I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 283 - The Night Together-II

With the two sitting across each other, Jung Hwa opened the bottle and poured the glass of his grandfather before pouring it his. The remaining time until the glass was filled, the room was silent. "I had a talk earlier with Miss Seoyeon but suddenly she seemed to leave in a hurry. Seeing how you have just met her earlier, did she looked angry or offended by my words? I won't like that to be her first impression of me."

Jung Hwa only raised his brows subtly, if Seoyeon was to come and hate Grandfather Jung it won't be because of his words but rather his past action where he had killed her parents. But the act of burying the body which never come across to other vampires could considered be as his compassion.

"She wasn't. You know I was wondering," Jung Hwa's long fingers engulfed the short glass as he played around with the liquid by tilting it in circular motion, "Have you ever felt guilty for killing anyone, grandfather?"

Grandfather Jung wondered what was with the sudden question. Giving a proper thought, the elder vampire nodded, "I did of course, there was a few time I felt that. My hands had never been clean with blood of evil people, some times it was also innocent people and humans who I have killed. If you ask me how I feel I'm the past, I doubt there was an ounce of guilt in me but as I got older, I realized how heavy I am with the deaths I have caused."

"But I have never felt that," Jung Hwa said, clearly drawing the line of difference between them. "I have killed witches, humans, vampires, and all of them may and may not be innocent. But at that time I felt like I needed to kill them. I don't feel guilty but I think I understand what you say."

Grandfather Jung was impressed with how Jung Hwa had opened up his emotions toward him which was something impossible if it was in the past. The elder vampire chuckled, "I can tell Seoyeon is a very good influence to you, once whatever is around you and her have ended and cleated with a ribbon, we can start the wedding." At this Jung a Hwa smiled, as much as his grandfather was excited with his marriage, he was more eager than anyone in this world. 

"You know Hwa, vampires are not created to age longer for no reason," Grandfather Jung begin to speak, "They don't live longer because they are more special but because their case are unique. Do you know the difference of a human in the age of twenty and a vampire of the age fifty? The latter sounded older but in fact humans grow faster than us. It us who are growing slower than them. We are often describe as beings that are cold-hearted and it's not wrong. But we are also territorial, keeping what's us from dangers. For the lack of our emotions we were born with, we are gifted more years ahead us, to study and learn from humans who most of us seen as lower being when in truth they are more remarkable than us."

"I have never seen it in that view," Jung Hwa responded but he agreed with his grandfather's reasoning does make a point and perhaps that was the strongest reason for vampire's longer lifespan. "But I guess it is true, humans often make a decision faster than us, maybe we are the ones who waste our time. Not me though."

Grandfather Jung chuckled, when Jung Hwa looked away to the window on his left side, staring at the moon that was high on the sky, he heard his grandfather spoke, "It's been a while since we speak this way. I should thank Seoyeon again. It's because of her that I feel we can speak again as a grandfather and a grandson." 

Jung Hwa brood over his grandfather's expression who took a momentarily pause before then saying, "About what happened to your mother. It isn't that I have never be,viewed you all this time I have thought that I needed to protect you. When Heoyeon give birth to you, just like your older brother did, you two resume in a place which is very special to me. I promised myself to keep you two save, but the future had never been easy to guest. After loosing Heoyeon and Raulen, I decided to never put you in danger."

"Yet I alway soak myself in it," Jung Hwa commented with a cheeky smile.

"Yes you did and you always worry me to death. Caught by other's trap, the provoking others, I was afraid if you would behave too recklessly one day and lose your life in it."

"Don't worry, I am alive. It's never easy to kill me."

"Thankfully. We don't believe in God but I can tell you must be his favorite child," Grandfather Jung placed the glass after taking a sip, "The worst thing that I think I could ever do was to reject and deny your opinion. To lie to you and to say that you are wrong, that there was no witch also mean that I suspect you as the one who had killed Heoyeon. Of course, I know it better than anyone that you don't. But I don't want to implicate you into something that more dangerous again." 

But it's too late, thought Jung Hwa. "I never blame you," Jung Hwa responded, causing the elder vampire to stare at him with a deep gaze, and somewhere he felt overwhelmed with the mere four words as all this time, there was the feeling in Grandfather Jung's heart where he thought he had been deeply hated by his own grandson. "I know you tried to protect me in your own way. When Valerie pulled me to the court and showered with accusations, you were not there, but I know that the fact Lee Young was in every court I take meant you requested him for it."

"I think I'm getting too old," Grandfather Jung said, looking away and Jung Hwa saw the way his grandfather stared at the moon. A smile planted on his lips as he watched the way his grandfather tried not to look at him and turned his face to have a time and wiped his tears. 

To preserve his grandfather's privacy, Jung Hwa looked away, hearing his grandfather said, "Miss Seoyeon is indeed perfect for you. I wish to thank her parents for bringing her to this world."

Jung Hwa wondered if he should break the news now, having a sharp and bland tone, he could have said it but there was the thought of him about Seoyeon who wouldn't want Grandfather Jung to know and he couldn't seem to bring himself to break the news. In response Jung Hwa hummed, "For the woman who had chosen me and I had chosen her, of course she would be perfect. Will you spend the rest of the month staying here?"

"I guess, I feel rather tired now with my age. It feels like my body is telling me to rest," Grandfather Jung replied and he leaned back, "But I guess it's not that bad. When I was young, I can't bring myself to stop being overly energetic, going here and there, but now I feel at peace, as if everything finally comes to its place. And," he turned his face to look at Jung Hwa, his grandson, "My last concern have been put to ease, I can sleep peacefully."

"Have a better pillow, it will help you to sleep better," came Jung Hwa's sarcasm that had the elder man laughed.

"You should by me one, and a flower, I want daisies. For the last few days, I don't know why I want to see daisies," his grandfather requested.

Jung Hwa didn't see the harm in it, "Okay," he responded, smiling without knowing the shadow that had been casted since that night.

In the hospital, Seulgi once again felt a deep thirst that burn her throat. She went to search for the blood pack Jung Hwa and Seoyeon had helped her to acquire. Making her way to the cupboard, she took out the blood bag only to put it back on its place when a sharp knock rang from the door.

Surprised, Seulgi stuffed everything back, placing a thick towel over the blood pack before making her way toward the door. When she opened it, her eyes widened to see Doctor Lee Taehyung.

"Seulgi," Taehyung called, surprising her as he had called her by her name all of a sudden. "I am not disturbing you am I?"

Seulgi's cheeks turn pink, happiness bubble in her heart and it was hard not to smile but she managed to keep the corner of her lips from raising too high. For the past few days, the only person who stayed in Seulgi's mind was Taehyung and a moment ago before her thirst strike, it was also him who had occupied her mind. Seeing him in flesh make her more than happy, "You are not," she replied even though she felt an extreme thirst in her body. Seeing Taehyung was rare which why she didn't want to waste the opportunity. "Are you having a night shift?"

"Yes, and that was when you come into my mind," Taehyung replied, his smile turning wider and softer which fire an arrow to Seulgi's heart. "I know this is rather breaking the rule. But can I come in?"

"Of course!" Seulgi replied too excitedly before she realized how she sounded too eager and cleared her throat.. Making one step back, he offered him to enter.

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