I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 313 - Attempting Revival-II

"Haneul— the catalyst told me that she knew how to bring Seulgi back to life. I need to see her," Seoyeon said, her eyes looking at Jung Hwa's red ones were desperate and her hands that clutched to his clothes tightened.

Jung Hwa looked down on her condition and his lips were pursed when he said, "You are still sick. Do you know how long have you've been out for?"

Seoyeon had just woken up and it takes time for her to adjust herself into the flow of time. When she was asked, her heart thudded coldly as if it stopped for a good one second, "How long was I asleep?"

"Three days," answered Jung Hwa and Seoyeon's eyes widened. "I'm joking it's only one and a half day."

"You surprised me!" Seoyeon weakly hit his hand out of anger when Jung Hwa's brows shifted to a light frown. 

"I can allow you to leave and safe Seulgi," Jung Hwa said, his protectiveness came from his voice that Seoyeon could feel, "But only if I know whatever you are about to do is not dangerous and will not harm you in the state you are now."

"I don't think it will hurt me," Seoyeon answered, and his brows shot higher.

"Think?" His calm features turn wary and fierce upon noticing her uncertainty. 

Seoyeon smiled, taking his hands to hers, "The catalyst told me that before Seulgi's soul left her body she had put some sort of magic that prevented her soul from leaving her. We have a week until the magic she casted would vanish and during that time we would need to heal Seulgi's wounds."

"Is that all that you need to do?" Jung Hwa didn't believe that the method to brig someone from the death was that easy. Although casting a magic to trap a soul is already doing the impossible, he didn't think that was the only step needed in order to revive a dead person.

"The catalyst told me one more steps I need to do..." Seoyeon looked at Jung Hwa's eyes and the curves of her lips moved to a smaller smile, "But it isn't I who would need to do that."

In the other room, Taehyung spent his entire day and a half doing nothing but stare at the body of the woman he loved. Seulgi's eyes that were opened a day ago and filled with many emotions now were closed. With the time, he knew soon her body would became rigid and stiff. His finger traced her hand that was loosely laid next to her hips. Coldness strum on his fingers and a heavy ache hit his heart like a cold and numb arrow. 

Soon he would need to bring her to her last resting place— the coffin; when the thought came to his mind, Taehyung closed his eyes tightly, his fingers turning into tight clenched fist. His back slouched forward and his hands enclasped her unmoving hands, "I-" his words were cut when the door of the room burst open.

Taehyung snapped his eyes and he carefully placed Seulgi's hands aside to look behind, finding Seoyeon who was walking with her hands holding Jung Hwa's arm as her support. 

Taehyung pushed himself from the chair, his lips parted to speak but as if noticed his own face, he was quick to bend his neck and hide his face by looking at the floor, "Can I request just one single thing during the funeral? I hope you will allow my shameless request to see her during her the funeral process."

Seoyeon watched how the man deny looking at her eyes, his body was bend forward when he begged for his request. As much as a kind person Seoyeon was, she also find it hard to look at Taehyung's face who was very similar to Taein's face, the person who had killed Seulgi. What transpired during Seulgi's death remain unknown to Seoyeon until Haneul showed her what happened. The catalyst's power allowed her to look into the last moments of Seulgi's; that was why, Seoyeon also knew this man was different than the one who had killed Seulgi.

When she didn't reply, Taehyung begin to move. He pushed himself on the ground, his knees hit the cold floor and his back bent forward— "We will not bury Seulgi."

Taehyung's eyes enlarged upon her words and the man's eyes moved to look at her. "Will you cremate her?"

"No, I won't do that either," Jung Hwa who was beside her, rolled his eyes to the corner of his eyes to see her hands on his arms that squeezed. "Seulgi is not dead and I will need your help to bring her back to life."

They then took a seat and Seoyeon revealed the catalyst's words to Taehyung. The dark witch was keen to the explanation to the point his breaths were taken very short and brief to put his entire focus on her tale.

"What do I need to do?" was Taehyung's first question at the end of Seoyeon's explanation and she was glad to hear those words from the man. Since they were still in high school, Seulgi had been envied by others for being wealthy but the girl crave for love like what was written in books. That high expectation she has was always betrayed as the men who love her was then proved to be people with low morale who only covet for her wealth.

