I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 339 - Know It Better-II

As Seoyeon was in Haneul's sight, she couldn't notice the two people whose gazes could not leave the others or whether Yeseul, her dearest maid felt her heart floated in first sight and somewhere heat rushes to her cheeks. Seoyeon was focus on seeing Han Anhye. Her guess wasn't wrong, it was indeed this man who the fortuneteller had married to but who was the fortuneteller then?

"I will quickly fetch it, milady," said Yeseul who then left in a hurry. Seeing Han Anhye's gaze linger on the door, Haneul wondered if he was curious of her maid and said, "She has been my maid since my childhood things roughly happened to her and I took her in."

"Took her in? You are of the same age, if I am not wrong?" The man asked and Haneul nodded with the warm smile that continue to settle on her lips. 

"I was of the same age of her when I saw her sold in the market. You know how there are shops that sell people, don't you? Some sell humans as a servant but most had sold them to the hands of the vampires," Haneul explained and she smiled on her own memories, "It was then when I met her and begged my parents to buy them. I should say that I am a very generous person with my daily allowance."

"Rumors truly are not to be believed," Han Anhye said with a gentle smile.

"Rumors?" Haneul first asked but then things sink in for her, "You mean the rumors about how I am a ruthless sword for the kingdom?"

Han Anhye realized how things didn't come the way he wanted to say it, "I didn't mean to say so, Miss Haneul."

Haneul chuckled, covering her lips with her hands, "Please don't be I was only joking Mr. Han. I don't take any offense in your words, rather I understand why others fear me, when one have power others don't it comes without saying how they would get cold feet in front of them like how most humans are with vampires," she said it truthfully, she does felt upset and Seoyeon being inside her could vouch for this, "How do you find me compared to the rumors?"

"Completely different," the man answered, "Milady, most people only see you by your powers but they should know soon that there are more in you than the catalyst."

"Thank you," Haneul said sincerely for not many people could say those words even if it was a lie, "It is a great afternoon and I heard my mother had planted some peonies that should be at full bloom now; Should we take a walk outside?"

Although Han Anhye expressed that he didn't want to stay for long, someone had changed his mind and the man agreed with her offer. They left the room to the garden, where the open spread of greeneries colored their brown colored house. 

The two passed by the gazebo after some of their talk and Haneul noticed how unlike others Han Anhye didn't look at her with one eyes or thought of her merely as a killing machine like some others thought her to e. He engaged with her the way he does to others, even speaking about the kingdom's affair that only a few people would do as they thought she should be a pretty doll for a woman. 

"In the Southern province I heard that there are deep red flowers that only bloom in Winter. Rumors said that the Queen have fallen for the flower," Han Anhye said an Haneul heaved a faint sight which the man heard.

Haneul who also noticed her own sigh at the mention of the Queen turn flustered, "Mr. Anhye, I..."

"No, it is fine milady. I promise to keep everything a secret. Truthfully I share the same sentiments as you when it comes to the Queen. If I have to put in the softest words like others did, the Queen is ambitious but we all know how greedy she is. If a flower caught her eyes, it is possible she would try to conquer the kingdom," and the man had voiced out the correct reason or Haneul to sigh, "I know that you are against the war, milady."

"The kingdom is large enough, Mr. Anhye, we lack a few things in our land such as a fertile soil but that cannot be the only reason for war. I and the Queen, also I presume anyone else also notice this that we have other alternatives than to go on a war to solve this problem. The Queen didn't want that however."

"Can I ask why do you wish to stop the war? I sensed that isn't the only reason, milady. Do you fear to kill people? Or is it the hatred?" The man asked, finding himself that he could speak intricate problem with Haneul without feeling oppressed by other's ideas or the old beliefs that the rest of the ministers in the Royal Palace have.

Haneul appeared surprises by Han Anhye's question and Seoyeon felt her own heart squeeze, "I have someone I wish to protect but I learned that feeling might be one sided. We wish to protect someone but they might not want our protection."

"Your lover?" Han Anhye questioned boldly that had Haneul to be flustered on what she had to answer. The man then pressed his smile, "Don't worry, milady I won't tell what we say today ever to anyone. There are things that concerns me now. I am one of the youngest minister of the Palace and I support your act of going against the war. Not many of us, including me an disagree with the Queen but we all know that with your support, it put us at ease to bring forward our thoughts to voices without fearing the Queen's anger."

