I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 311 - Tipping To Fall-III

"The rest of informations needed for everyone would be given by the informants. It should give you basics of informations you need to know about her. The restriction of this hunt is to kill civilian and vampires. However, you are allowed to kill anyone who is disrupting our plan," said the other high grade who haven't talk. "Without more question, the meeting is adjourn."

"Who would have known there are someone more powerful than both vampires and witches, right Seojun? Seojun...?" said Garret and his face turn toward where Seojun sat on when he received no reply, only to see how his friend have gone missing from the seat.

Without wasting any second, Seojun left the room, making his way toward the largest room of Hunter's center. After knocking thrice, a crisp reply came, "Come in."

Seojun pulled a deep breath before pulling open the door. He noted there were all the High Grade Hunters on the room who was sitting with their weapons on sight, causing him to tighten his fist.

"Black!" came the voice of the man who sat on the desk. His voice was bright with a cheerful tone. The man appeared on his early twenties, very unlikely to appear as the Head of Hunters when the man was actually the one who had controlled the entire Hunters in Korea. He stepped down from his desk like a cat and strode toward Seojun. Reaching his hand, the man cupped Seojun's cheeks and begin to turn his face left and right, "Great there are no wounds on you. You should have come often to my room and let me hear a few of your adventures killing those witches."

"Sir Collin," greeted Seojun back and his eyes went left and right over the High Grade Hunters in the room, giving Collin a signal which the man took.

"You can all leave," Collin said raising his hand. The High Grade Hunters all then bowed toward him and begin to leave one by one while giving Seojun a long stare. Once the door have closed, Collin raised his brows, "So? Tell me what you came for. But let me guess it is about the catalyst isn't it?"

Since the first time Seojun had entered the Hunters, he knew how Collin regard him with high expectations— sometimes to the point where others would envy him like earlier where the High Grade gave him the long look which he always felt when he met the head of Hunter. But no one knew the reason why Collin was fond of him wasn't only because of his talent but his secret ability and mission to kill the catalyst as the last member of Han Family who had been Hunters for generations.

"Forgive me for being forward, sir; but what we do now by hiring all hunters to attack the catalyst could only lead to breaking her patience. We know that the catalyst and the vessel are one. When there are agitation of emotions it could lead to their breaking point and perhaps that was what happened in the Hospital."

Collin retracted his hands from Seojun's cheeks, his eyes were cold as he stared at the younger man, "Did you... no— have you taken a liking on the vessel, Seojun?" The sudden change of calling his real name brought a startle to Seojun. 

The man's brown straight brown hair tilted when his head tilted on the same direction to look deep into Seojun's eyes.

Seojun's lips slowly parted, although the man had only asked him a single question, he could feel sweats begin to form on his back, "No, sir."

Collin didn't call him over his little lie and instead only stare at him, "Remember Seojun, we are Hunters. We are allowed to love vampires who are the target of our hunt or witches but we could never love our target. This love goes for friendship, siblings's affection, and lover. The greatest poison to us, Hunters had always been love. We were betrayed because we loved people, killed because we trusted the love we have to our targets, and even one of your ancestors have fallen to this sweet and tempting trap. If this happen to you," Collin's eyes narrowed as one hand of his clutched Seojun's jaw, "It will be a loss to the Hunters; which I cannot allow it to happen."

Seojun remained calm as he knew panicking would only do the opposite effect of convincing the Hunters' Head, "Thank you for the knowledge, sir but I do not love the target. Under no means would I allow her to live," and Collin's stare continue to look at him as if trying to weigh whether to trust his words or not. "Instructions given by my parents and my ancestors had been clear. The Catalyst should not be agitated under no means. As I gain her trust, it had been planned that I should kill her only the time is right without her own knowing to avoid more victims."

Collin took his hand away from Seojun, facing him with his back as he walked over the desk, "I suppose you are right. Your father and mother had also told me on what to do and not for the catalyst," and this caused Seojun to form a faint smile of hope on his lips which didn't stay long after hearing the remaining of Collin's reply, "If it wasn't for how circumstances have changed I would have continue to put you through the mission, Seojun but there are things that we cannot predict."

Seojun's brows drew in together as he heard Collin said, "Your damned uncle came running toward the Associate and had exposed of the Catalyst's existence. Unlike Hunters who prefer to keep mission low, the Associates are filled with bunch of cowards who fear to lose their life on the unknown being. We cannot hide the Catalyst's existence any longer. That being said, vampires do not know how calamitous Catalyst is and nor does other Hunters know."

