I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 289 - Ripple Of Rain-II

Haneul woke up with her eyes red. Yeseul helped her with her attired, along with others maid and helped her to arrange her hair into a high braid up do. Seoyeon for the first time finally caught a look of Haneul whose face was very similar to her except for a few features like her eyes and the mole under Haneul's left corner of her lips.

"Have you've been crying, milady?" questioned Yeseul, her maid with a knot on her forehead out of concern.

"It's nothing," Haneul dismissed. The maid could tell it wasn't nothing but as they were walking out of the room, it would be difficult for Haneul to tell her what happened.

Haneul was clearly aware of her mother's intention and ambition. She wanted her to marry someone of a high league, a person of the same stature and that person needed to be a human like them. Someone who wasn't a vampire like Min Hyuk for the sake of the family alliance which her father and mother wanted.

"What to do?" Whispered Haneul, she didn't know if she could dare herself to ask Min Hyuk whether he loved her and run away together from everyone. Haneul didn't fear losing the luxury life she has now, but she fears Min Hyuk won't accept her, for he had more responsibility than her.

"What to do?" came a voice beside her, and Haneul felt her heart almost stopped when she saw her mother. 

"Mother," Haneul called her mother but there was a certain wall between the way she had called the woman.

"I heard last time you ventured alone in the garden," her mother started and Haneul's heart sunk in her chest.

Oh no! Did she knew it? She was too happy to forgot that a servant could have spotted her on the garden's ground speaking with Min Hyuk. She had not done anything to be embarrassed, but for a woman and man to meet alone, the society hadn't been to keen to take it kindly.

Her heartbeat quickened upon meeting her mother's scrutinizing gaze, "I-I did," said Haneul, wondering what her mother would say next.

"Late at night? What were you doing?" came her mother's next question, like a dog who had bitten on a person's leg, her mother didn't let her go off with a single question.

Haneul felt with ticking time her throat turn dry, "I was thinking of taking a breather." Against her mother's strict gaze, she could feel her lungs expand with the air that was full in her. She went still until her mother looked away and shook her head,

"Wear a thicker clothes if you are going to do that. I heard someone seeing you stepping out the room with only a layer of fabric. You are asking for a bout of coughing," her mother sighed after shaking her head, "I can't understand why you would want to go out late at night when you can do it in the afternoon."

Haneul loosened a sigh underneath her breath. It appeared that her mother had only been notified about her leaving her room. Fortunately the servant hadn't spot her speaking with Min Hyuk. If the servant had witnessed she and Min Hyuk together in the garden she could tell that in the future. At the thought, Haneul clenched both of her hands together.

Her eyes then moved to look at her mother, seeing her silk dress, "Mother, where are you going to?"

"Do you plan to go alone today?" Her mother instead questioned her, "I will be coming with you to the hunting ground," said Mrs. Sol to Haneul's dismay. She wanted to spend time with Min Hyuk but with her mother, she doubted she would be able to do so. Considering how Mrs. Sol was very wary that something between her daughter and the vampire would bud, it would be hard for Haneul to even greet Min Hyuk out in the open.

"You don't need too..." whispered Haneul and her mother rolled her eyes.

"There will be my friends there. Surely you don't think the invitation came only for you? It comes for everyone of our town. How irritating that there would also be peasants and commoners there," Mrs. Sol appeared displeased as she clicked her tongue.

"Commoners and peasants?" Haneul questioned because she didn't know this.

"Yes, it was the Queen's order that today's hunting game would be held for everyone's entertainment no matter their status which I don't agree to. Peasants should know their own place," her mother kept her words short. Since before everyone need to abide by the Queen's order, no matter how cruel her order was, it was the dictated teaching that no one should ever go against the Queen's words. 

Haneul wondered of the Queen's intention, the woman sounded cruel to the core and she must have invited all people in the town for a reason.

The hunting ground was held in the widest forest of the land she live at. Haneul came with her mother to the open ground of the forest where there was less trees around the place. Upon arriving, her mother looked disgusted when seeing the peasants near them and made her way to stay with people of her stature. 