"I am glad if you think so, not many like my idea," because most people blindly agree to the Queen's choices even if it resulted to their own death and only regret it once the kingdom shatters.

"There are many things that worries me, including the current war of our kingdom and the Seon Kingdom," and at this, Seoyeon felt Haneul's hand tightened, "I heard many of our soldiers died on the war."

Haneul's grip tightened further and uneasiness raised from the back of her throat that had her uncomfortable. "Do you know about Min Hyuk, Mr. Anhye?"

Han Anhye had a quizzical look on his face, but thought that Haneul was curious and politely answered, "Certainly, he is the youngest general who lead the fourth battalion of the current war. As a man, I am very impressed by his achievements. In such a young age for a vampire, he had successfully bring many victories to our kingdom. While many died, I heard his armies have the least death compared to the others."

"Do you know how he is?" Haneul questioned, she could have asked this to anyone else in the Royal Palace but almost every single person in the Palace serve as the limbs and eyes of the Queen and Haneul didn't want the woman to know this. "He is my childhood friend," answered Haneul when the man gave her an inquiring look. 

"The latest news I heard he is healthy, he suffered some wound for going alone to the battlefield after being separated from his armies but he came out as the victor." 

A relived breath then escaped from Haneul's mouth and Seoyeon noted that Min Hyuk, Haneul's crush had left to the battlefield, therefore the heartache she keep feeling whenever a close topic about Min Hyuk or the war was brought up.

Yeseul then came behind her, "Milady," Yeseul bowed, "The Queen request for your audience."

"It seems the Queen love to bring the sword near her," a satire remark came from the man.

"Only those who fear to lose things keep them close," Haneul answered, bowing to the man, "I had fun talking with you, Mr. Anhye."

"As well as me, the honor is on mine," the man said, returning her polite bow and his eyes quickly went to meet Yeseul's where their gazes locked and when he offered her a smile, Han Anhye realized how the maid quickly turned away and a little sigh escaped from his lips.

"Did I scared her?" He whispered to himself while watching the retreating figure of the two women, "But I didn't do anything rude..."

Night faded in, the sky had turned pitch black. While Seoyeon realize she could move her body in the time she needed, she didn't done it as she wanted to see the action Haneul took and not hers. She didn't forget the reason why she had entered the lucid dream in the first place and it was because she wanted to find her using her power. But even during the talk with the Queen, Haneul didn't use her power.

What Seoyeon found it more shocking was when she heard that Haneul hadn't use any of her power yet to fight as she refuses to kill although she had put it in the disguise of needing to still learn how to use her power which Seoyeon knew was a lie and she also could tell the Queen also knew of this. 

When the night came and her room turn empty, the wing where her room stayed on gave Haneul an empty solitude. She left the place, leaving to the garden again but this time walking to a place which only she knew. 

Seoyeon noticed that the place where Haneul had stopped was the threshold of the house, the large wall that fenced the large house of Sol family and also the place where Seoyeon remembers where Min Hyuk had came from before. 

She rubbed her upper arm where coldness brushes, the feeling of missing and waiting for someone, the longing to meet Min Hyuk caused her to feel the night to be colder which Seoyeon could feel in Haneul's position.

Haneul spent another three to four minutes standing and staring at the tall wall before eventually turning her body as she didn't want to catch a cold. When her back was turned sound of rustle came from behind her and she snapped her eyes. Warily, Haneul questioned if it was a daring thief but then a head of a person came from the wall. His smile was wide and his handsome face was still the same as Haneul had remembered despite not being able to see him for more than a year and a half. 

"You are here," his low voice sounded deeper to her heart as of it was finding its own way to carve his voice on her ear. 

"Min Hyuk," whispered Haneul. Tears begin to dampened her eyes and when Min Hyuk jumped and landed on the ground, Haneul didn't hesitate and run to pull him to her embrace. "You are back," she whispered, "it's not a dream and you are not wounded, thank God," she repeated her wishes and thank you God for not separating her from him.

Min Hyuk's hands was suspended on air as Haneul hugged him, finding no where to place his arm until he heard her fragile voice and pulled her back to his arm, bending his head and leg her hug him for as long as she wanted to confirm that he was indeed here, safe and sound.

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