Perhaps this was the first time for Seulgi to find a man who think of her as much as she did. Seoyeon could feel during her time watching Seulgi's memory before she died of how ardent the love between them; her hateful separation of death to the point that watching everything caused Seoyeon to feel her heart squeezing in pain for their heartbreak. 

"It won't be easy," Seoyeon started and she perused Taehyung's determined gaze that didn't budge an inch as if even a storm or thunder was to struck him now, the man won't move. It was the resolve that Seoyeon needed, "The catalyst told me that there are a path before where a soul is brought to Hell or Heaven. Currently Seulgi's soul is trapped around that place where you will be going. But I want you to know the risk. That place is only for the dead and it doesn't allow for living people to enter if things go South and they found you who is alive in the path, there will be no telling what will happen."

"That will be a small risk," answered Taehyung with a smile. "What is that path called?"

"River of repentance. I do not know how that place would look like. The catalyst only briefed me a little about how to bring you there but what you will face there or fight against, I do not know anything about it."

Taehyung Weny silent but his gaze didn't deter, "How long do I have? Seven days?" 

"Yes," Seoyeon answered, "And meanwhile you will need to help me to cast the magic to let you enter that place."

Taehyung turned his face to Seulgi whose dress had been changed with a better one and her wounds dressed as he couldn't see her bleeding with the injuries all over her body. Only then he turned his face to look back at Seoyeon, "I am ready whenever you can. Even tonight."

"Not now," came Jung Hwa's voice. He had been silent for a while and only spoke now. Seoyeon stared at him with her eyes begging but he looked back at her with his lips set into a thin line, "I will allow you to do it tomorrow but not now. She needs to rest after what happened. Some traces of poison is still running on her body. It won't affect her but straining her body in time she needed to heal will only overexert her health."

"Of course," Taehyung agreed. If he was in Jung Hwa's position he would have done the same, thought Taehyung. "Is there anything I should prepare?"

Seoyeon nodded and proceed to tell Taehyung what he needed to have in order to fulfill the magic, "Only dark witch who is able to cast the magic. We are lucky to have you," Seoyeon then said and the man put a wry smile.

"It's ironic to think the blood in me that I hated passionately will now be my savior." The man said before thanking her.

When Seoyeon got back to her room, Jung Hwa didn't speak to her. The silence felt strange as he wasn't the type to go silent for long. Usually by now, there would be his seductive words or playful remarks, but instead, his lips was clamped; his red eyes that were glowering bright was the complete opposite of his silence. 

"Are you angry?" Seoyeon asked while looking at his back that was moving on the desk. She couldn't see what he was doing with his broad back over her eyes, but upon her question, she could see his body froze on spot. 

Jung Hwa didn't deny at first, "What makes you think so?"

Like a child who had just been scolded for a bad attitude, Seoyeon felt her throat turn dry, "You are silent. You are not always this silent. Is this because I prioritized Seulgi over my health? I am alr-" Seoyeon's words were cut when a crisp sound came from a glass hitting the wooden desk, starling her. 

"I am not angry, Seoyeon," Jung Hwa said with his voice tightening, "Protecting your friends or prioritizing her, I don't get angry for those reasons. I know what kind of person you are. You have a kind and gentle soul, I had expected you to put others before yourself because I know you— I know what you will do. Don't blame yourself but also do not lie to me."

Seoyeon pushed herself from the bed where he had told her to rest on. Her small footsteps takes time for her to arrive behind him and with a delicate movement, she wreathed her hands around his waist. "I am not lying anything to you."

"You are," he said and with an effortlessly pull, Jung Hwa turned his body, snatching her hands from his waist, he placed her arms over her head and pressed his lips on hers; Seoyeon didn't run away. It was the kiss that she missed and craved. Hence, she let him take over her lips the way he wanted. The scent of his body engulfed her. With Jung Hwa pressing his body forward, the pressure caused her toes to step back until she felt the back of her calves pressed against the footrest of the bed and her body flopped over the bed with the push he intended not to be rough on her weak body.

Their lips ceased the kiss for a moment that didn't stay for long as Jung Hwa pulled her waist and carry her over him to shower her with kisses again.

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