I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 32 - Why Don’t You Work At A Night Club?

Han Seoyeon's parent had never have a good relationship with her aunt. As her mother's sister the two can't form a good relationship due to how her aunt had never been a great person and just like her aunt her cousin who passed her bad genetic was also a woman with a twisted personality. Seeing Han Minhae standing outside the door it can not be said as her standing there to greet her cousin, it was the complete opposite. "So you still know how to come back, huh?" Han Minhae snorted, her mocking tone wrapped her words.

"Of course I do. As long as I still have eyes I could see what is in front of me and now I can see a bug greeting me." Han Seoyeon said. She wasn't the type of person who would hold her tongue especially to the people who had abused her and her little brother for years.

"You!" Han Minhae yelled.

"You what?" Han Seoyeon turned her face coldly. "Still have something to say? I'm sure you could talk, don't you? If not then I'm going." Staying at the nasty house any longer would only bring down her the happiness she received after the visiting the aquarium.

"You! Wait! Seoyeon!" Han Minhae shouted when Han Seoyeon suddenly stopped. Not that she stopped just because her cousin called her but she halted when she looked down to see the feet of the two people. She didn't have to look up to know who was standing in the middle of the entrance as there wouldn't be any other else than her aunt and uncle. Lifting her chin upward toward her aunt and uncle, her black eyes became frosty.

Her aunt Mrs. Han crossed her hand, her eyes seizing Han Seoyeon who grew into a beautiful woman and spitefully clicked her tongue on the other hand, Han Seoyeon saw her uncle looking all stern beside her aunt. Their eyes weren't a friendly one not that she ever expected them to ever have a good expression but this one seem particularly bad. "You came back? Take a seat in the living room." Stated Mr. Han as he left to enter the living room. Seeing the little kindness her uncle gave, her brows crooked. There had been a good thing come even once when her uncle and aunts showed kindness to her.

"No need," she said halting her aunt and uncle. She didn't even want to unbuckle her boots on the entrance and want to quickly leave the house. "Just state what you want i don't have time."

Mr. Han furrowed his brows his expression turning frightening but not to Han Seoyeon. "Do I care?! Just go inside or else you will see what happen in your brother's university!"

"Tch." She clicked her tongue outright. Waking from the entrance, she felt Han Minhae wanting to bump her shoulder on purpose but failed when she turned her shoulder. Han Minhae cursed outright. "Unrelated bitch!" Han Seoyeon chuckled at her words there was once a time when she got angry from these words but now she doesn't. Perhaps it was either the constant curses the family gave that her ears had turned numb or perhaps it was her heart that became numb. Turning, she left the woman alone in her curses.

"So?" Han Seoyeon took a seat across her uncle and aunts. Her eyes travelled faintly around the living room and she noticed the empty alcohol bottle around the house and frowned. Her gut had been warning her that something bad would happen today and it did happened.

"We need money, Ten Million won." Her aunty said, going straight to her point without beating around the bush.

"And why do you tell me this?" Han Seoyeon raised her tone. Her palm kneaded to a clenched fist.

"Of course as a family member of this house you have to lend a hand to help this family's finance." Mr. Han, her uncle spoke sternly. Even as he uttered the word family none of it had any emotion.

A family, Han Seoyeon laughed at the word. Seeing the smile both her uncle and aunty frowned. "Why are you laughing?!" Her aunty yelled.

"A family? Since when I am a part of this family? This ten million won is it a money you borrowed?" Her next questioned made a muscle in their face changed, seeing it Han Seoyeon took the silence as a confirmation. "What for?" She narrowed her voice.

"It's not anything you need to know." Mr. Han replied again the voice harsh as a stone.

"I don't need to know and yet have to pay for your debt?" Han Seoyeon stood from the couch taking her bag. "If you want your money work your own way. I'm not involved in this and will never."

"You bitch! Sit down wouldn't you! Do you not care what will happen to your brother?! Don't forget I could ruin his life." Mrs. Han slammed the table, the glass of water before her hand shimmy. Han Seoyeon cared the most of her brother but when it come to this matter she wouldn't agree. Paying their debt? No, never.

"Do you think anyone would care and believe your words?" Han Seoyeon voice turned cold. "I don't have the money you need, search for you own way to clean up your mess." She pressed her tone, emphasizing each tone of her words.

Mrs. Han suddenly calmed down and snorted. "You don't have money? Oh, I heard you were fired. I know a good night club where you could work there, who knows how many money you could make from there? Or else you could also ask for your rich ex-boyfriend too who knows whether he still have any interest in you-"

"Shut your mouth." The words came from her lips were sharper than a blade. Mrs. Han fell shock her lips gaped. Mr. Han had a muscle popped over his face and fury cake over his face. Raising his hand he went and slap her face for Han Seoyeon to come at an abrupt stop. Han Seoyeon had caught a firm hold to his hand. The man tried to move his arm but can't as she was evidently stronger than him. "This is the last warning I'm giving you. I don't care whether you all could pay your debt but don't involve us or else."

"Or else?"

Han Seoyeon smiled. "You will see." Getting her way out of the living room, Han Seoyeon saw Han Minhae and shifted her gaze away. From afar before she left the room Mrs. Han shouted. "You damned good for nothing! My sister adopted you as her daughter doesn't mean you could do what you like to us! Come back!" Han Seoyeon gritted her hand regardless of the thundering yelling behind her she left the house for good.

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