I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 309 - Tipping To Fall-I

Seoyeon's eyes widened as she stared back at Haneul's eyes that were calmer and stiller than a wall. It appeared as though Haneul had made her mind long ago and that long ago was during the time she had entered other vessels before her. 

Seoyeon didn't know what to say and she felt her throat suddenly dry up, "Are you going to kill me, Haneul?" was then Seoyeon's first question and that was when she saw Haneul's calm expression showed a surprise as if she didn't expect her reply. 

"Kill you?" Haneul repeated. Now, Seoyeon was sure of what she missed when she saw Haneul again. She was indeed the same woman whom she had met in her dream, the girl who was shy but forward with her feelings while she was in hardship of falling in love with a man who her family and society doesn't approve but everything about Haneul's demeanor had changed; she wasn't the same girl who was always cherry and bright but rather a shell of her previous self who was gloomy and seemed as if she was holding a storm of emotions in her heart that could overflow in any second. 

"If you self destruct in my body you are killing me, Haneul; don't you aware of that?" Seoyeon asked because she could tell her words affected Haneul.

"I wasn't going to kill you but if you stay now, like people before you, your love ones and yourself will ended up in an agonizing misery-"

"I am not other vessels; I am me. I'm different from them," Seoyeon made it clear. Looking at Haneul reminded her of looking at her own reflection which was strange. "Haneul, I am in pain now. My friend had just died and I am sad, very very sad," Seoyeon said as tears slipped from her eyes. "But because of her I cannot die. There are people out there who is using her death and I cannot allow it."

"If you want revenge, I had done it on your behalf," Haneul answered, somewhere keen keeping the bargain on her end.

Seoyeon clutched to her hand, the image of the people whom she had killed while Haneul took over her body sent shivers to her body that was hard for her to snap her mind out of it. Shaking her head, she said, "That's not it. There are more people who is pulling the string and I need to stop them before they do what they did to Seulgi to more innocent people and... like you years ago, I have someone who I need to be with. If I am not here with him, he will get sad. I have promised I will come back home tonight."

Haneul didn't say anything and Seoyeon realized how the blinding white light grew brighter. Seoyeon was torn whether she need to leave or talk more with Haneul, who had more answers that she might need about the catalyst inside her. Time was running out and Seoyeon didn't have the chance to speak again as she ran toward the black slit when she heard words and her face turned to see Haneul murmuring a few words...and everything turn black all of a sudden.

Seoyeon opened her eyes wide open again when she saw Jung Hwa in front of her. Blood dropped from his forehead, drenching his black hair he combed to the side to stick on his head. His hands were around her back and she noticed how she was under his embrace. When her eyes had turned back to black color she looked at him, finding Jung Hwa showing a smile regardless of his wounds.

"You've finally come back. I thought I needed to kiss you and wake you up like the sleeping beauty," said Jung Hwa while wiping away the tears that Seoyeon shed with his thumb, spreading warmth to her cold body.

"Hwa?" Seoyeon asked as if she couldn't believe the man who sat in front of her now was him and she couldn't help but to tighten her hands on his upper arm, clutching as she held onto him. "How are you here?"

"You called my name," Jung Hwa said with a light knot on his forehead as he looked on how her face looked pallid as if colors of her face ran away from her skin, making her to look ill. "Did you not remember what happened?"

Seoyeon tried to remember it but suddenly she felt buzz ringing on her head and her sight turn fuzzy. Before her eyes could close, she saw Jung Hwa's lips moved to speak but she never get to hear what he said as her consciousness slipped to the darkness. 

"We need to bring her away from here," came the voice from behind and Jung Hwa's red eyes were quick to snap at the man. 

