I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 279 - Hate Me Or You-I

Seoyeon wasn't aware of this part of the story as Jung Hwa only told her regarding his mother and his father's relationship, "How was his brother like?" asked Seoyeon who wanted to know more.

"Evil," said Grandfather Jung, catching Seoyeon's surprise he smiled, "It sounds strange for me who is a pureblood being gentle, don't you think?" and if Seoyeon had to be honest she did thought it was strange because vampires who weren't even a pureblood was cruel and ruthless. 

"I was once like my daughter and Hwa even if you don't believe me. I was no less wild than Hwa and even done worse things than him. When I met my wife it changed because I see things differently now through her gaze. But his brother was different. If there was a word to describe pure evil that is him. He only took Hwa as his brother and his mother as people who he treasured because they are family. The rest-" Grandfather Jung sighed underneath his breath, "They were no less than a wild weed to him. He was cruel and there had been signs since he was young. Hwa was much milder than him and perhaps because his blood thinned with his father being a human. I was glad that Hwa didn't adopt his mother's teaching because they were just too cruel for children. When he grew up, however, I feel like he took down his mother's path and it worries me."

Seoyeon saw Grandfather Jung in distress and she shook her head, smiling to encourage the elderly man, "Hwa is a very gentle person, sir. He doesn't hurt people who don't hurt him and he didn't kill necessarily. Even though he might have some problem with people, I assure you that he never crosses the line."

"Unless they go over the line first," Grandfather Jung continued and Seoyeon can't help but chuckle. "But I can see from how gentle he is taking care of you that he still didn't change. He was still the same. He also took care of a cat very carefully in the past, but it disappeared."

"I have heard about it," Seoyeon responded. "I heard it was the first gift Hwa requested to his mother."

"The cat was initially his brother's but after knowing that Hwa wanted the cat, he gave the cat. Now that I think of it, that was Raulen's first ever action of kindness. He never gave things to others," grandfather Jung said, "Raulen is Hwa's older brother's name."

Even though a person could be as evil as they could, Seoyeon learned that they still hold the softest spot for their dear family. Her chin lifted to look at the moon, noticing how the stars had come back after earlier in Che Hara's house where she noted the sky had turned a blank inky canvas.

"Do you wonder why I brought you here away from others?" came Grandfather Jung's voice again. "By now I thought you will fear me. I am a pureblood and although I am gentle I am still the grandfather of Hwa where he inherited his cruel side from."

Seoyeon offered the man a smile, "It would be a lie if I said I'm not scared and I think you would know that," she said, recalling the earlier time where Jung Hwa had stripped her lies. She saw Grandfather Jung raising his left eyebrows that were a mix of gray and black hair, "But I am not scared because you would kill me."

"You believe that I won't kill you?" questioned the man with a smile that didn't reach his eyes. Seoyeon could feel the air hit rock bottom to let the tense arise. The man's black iris change its color to red, glowing as Seoyeon felt warned by the change of his eye colors. "I have just learned that you are a witch, Miss Seoyeon. I have told Hwa that witches aren't real but in truth, I know them and have killed a few."

"Why didn't you tell him?" questioned Seoyeon because she knew Hwa would have wanted to know about it too.

"Because he is my grandson, the last one, and my only family member. Witches are much more dangerous than what was written in the book. They are malicious and even though the years had passed and wore them down, I trust that one of them still held this ruthless belief in them that would use anything for their own goal," Grandfather Jung looked at her and Seoyeon saw his eyes seizing her, "I have killed witches in the past, it was a couple. I think it was not long after my daughter was poisoned by the witches. Once I found them I killed them. Like Hwa, I was angry with the loss of my daughter and had killed them in a way you won't be able to imagine. That anger is still deeply rooted in me. Which why it is foolish Seoyeon if you think I won't kill you."

Instead of being pressured, Seoyeon still maintained her smile, she said, "I know, Mr. Jung of your anger to the witches. I said earlier, I am not scared that you would kill me because I strongly believe you won't."


"Because I can tell how much you love Hwa," and her reply had the man nailed with a blank look before he burst into a bubble of laughter,

"You are confident just simply for that reason?" Grandfather Jung stopped on his feet, pulling his hands on the back. "I can allow Hwa to hate me for killing you, a vampire's span of life is more than a century, and don't forget I am still his family. If I wait for another five decades and wait for his anger to subside before he would forgive me and you will be forgotten as Hwa would take a new person by his side."

"No," Seoyeon interrupted the man, "I know you don't fear to be hated by Hwa," and that was why he had strongly gone against Hwa's idea of witches. "You are not scared that Hwa would hate you but you fear that you would hurt his heart instead. That is what I can tell for now— that you treasured Hwa more than anything and that you love him so much that you can't harm him."

