyeon could hear the striking sarcasm from his words, "She had treated me well and even help me to go to trip at times to the prisons in Associates and the courtroom. Yesterday's incident too, is perhaps thanks to her teaching that I could immediately guess what to do. I will try not to kill her." 

And at this, she could hear grandfather Jung inhaling a deep breath as if tired.

It didn't appear that Jung Hwa would stop his sarcasm at any point soon which was something he often do to people, making them feel cornered but Seoyeon didn't expect he would do the same to his own grandfather. Did perhaps he felt slightly spiteful that his grandfather wasn't there to solved the matter or warn Mrs Valerie?

Seoyeon decided to speak to meditate the tension in the room which she could tell didn't only affect her but the servant who was there, "You have a very wonderful home, grandfather. How long have you've been living here?"

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