"You are the doctor," Hwa had seen him before during visiting Seulgi with Seoyeon and had heard a little of his affair with Seoyeon's best friend whose body was now lying in the cold. Seeing the loss Seoyeon suffered, Jung Hwa's hands on her shoulders tightened. To others, Seoyeon might seem to be a strong person but that was just her putting a front to look strong— because she knew she couldn't rely on others. "And you are also a dark witch," Jung Hwa said after narrowing his eyes on how Taehyung's blood that slipped out from his body gradually turn darker in color almost looking like an ink. 

"Seems like your kind have been always the crafty one to hide your true nature."

"It wasn't what I chose to," Taehyung said when his eyes snapped behind him, "We should leave now, the Hunters are here. I don't know what Miss Seoyeon have in her and the power she possess but Hunters don't take it kindly of another appearance of creatures stronger than them. It would be very dangerous for her."

Jung Hwa clicked his tongue, he knew far better what was in the head of Hunters. He wasn't there to witness what happened that put him to frustration, but he knew that the reason why the hospital building disappeared was due to Seoyeon's power as the catalyst and if Hunters were to get a wind of this, they would without mercy act as a punisher to kill Seoyeon— something he would never allow even if he wasn't breathing any longer.

Without wasting more seconds he bent his body and carried Seoyeon by his arm. Taehyung left to pick Seulgi's body carefully from the bed. His eyes lingered to look at the girl whose body had turned stiff but didn't dawdle as he knew how they were racing with time. Taehyung went a little closer toward the window to find the people dressed in black jackets with a yellow band on their upper arms, "They've come faster than I thought. They are already here from all sides. How should we escape?"

"Stand here," Jung Hwa ordered with a tip of his chin as his hands were occupied to carry his beloved before biting his lips with his fang to let the blood drip from his lips. In one moment, they apparated from the place, leaving nothing of themselves as if they weren't there in the first place.

In the Associate Building, some members were put to work until late at night. After the incident with the witchess who managed to sneak in the building, the guards were doubled the amount and more people were put to strictly stand before the gates and the backyard, letting no loophole for another witch to enter.

In front of the large gate two guards stood before the gate. One of the guards yawned with the night that had covered the blue sky with the blanket of blackness. "How long do we have before the next shift? I didn't get much sleep today."

"Another five minutes the person next in shift should be here soon," answered the other guard.

"They could have come a little early by now. It's always irritating how they wait until the last second of changing shift-"

"HELP! HELP!" yelled someone from afar, breaking the conversation of the two vampires whose eyes immediately turned and look at the person who was running. When the first man's hand raised to threaten the man, the other guard took hold of his hand.

"Look closer. It's a human. We cannot go against human with the decrees the Associates posed. Let's hear what he have to say first."

"He must be a drunk hard," sighed the other vampire. This wasn't the first time it happened where a human run toward them, screaming for help only to be proven as a drunk man. The guard thought it won't be different from the previous case, letting the human man came and asked, "What may we help you with civilian human?"

"T-There... There is something I need to report very importantly to your boss!" The man who was considerably shorter than the two of the guard begged immediately, his body was shaking with traces of fear.

"I am guessing that is his cry when he get drunk?" The second guard asked. 

"Maybe?" The first one agreed. "I am sorry sir, but you have mistaken this place. This is not your company. You can go back and search your company through Google map and make cry and whines there. We don't have boss."

"No! No! You don't understand. S-Something dangerous is happening that you vampires and the person standing above you need to know!" 

Over what the man said regarding vampire, the two guards' face changed almost immediately over the news the man had said. "What's your name?" The tone of the second guard changed in a flick of second. 

"H-Han GangHo, I have come to tell about a creature called catalyst."

Not far from where Han Seoyeon's uncle were, a man was leaning his back on one of the tree. He pulled out the cigarette from the box and pulled the lighter to let the flame burn the other end of the cigarette giving a light to show his bright red eyes and deep brown eyes, revealing to be Gu Manyeong, Chu Sunji's step brother. 

"I should have done this sooner," said the man after puffing a smoke.. "But later or sooner don't change anyway."

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