I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 324 - Sealing Memories-II

Waking up, Seoyeon left her room feeling fresher than before. She stepped down from the bed and left to the dining room once she had changed to a fresh set of clothes. It was hard to organize her emotions yesterday, trying to unfasten her feelings in a hurry leads her only to a large wall but soon as she had discussed her feeling with Jung Hwa, she felt much better and her heart was at ease.

The breakfast was laid in the dining room, a simple Korean dishes and Lee Young sat on the other side of the table. Despite not having food in front of him, he still sat on the room with a glass of what Seoyeon would likely guess to be blood rather than red wine.

Jung Hwa wasn't in the mood to eat either as he had the same bright red drink on his glass which he sip occasionally, "Are you feeling better?" Jung Hwa questioned, worry and concern settled on his eyes that stared at her.

"I feel very well. No pain or headache," and as she speak, her eyes moved to the only person after her who was eating, the dark witch, Lee Taehyung. The man dedicated most of his time to stay beside Seulgi and as much as Seoyeon want to stay with her friend, she could not control her emotion whenever she sees Seulgi with her face pallid and her chest still like a doll.

"Are you alright, Mr. Lee?" She asked out of concern as he man did not speak nor look lively. He looked as if his heart had been stolen from him and while Seoyeon knew just like her he was also nursing a sorrow, but to bring Seulgi back, she would need the man on his top health.

Lee Taehyung offered a small and polite smile, "Yes, I am alright."

"To bring back Miss Wan, you will need a lot of energy. I see that you haven't been sleeping," Jung Hwa chimed from the side, "It might be difficult to sleep in your situation but I suggest you to sleep more and take proper rest to achieve the best result."

Lee Young who sat couldn't help but painted a grin on his lips, "Who knew that one day this will come— a day where Hwa is speaking very politely to stranger."

Jung Hwa turned to meet Seoyeon's eyes, his smile widening as hers did, "I had a good influence," and he wasn't wrong. Seoyeon could also feel his change, it wasn't entirely but he had learned sympathy which usually he wont have. 

"Getting back to our most important discussion," Lee Young began, tipping the glass with a loud clink, "Miss Seoyeon, last night Hwa and I had a little talk regarding about the leak of information about you and the power we have..." Lee Young then continued to brief the information they had for now.

Seoyeon heard in silence. She remembered meeting Gun Nam, but the an appeared to only look like a strict person, she didn't expect that he would have a very greedy disposition. Seoyeon gave a long look as she studied the information.

"Is there anything that hooked your mind?" Jung Hwa who watched her expression asked.

"It might be my side that overthink about it but don't you find it strange?" Seoyeon asked and the three men showed the same confused look. 

"Which?" Jung Hwa questioned.

"The fact that the witches who you caught would reveal his identity. From what I have gathered, Mr. Gun appeared like a very careful person. Do you think he would let others to expose him?" Seoyeon made a point which was difficult for the three other men to refute.

"I do thought and questioned about it as you did," Jung Hwa said, "But I can attest that they are not lying." And being a pureblood of his breed, Jung Hwa, who could tell between lies and truth would definitely knew if the witches tried to play a trick on him. 

She then heard Lee Young spoke, "Our next question is what to do in order to tear down the bounty that had been placed on your head. It sounds easy but as we know now, no one in the Associates or Hunters will be on your side knowing how lethal your power are for them."

Seoyeon exhaled a faint sigh. She was also confused on what to do next. "Hwa and I plan to fins a way to suppress the catalyst's power. Through a named fortuneteller she claimed that there is a special book that dark witches have which could help me to suppress the power of the catalyst."

"Finding a book? That won't be an easy feat," hummed Lee Young.

Lee Taehyung who had been quiet then said, "It is something that dark witches shared between each other, but we often helped by creatures called 'the digger' who often took the task of finding spell books which is often hidden."

"Oh?" Jung Hwa leaned forward with interest, "That sounds like a life savior for us. Where can we find the digger?"

"I know a place but the diggers have their own mandate in which they would only obey one master or witches in their entire life. While they are very loyal it is a difficult task to beckon them to work with you; worse, we cannot force them either."

While Seoyeon thought of how troublesome it would be, Jung Hwa, instead intoned happily, "That will be fine." He then met Seoyeon's questioning guess, "I am a man full of charm. Nothing can hide this charm of mine which I am sure unless those diggers are blind they would beg on their knees to work for me."

Seoyeon couldn't hide her chuckle like Lee Taheyung who was also surprised by Jung Hwa's outgoing reply. 

"Alright, charming man," Seoyeon intoned, "Then I will leave the matter of gaining the digger's loyalty to you."

The breakfast ended quickly as Seoyeon felt awkward to be the only person who eat after Lee Taehyung quickly excused himself. The man stayed beside Seulgi as he promised, without missing a single second unless needed which was somewhere concerning but he didn't appear ill which is all that mattered.

Seoyeon saw Jung Hwa sliding his hands into the sleeve of his coat and he raised his brows when he met her eyes, "Finding me pleasing?"

Seoyeon would often roll her eyes at this confident words of him but today she felt like joining his confidence, "Very. I am surprised that I caught you."

Their relationship progressed like a sliding board, thought Jung Hwa. Now Seoyeon had opened almost all part of her, accepting him both in emotion and body. "That just show how much of a good fisher you are. I have been curious. What did the catalyst did to Seulgi?"

Seoyeon pursed her lips, opening slowly, "We didn't have much time to chat but to summarize she told me she stopped the process of Seulgi's soul to part from the world. I am not sure how she is able to do that..." but if she could control the soul and even stopped the life and death of a soul, then the catalyst's power must be more enormous than anyone could ever guess, thought Jung Hwa.

"Ah!" Seoyeon then gasped, gathering his quick attention, "I remembered that she also told me that Seulgi was a special case. I am not sure what to take from her words but I think, she means that even her power have limits and Seulgi just fortunately fall on the lucky side," and she couldn't express how glad she was. 

The catalyst sounded like the perfect power everyone would wish to have or covet but also fear. However, Seoyeon could also see the power as both curse and boon. The curse was that it is difficult to control the power and in case she failed, it will only cause herself to be taken over by Haneul. The boon was, that this power seemed to be extendable; there were still part of the power she hadn't explore yet and perhaps if it was done right, she could put this power for better purpose. 

"If there is a chance, I want to try talking to Haneul again," Seoyeon then said as they both entered his car. "She was not an evil person. I have seen her past and she... she was just a person who had fell to tragedy, at least that what I can tell for now."

Jung Hwa couldn't tell how wide and vast Seoyeon's heart was. To stil be able to think of others in her position, he was sure not a lot of people could do so. He settled his hand on her chin, lifting her face to plant a kiss on her lips, just briefly, "A kiss for encouragement and good luck."

Seoyeon chuckled, "And to you too," she answered, returning his kiss with the same fervor. 

The sky was still bright blue the moment they arrived on the fortuneteller's house. Stepping out, Seoyeon heaved a sigh and exchange gazes with Jung Hwa who gave her the push on the back she needed. They both entered the door after knocking. Unlike how Seoyeon recalled when she first came to the house, it was less eerie and appeared no less like any other houses she had seen before. The only thing to point out was of how silent the house.

Jung Hwa knocked on the door thrice and when they don't have reply, his brows raised. Seoyeon asked, "Maybe she left?"

"We can see it for ourself," Jung Hwa said, ready to open the door and while Seoyeon wondered if she should stop him, the door then opened by itself and the fortuneteller stood against the door.

Her first sentence she uttered proof to her title, "I have been waiting for you two.. Please enter."

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