Grandfather Jung stared at her without a smile for a good one minute before breaking into bubbly laughter that was sincere, "I can tell why he chose you. You are correct. Even though I can kill you know I won't and that is because I don't want my dead grandson to be sad and wallow in sorrow like I did when I lost my wife. But there is one more reason Seoyeon that you don't know," and Seoyeon stared at the man with a questioning gaze, "I have taken quite a liking to you. In fact, I have been hearing you from Lee Young. I do have some puzzles though, you said you weren't scared of me killing you, what are you afraid of then? I can tell that your heartbeat is quite fast."

Seoyeon pulled her hand together, she gave the man a queasy smile, "I was slightly afraid that you would hate me."

The man looked at her, noticing how the girl was not like the witches he knew who was ambitious, and perhaps it was because she had just learned that she was a witch or maybe because there was something that different from the girl which Grandfather Jung had noticed since he first saw Seoyeon. He can't put his finger in it but he could sense the difference Seoyeon had amongst others. She appeared so normal yet at the same time as if she was hiding a great strength that she wasn't aware of herself.

"I won't," laughed Grandfather Jung, and that had Seoyeon to feel relieved. It was just a few hours ago where she returned Jung Hwa's love and she wouldn't want his last family member to dislike her on the get go. 

Filling the silence, Seoyeon looked behind to see whether Hwa has come back and decided to spend more time with the elder vampire as he knew about things that she doesn't regarding Hwa. "Have you met many witches in the past?" asked Seoyeon to see the man hummed in a thought.

"I have talked to some that I can talk with and killed most who can't be reason with. I talked lesser than the ones that I have killed, however," Grandfather Jung replied, and Seoyeon nodded, she knew the friction between witches and vampires and how both abhorred each other. "Have you seen witches that are like you?"

If it was witches who were like her, no, thought Seoyeon. She gave Grandfather Jung a smile, replying with little information, "I have seen the white witch in the Associate."

"Oh, the one that we saw earlier. Would you like to hear about other witches?"

Seoyeon smiled at the elderly vampire's offer, "I would like to."

"There are many stories about the witches and their power that I've come across, but where to begin..." hummed the man when he had an idea, "Let's continue about the previous witches I told you earlier."

Seoyeon nodded, she didn't think it mattered which witch they would talk about as she wanted to learn about their weakness and strength for future resources.

"The witches that came to attack me was a couple, they seemed to be married. At first, I was standing around here, that spot," the man pointed his hand to the middle of the garden where there was the statue of a harp, "The couple came suddenly, attacking me. I was alone without Hwa at that time. They fought with me and far from other witches that I fought they were considered to be the strongest. As I told you earlier I was too deep with my anger and had killed them with little talk. After my head became clear I regret what I've did."

Seoyeon shifted her gaze from looking at the harp statue, "Regret?" She wondered what was there to regret when at that time Grandfather Jung was angry, "They came to attack you, what did you regret?"

"Well, I only learned later that they still had a child. I have soft spot for children but that wasn't all," out of the blue, Seoyeon felt uncomfortableness spread from her heart as she heard Grandfather Jung continued. "Those two witches told me before they died that they were forced to take up the last mission which was to kill me. They said they had wanted to stop with all the murder but was denied by the head of their group and was only allowed to leave if they can kill me."

"The couple, what happened to them after?" Seoyeon asked, a sudden need to know the end of the story came over her which she didn't understand why.

Seoyeon saw Grandfather Jung beckoning her to follow him and she took steps to travel behind the man. She looked around the oath that they took and found that they were walking outside the garden, going to somewhere more secluded where the grass had stopped growing on the soil and a tall tree without a single leaf. Her eyes first stared at the tree, noticing that it should have bloomed but it didn't for some reason before Seoyeon looked down to see the tombstone. Grandfather Jung's voice rang from her left side, "I buried them here. I realized that I have done them wrong by not giving an ear to their words in the middle of the fight."

Seoyeon felt her throat suddenly went dry, she came closer toward the tombstones, noticing there was no name in them but her eyes caught something that was placed in between the two tombstones, protected inside a glass case. It was a ring.

"Is this the rings that belonged to the witches couple?" Seoyeon questioned, her heart thudding against her chest was loud and looping.

"Yes, you can take a look at it. It was the only remaining that I could preserve and I thought I should place it there rather than disposing of it."

Seoyeon could still hear Grandfather Jung's voice yet somewhere her mind had stopped reasoning. She placed her hand on top of the glass case, taking out the rings and her eyes fell on the name inside the ring. The two names were the same name she had just learned not less than two weeks ago. 

'Yang Jiae and Yang Sunghoon'

It was her father and mother, thought Seoyeon in a state of a blank.

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