I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 322 - We Get To Know-III

Though it was hard and difficult for both Jung Hwa, who had to tell her the painful truth to Seoyeon that was akin to slicing her heart, they both suffered from damage but knew how wound is better fresh and treated quick rather than late and never.

Carefully, Jung Hwa revealed everything to Seoyeon. He watched her expression and not because he enjoyed tormenting her but to remind himself of how precious the woman in front of him was and how he would suffer if he was to ever hurt her the way this secret hurt her.

Seoyeon listened everything in silence. She found out that Seojun had been a Hunter since e very long time ago, since he was still a child. Her adoptive parents had taken her in with kindness but also as a leverage to keep an eye on her as a vessel of the catalyst.

Seoyeon wondered what she felt now. It was painful and she kept on finding the time where she felt that the kindness and care given by Han Family was not fake and that it was genuine. "I have been living under their roof for years, and thought that they were my family. Truthfully now, I don't know if they truly think of me as their daughter," confessed Seoyeon, who spoke after a while of assessing her unruly emotions.

"As I wasn't there with you, my words will sound less believable but Seojun did love you as a sister or else by now more Hunters would come here to arrest you," Jung Hwa said, trying to raise her hope as it wasn't easy for her to accept what happened.

"Maybe," Seoyeon smiled but then the brightness of her smile loses it sparkles, "Or maybe he also spare me once for the past ties we share."

Jung Hwa stared at her eyes that turned dimmer, Seoyeon had always been a person who think of anything but positive thoughts. Though she refrain herself from saying it aloud, Jung Hwa could tell how the loss of her friend still affected her. There was a chance for Seulgi to came back to life but to see her friend on death's door still scarred her. 

"You can think what you wish," Jung Hwa cooed her without admonishing her doubt as it was her right to doubt her family's obscure intention, "But I want you to keep in mind that we can never guess a person's intention correctly. Conversation is needed for you to understand the position he has."

And he was right. She needed to talk to Seojun again, "But I am not sure what I will do when I speak to him. You know, I only wish for a normal life, a normal person to love. But if I hadn't met you and the catalyst power in me manifest. Would I have to see myself killed by my brother? I don't know. I am confused. Frankly I feel hurt."

"Don't cry," Jung Hwa's voice softened upon seeing the tears dribbling from her right eyes. His fingertips touched her eyes. "If you cannot understand your feeling. You can talk with me. I can lend you my help to solve this problem you have. Are you angry to your family for hiding the truth to you?"

Seoyeon nodded slowly, "I hope they told me the truth," and that would save her some heartache.

"We cannot undone what they did. I don't want to guess their intention but if they do care for you, it would mean they didn't want to hurt you by exposing the secret where in the future they would need to kill you. But to me that could barely called as a reason because they cared for you. If I have to say it harshly, they are cowards who doesn't want to get hurt themselves by telling you about the catalyst," and Jung Hwa chuckled, "Look there are many view we can take from this and all of them are probabilities because we do not know which is the truth and lies. Do you hate them?"

Seoyeon took her time before soundlessly shaking her head.

"There you have it. Yes you feel hurt by them but what you feel now is disappointment. Typical of a kind person like you, if it was me I would have turn angry with hatred. Let's not complicate things by trying to read into the past, making our own conclusion. You need to talk."

"I wonder why they don't want to tell me about it earlier," she whispered again. "It would have saved me some heartbreak and I am not an unreasonable person not to understand it but now it's too late. Mr. and Mrs. Han had died, I won't know if they are being truthful to me."

"I am a negative person if you ask me, all my answer will only depress you. Which why I will think of a positive reason beneath their action for you. Maybe they were trying to protect you, taking consideration of your well being and emotions. You were young at that time, perhaps they want you to have a life like other children without having to think about dying. There is time for everything and it might just not be the right time before," he swiped his thumb over her cheeks again and a sigh accompany his thoughts, "Seeing you cry, I am reminded of how fragile you are despite not being made up of glass. I am afraid you would get hurt."

"I think I need a rest," Seoyeon said, wiping her tears, she needed a time for herself, just a little time to organize her thoughts as she felt like everything in her mind scrambling away.

"Then I will leave—" Jung Hwa had pushed himself from the chair only to be stopped as Seoyeon caught him by his sleeve.

"Stay with me," she said, her voice feeble and delicate as if she was afraid to be pushed away when never can such a thought come into his mind.

"As in sleep with me or sleep with me?" Jung Hwa placed a deeper emphasis in the second word of sleep which Seoyeon caught but a slight grin appear on her lips.

"I don't know what you mean," Seoyeon then pulled herself and tapped the empty side of her bed, "Sleep here. I don't want to be alone."

"Your wish is my command, my love," Jung Hwa answered obediently, bowing as if he was a servant that caused another chuckle to pass by her lips, lightening her mood.

The night prevail and when Seoyeon fully fell to her sleep Jung Hwa slide his arm from her palm where Seoyeon had unknowingly clutched to him by he entire night. Without the light turned on, his eyes stared at her through the darkness. One advantage of being a vampire was to admired his lover's sleeping face at night without disturbing them.

"You always get hurt," Jung Hwa whispered, "And all I want is for you to never get hurt again yet the world doesn't seem to be taking our words in an easier way."

He coaxed her sleep by brushing his fingertips over her forehead and left the bed soundlessly. Leaving the room, he then made his way down toward the study room. With a light kick, he opened the door, finding Lee Young standing with two chess pieces on his hand. 

"You came," Lee Young chimed, "Brought what you needed?"

Jung Hwa answered with a high pitched hum to confirm his questions. "How did it goes with the Hunters? I heard they came here."

Lee Young stood not too far from the chair where Jung Hwa was taking a seat. "Nothing. They asked for you, your history and the last place I saw you. Though they knew we were close they didn't know you came to me for help. Did she cried?" 

Jung Hwa turned his face at his grand uncle, his brows raised, wondering how did he knew that and looked at his shoulder where a little trace of tears deepened the fabric of his clothes. During her sleep, Seoyeon wasn't aware that she had cried while burying her face on his shoulders.

"It's not because she would have to fight or distress because is now an all time most wanted person between Hunters and Associates. But because she had just found out the secret people have been hiding to her and felt betrayed for it. You know she is a very strong person inside yet things like this manage to hurt her," Jung Hwa said and his eyes dazed while looking at the night sky from the curtained window.

"Unlike us with a morally loose principle, being betrayed is painful for human especially for people who look strong in surface it's often their heart that took the very softest material," Lee Young sauntered around the distance of the spot he stood earlier to the nearest table, coming back to Jung Hwa with a glass of liquor. "I can see you are worried about her but that's not what you came for today, don't you?"

Jung Hwa took the glass from his hand, smiling as he lifted his head up, "Let's play a detective game and find for this fucking traitor who had whispered Seoyeon's uncle to reveal her existence to the Associate. I can bet you my shoes now, what do you think?"

"I don't want your second handed goods," Lee Young scrunched his nose.

"You have to bite and be less greedy, grand uncle. I am homeless now, what can you expect me to bet with you other than my shoes?" Jung Hwa raised both of his shoulders to appeal his innocent look.

"Calling me grand uncle when you wish for help," Lee Young rolled his eyes, "Forget it. You came with an answer already knowing you will win. Tell me what you think about it."

Jung Hwa's smile had fallen and he looked more serious where his eyes narrows, "There is a traitor amongst the Associates."

"Traitor," Lee Young whispered back. 

"Interesting right?' Jung Hwa grinned.

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