I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 316 - Skin On Skin-II

Seoyeon found her own reflection while she stared deeply into his black eyes, she pulled his body by his shoulders, her eyes were glazed with the drop of tears that settle on her eyes like a clear film, "Don't tease me," she whispered, "I want to feel you."

The words Seoyeon said was simple but it was what Jung Hwa had been wanting to hear from her lips. All this time it had been him who chases for her love. He knew soon enough she would fall for him, he had the confidence. But no matter how smart a person could be or how wise a sage could be, they would still be rendered surprised when their loved one came to love them.

Seoyeon was like a key to him, the perfect key that fit for his heart, opening his deepest part— his ugliness and his beautiful side. She accepted him for what he is and the past he walked on which he couldn't be more than happy to finally have the words he deserve of.

Like how he appeared, Jung Hwa was well endowed on his manly part, seeing it, Seoyeon gulped. Her core throbbed and she won't lie to say she is scared but whenever the bud of fear appeared, Jung Hwa coaxed her and take her mind away by showering her with care and touches that both calm and ignite the flame inside her. 

She felt the tip of his manhood rubbed her, a delicate and ticklish feeling settled on her stomach, "Breathe," Jung Hwa said the moment he entered. Tears shot over her eyes and pain followed. "Does it hurt?"

Seoyeon looked at him, showing him a faint smile, "Not more than I thought would be. What about you?" Jung Hwa raised his brows, removing his nose from the hook of her shoulders,to look at her cheeks blushing.

"What about me?" He asked even though he knew what she had questioned him. 

Seoyeon bite her lips. Why does it felt as if she had dug her own grave? Or maybe she really had done it? She pursed and parted her lips, and whisper as low as she could, "D...Does it feel good... inside me?"

Jung Hwa's smile suddenly fell from his face, and his fiercer expression startled Seoyeon. She also noticed how from the corner of his eyes black color started to form but disappeared in blink, "Fuck me. All words you say is only a turn on for me. How can you not feel good for me, hm? I can touch your skin for days and years, but my patience is running thin. I'm sorry for the little pain you feel now, but it would feel better soon." And when his hips moved, a louder gasp leaked from her lips.

Seoyeon twisted the blanket next to her, feeling her body turning wanton on his movements. The bed creaked softly as she noticed how it wasn't only her who was filled with moan, her ears caught the low hiss from his lips that only rouse her further.

As Jung Hwa had said, the pain was slowly overtaken by pleasure when he hit the part that he had rubbed with his fingers a moment ago. Some space in between their rugged breaths, and kisses that they shared, Seoyeon was dazed with the overwhelming pleasure when she noticed Jung Hwa's long finger trailed from her elbow, slowly pressing his fingertips on her soft skin and knead his way down to her wrist as if trying to make sure that she was there and alive.

His fingers landed in between the gaps of her fingers and she tightened her grasps, finding his smile softening when their eyes met. Seoyeon learned that sex was more than pleasure. It wasn't only her skin on his skin pressed in action that could elicit high pitched voice she never knew existed in her. 

It was more than that. She felt not only her desire fulfilled to have him, but also a deep part of her heart overfilled with happiness. She wondered why every touches of his fingertips was so gentle on her that it also cause her tears to fall.

Jung Hwa fulfilled her as much as she was to him and both of them know when their lips touches again— it felt as if they were alone in the world and she didn't mind that. It was one kind of loneliness she didn't mind to endure. 

Her voice broke when she felt the building feeling arises. Jung Hwa tightened his grasped on her— on his beautiful lover. Her other idle hand dug deeper on the surface of the bed, and she threw her head back when her body zapped as she released the tension. A moment after, Jung Hwa came after her.

He then let go of her waist, pulling himself from inside her and watch how her lips pursed at his movement. Carefully, he reached out his hands to push away her hair that turn wet and glued on her forehead. When his palms covered her cheeks, Seoyeon leaned on his palm and the weigh caused him to smile wider.

Finally, he have him and the delight he felt now, was immeasurable he couldn't put it on words.

He kissed her forehead again tenderly, while letting her enjoy the vestige of their lovemaking, "Did you feel good?" 

Seoyeon turned shy at his question but bold with her answer, "Very good," and perhaps it was because of his experience...

"Don't be jealous," he said, able to read her mind as her eyes narrowed slightly. "I won't bash all the previous women who slept with me but you are different from them, Seoyeon. You are my first person— the first woman who I slept with that didn't only satisfy my desire but my heart."

"I wonder from where did you acquire this skill set of smooth talking?" Whispered Seoyeon as she wrapped her body with the blanket, feeling coldness of the air coming back to calm her body. 

"Experience," Jung Hwa chuckled, and he saw how heavy her eyelids appear, "Sleepy?"

"Mhm," Seoyeon nodded, "But I feel sweaty."

"We can take care of that in the morning. I will help you," he whispered and coming closer, he slipped his hand underneath her head to take her body closer as he sleep. "Do you want to hear a story?"

"Do you have one?" Seoyeon fixed the position of her neck so she won't have to twist her neck painfully, "Something that is not bloody? I am in a mood of a happy ending story."

"Hm... that would be a trouble, I don't think I have those. But when we have children in the future, I will try to read more books of children's taste," and Seoyeon could feel more of his words touched her heart when he thought about their future. She knew this was how he wanted to tell her that it would be alright; that she would be alright, and that every problem they have would soon be solved.

"What will you do tomorrow?" she asked, wondering if he would be going anywhere.

"Go back home, I will bring some of your clothes to move here and meet grandfather," and Seoyeon nodded in agreement. She agreed about briefing the story to grandfather Jung for now so he won't felt stressed and anxious for being kept in the dark of their situation. 

"Go sleep now," Jung Hwa coaxed, removing his hand to cover her body with more blanket so she won't catch a cold while sleeping without clothes.

"Before I sleep..." whispered Seoyeon as she feel her consciousness dipping to darkness.

"What?" He asked tenderly.

"Was it painful?" Jung Hwa's facial expression stunned by her words. Seoyeon knew even though her eyes were closed and she continued, "Did the wound I gave you was painful?"

Jung Hwa's eyes were still striking red, and Seoyeon knew this wasn't simply because of his passionate crave for her and the lovemaking but because his thirst for blood. 

Jung Hwa leaned to subtly caress her ears, the cold wind that came to her skin felt good and his voice had the same cooling effect for her, "Barely. It's less painful than an ant's bite."

"You should have drink my blood..." Seoyeon whispered as her voice fading.

Jung Hwa watched how sleepiness won over her with her head that turn slack, "How can I when you are in a more painful state than me? Good night, my love." Peacefulness come over Jung Hwa as all problems they have been surrounded by was pulled at the bay for tonight.

He couldn't express what was more peaceful than sleeping beside Seoyeon. Watching her breaths heaving along her chest that moved up and down, gave him a sense of secure. He slowly closed his eyes, letting her presence warmth him and sleepiness to crawl over his eyes. 

For once after perhaps over decades since he had took the lives of his own family, Jung Hwa had a sleep free from nightmares. He didn't see his dead mother's face nor his brother8s last expression before blood covered his eyes.. He saw a dream— a peaceful dream.

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