Meanwhile, Haneul crane her neck, looking left and right to find Min Hyuk. When she did, her smile turn duller as she saw Min Hyuk speaking to another lady. Upon looking closer, it was the vampiress who was the daughter of the Viscount. They spoke for a long time, and with Min Hyuk's entire attention on the woman, Haneul felt her heart sunk to her chest. Her lips fell to a thin line and she couldn't lift the corner to smile as people greeted her. 

Haneul didn't want to continue and stare at the two, feeling her heart attack by prickly sense of she continue and was about to turn her head when Min Hyuk's eyes traveled toward her. When their gaze met, his sweet smile appeared. 

Haneul wasn't feeling the best earlier, somewhere unjustly hating the woman and even thought she was an opportunist when the woman had done nothingm making her feel like a bad person. But upon seeing Min Hyuk's smile, she can't help but to feel her energy lifted up again. The smile didn't stay long as she recalled her mother was beside her. Making a sign, Haneul signaled that she couldn't come to him due to his mother which Min Hyuk replied by a nod. 

The Viscount daughter seemed to notice their exchange and stared back at her with a grudging look. 

"Haneul," her mother called, wanting her to come toward where she was and Haneul had no choice but to leave. A man stood in front of her mother along with a woman who was older than him, "Meet Mr. Han Anhye, the son of Mrs. Han who is a best friend of mine," Haneul met the older woman's gaze and returned her gaze before shifting back to Han a Anhye as her mother speak, "It's your first time to meet him, but he is a good man."

"You flatter me a lot, Mrs. Sol," chuckled Han Anhye, a man whose eyes were deep black, "You look very lovely today, not a single crease on your skin."

"Again with your flattery," chuckled Mrs. Sol while Haneul felt a sudden discomfort as she knew where this was going. 

"Oh, my son had always been like this, he always say things that would flatter others," Mrs. Han said with a laugh.

"And that is what makes him sweet," said Mrs. Sol and Haneul took a step back, she wondered if this was the time to interrupt them and say she needed to go somewhere else when her mother pulled her by her arm, dragging her to the front, "You must have seen my daughter before, haven't you, Mr. Han?"

"Of course I have," Mr. Han greeted with a polite bow, his smile was gentlemanly when he lifted his head, "I have heard words from my mother of your beauty and intellect. I have been eager to meet and talk with you."

Unused to be flattered, Haneul smiled with a small smile, "Thank you sir, but I'm-"

Her mother noticed what Haneul was going to say and cut her off by saying, "This is my daughter's first time coming to the hunting ground. She had been curious but I feel anxious as she is a woman in a place with many dangers."

"I can escort you if you wish," offered Mr. Han, his eyes looking at her. Haneul offered the man a tight smile. He was a handsome man but just not the person who she was searching for.

"Oh no, I won't impose, you must have someone arranged to be with, don't you? And the hunting game is busy for men, it's hard to divide your attention to two sides at the same time," said Haneul, refusing kindly. Her eyes shifted to her mother with a subtle frown. She didn't come for this! She didn't want to know any man in this land because she knew what her mother had in her mind to marry her off!

Haneul's was ready to take her steps away even if it was rude but her mother's vice grip on her wrist prevent her from moving.

"A woman's protection is a man's first responsibility," said Mr. Han, being a polite man who didn't notice the eagerness of Haneul to leave the place, "I would be very delighted if I can be of use to you, Miss." the man was sincere with his offer and that what makes it even harder for Haneul to refuse him.

"Terrific! Then should we leave and let the children have their own time, right Mrs. Han?" questioned Mrs. Sol and Haneul frowned, she wanted to leave but her mother had set up everything as if to prevent her from going to where Min Hyuk was. Which why her mother had chosen the far left side compared to the right side where Min Hyuk was.

Haneul thought of how to refuse again when a loud horn came aloud from the opposite side of the place where they had been standing. The sound was so loud that it gathered everyone's attention.

It was a soldier wearing the clothes of inner palace's attire, and he said with a loud voice, "The Queen has arrives, everyone bow to the mother of the Kingdom!"

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