All the conditions around them was far from Seojun's favor. With the vampires knowing the existence of the Catalyst, it would be very dangerous for them to attack the catalyst on their own and it goes the same for Hunters who isn't aware of how to handle the catalyst. But now that the vampires knew of the catalyst's existence, telling them not to kill would only cause fight between Hunters and vampires that could lead to more complex problem.

"After giving thought about all possibilities and the best way to get out of this, I have decided on your mission Seojun," said Collin, surprising Seojun who thought the talk was over with the conclusion where Seoyeon would have to be killed by other Hunters. "You are to bring the Catalyst as far as possible from others and take her life with your hands as soon as possible. When she died, bring her body to the Hunter's center and we drew the curtain to stop all the mission given to the Hunters and Associates."

Seojun knelt one of his knee on the ground, "Yessir." 

"But you alone would be dangerous," came Collin further order. "With you, one more person is to come," and in time as if in cue, a knock crisply came on the door, when it opened, Seojun was surprised to see Kwon Huan standing before the door. "You will be doing this mission with him and I expect you to do the mission quickly before the Catalyst fall to unwanted hands."

When Seojun had left from the room, Collin's faint trace of smile on his face slipped from his face, Rainy, one of the High Grade Hunters then appeared from the door, "Will it be alright to leave the mission to Black, sir? There is a possibility that he had truly taken a liking to the Catalyst."

Collin's face that was still facing his desk put on a faint smile. His finger traced the circular mirror that was on his table which he had used to see Seojun's expression, "Black was once a very obedient child like how he was earlier but I have also noticed how late he is in killing the catalyst."

"Why wouldn't you punish him, sir?" Rainy then asked, wondering why. If they had taken last night's accident to the account, it would be Seojun's mistake for being unable to see the signs of the Catalyst's sudden burst of power and destruction. At times such as this, it would be normal for the Hunter's head to punish Seojun for his failure.

"I cannot," came the cryptic answer of Collin, "When it happen where Seojun fail to attack the catalyst it would be your time to shine and take her life. I cannot allow to lose more blood of Han Family or any Hunters of us."

Far away from the Hunter's center and the Associates' building. In a large mansion hidden in the lush forest, a loud scream rang on of the room inside the mansion. Drops of blood dripped on the end of the mistress's fingertips. Her eyes were blazing as he looked at Ava who had her cheeks gazed by her fingernails from the loud slap earlier, "What did you say?"

"I suspect the creature is not a witch or a dark witch, milady. She is the catalyst. The person who we had been searching for."

A surprise flickered the woman's eyes then turning to a curling smile filled with menace, "Great. Great! Great! You know who that girl is, don't you?"

"I have memorized her face," answered Ava, "And Mistress, Taein who fought the catalyst is in a great danger of his life."

"Oh, my dear son have suffered a lot. I will be there to heal him at once while you, Ava. I want you to immediately embark on this mission of finding that girl. I want her alive," the mistress pressed her words.

"Alive?" Ava questioned, gaining a raise of an eyebrow from the woman, "Pardon me for my lack of politeness, Mistress but bringing the Catalyst alive would be a very dangerous mission that could threaten anyone's life. It would be best if you-"


"Tell me why do I need to head a loser words, Ava? Did you not hear my words clearly?" asked the mistress as more blood dripped from her hands. Ava decided not to reply as doing so would only wager her life on death, "Bring as many witches you need with you. I want her alive. I want that power inside her and I won't allow mistake. You will only need to bring her in front of me in an unconscious state and I will know what to do with her then."

Ava pursed her lips. She was smarter compared to other dark witches who blindly followed the Mistress's words and she could tell from her last fight with Seoyeon that the power the catalyst had was barely a small fraction of her true power. There won't be any chance for them to win this fight. Ever. Nevertheless, Ava couldn't refuse the Mistress's order. After bowing to oblige the woman then walked out of the room, leaving the Mistress on her own.

"Finally. We will finally meet again Catalyst," said the Mistress with her hands clenched tight. Her voice brew both anger and excitement which caused it difficult for anyone to discern what the Mistress felt. "I will not forgive you," the woman then said, her hand on the glass window caused a large crack on the surface but not enough power for it to shatter.. When she clicked the fractured window, it was then that the glass shatter to pieces, causing the reflection of the Mistress broke to highlight her smile filled with malice.

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