I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 346 - Beyond The Forest-III

Haneul pressed her forehead with her thumb. She wish she could be kind, she really do and she also wanted to become a good daughter that her mother wished her to be but there was up to an extent of things that she could endure. Her mother's screaming was not something that she could.

Especially when the matters came about her marriage. 

Madam Sol wasn't happy that the Queen had instead offered Haneul to marry a vampire. An incredulous look was on her face, "How many times have I told you not to acquainted yourself with that vampire? Have you lost your mind, Haneul, he is a vampire! A monstrous being that suck blood out of people!" Her mother shouted.

"What about me?" Haneul then asked, she watched how her mother was hitched by the question, a startled expression covered her face. 

Haneul pulled a smile which wasn't wide as she wasn't happy and was feeling upset. "I know what you did. The letters that Min Hyuk sent for me. Where are all those letters?"

Mrs. Sol hold to her ground, "What kind of letters?" 

"Stop lying, mother. I know about everything! I know that you took the letters from Min Hyuk. In this house the only instruction coming from you is what the servants of this house would follow!" 

"I don't know anything about those letters!"

Haneul stared at her mother, feeling both nauseous and dizzy for the lies she said when everything was pointing to her. "Enough!" Haneul took a step forward when she saw fear covering her mother's face. Her eyes went wide, her hands clasped together, and a gasp left her lips that sounded like a scream.

Faced with her mother's fear, Haneul didn't know why she felt a sharp sting in her heart. She knew that once people learned about her power as the catalyst they would fear her but to see the woman who cradled her since a baby now showing fear to her as if she was some kind of a monster broke her heart.

Haneul retracted the step that she took forward. She didn't know whether she managed to hide the pain that she felt with the smile she showed.

"I thought I would be fine and that I can get used to the pain but it is impossible," Haneul said to Madam Sol who didn't understand what she meant. "When a person suffer from a cut every day, it is not that they would not be able to feel the pain again, it is because they know the pain that it didn't matter much to them. But the pain is still there. If you fear me mother, I suggest that we stop having breakfast together or else it will upset your stomach to eat with a monster."

Madam Sol, who stared at her seemed to have finally learned her mistake but it was too late.

Haneul had turned her back, "I will leave." and when she left, she thought she heard her mother's voice calling for her name but she was pained by her mother's previous action that her ears had turned numb from hearing her voice. 

Yeseul who saw what happened from the threshold of the door as it was left open during the time Madam Sol had entered, quickly followed steps by steps behind Haneul.

"Miss..." Yeseul pursed her lips when she finally caught Haneul's steps. Standing beside the girl, she didn't miss the tears that threatened to fall.

Haneul wordlessly stopped her steps. She turned to see the only person who was on her side, letting the tears to fall from her eyes and went to hug her maid.

"Am I frightening?" 

Yeseul was surprised by the question. She pulled Haneul's back, shakin her head, "No, milady. You are not. There are monsters in this world but they are not you. You are a human, a kind and gentle person."

Haneul couldn't be more than thankful to have Yeseul as her maid. She was the only person who would be by her side and she valued the maid much more than a servant, seeing her like a sister. 

The rest of the day, Haneul retired to her room, entertained by Yeseul's story of her hometown that she lived at before she was sold as a slave and saved by Haneul.

Yeseul's story had always been one of the best pastime for Haneul since her childhood other than Min Hyuk's presence beside her. She told her how she lived in a large village inside the forest. The people that live there was all beautiful and stunning which Haneul believe because Yeseul was a pretty woman herself. 

"How long was the river?" Haneul questioned Yeseul who was eager to bring away her mistress' attention from the incident which happened this afternoon. 

"This long and wider than this house!" Yeseul replied, measuring the length of the river with her hand. "In the village it was known that the river could heal any wound but I guess it was a myth. I didn't get to try them."

"Have you ever want to meet your family, Yeseul?" Haneul was sad if Yeseul was to leave her side but if it was for her friend to meet her family, she was happy to lend her a help to find her family.

Knowing the kind intention Haneul had, Yeseul smiled wider but she shook her head, "I am happy to be by your side, milady. Would you like me to braid your hair before you sleep?"

"That would be great," Haneul took Yeseul offer. Before the maid left her room, she said, "Tomorrow I will be going to the forest for the Queen order, I don't think it will be a long trip. When we go home, don't you want to travel to the market with me?"

Yeseul nodded quickly in agreement. Although Haneul was sad with what went down today, she learned that moving over to the next day was much more important than brooding over the sadness of that day.

Sleeping on her bed, her eyes stared at the candles that flicked, wondering what Min Hyuk do at this time of hour as the night before he had left quickly once she addressed his wounds.

"The dark witches had been seen to meet the Queen through hidden connection, Mr. Min. It is as you expected, the Queen has aided them in the recent attack against WomHeu Kingdom to kill you under the disguise of war."

"She really fears that someone would take her away from the throne," hummed Min Hyuk.

"Since the news of your triumph, the common folks had begin to favor you more than the Queen, she must fear that one day you would take over her place as the King."

"King? That's not too bad," Min Hyuk said. That way he would also be able to support Haneul and release the Queen's threaten on her. "But the Royal ministers won't easily be swayed. If I were to become a King we would need to tear down everyone in the palace. Every one of them including the servants. The Queen's poison have reached far to the corner of the palace. Taking the root is the only option."

Min Hyuk sat in front of his desk, his hand covering his chin. He had been putting a low profile during the war but he knew that in order to save Haneul from the Queen's clutch, he needed power. A power which the Queen would not notice building underneath her nose which started the Shadow groups which he created using his influence as the Hero of the war.

Many people who worked as his Shadows respected and admired him, causing him to be the King on his own group. But that didn't made the pureblood proud. His priority didn't stray away from the goal he made since he first started the group and it was all to protect Haneul, the woman whom he love enough to sacrificed his all for her.

His hand moved as he sat up from the chair, and the woman shadow who stood beside the man that came to report the information couldn't tear her eyes away from the part of his skin that was allowed to see as he had worn a loose robe that loosely drape his body, letting his torso to be seen while the lower part of his body covered by a white slack.

In time, her eyes also seen the white bandage that clumsily covered his waist, "Lord Min, may I ask about the wound you have on our stomach? If it is dangerous, we should—"

Min Hyuk raised his hand to stop the woman from speaking, "It's nothing Bom, the wound have healed."

And of course Bom knew that the wound have been healed. As a vampire herself, she was aware that wounds on them healed much faster than humans. At first she wondered if it was a terrible wound that he suffered from the attack of the dark witch during the last day of the war but then Min Hyuk told her the wound had been healed. 

This had the woman question why he would still need the bandage on his stomach?

"This is a trophy," Min Hyuk said while covering his hand to his wound. Remembering Haneul's serious expression as she tried to tend his wound had him to smile. "Thank you for worrying me, I heard you did a great job with protecting the village from the hungry vampires. I am glad Raeul had chosen you to work in the shadow."

Bom's cheeks turned red upon the praise and fortunately the dim light of the room aided her in hiding her red cheeks from Min Hyuk's sharp gaze and only Raeul who stood beside her noticed it.

"Milord, will you agree to the common folks wishes?"

"To become the King..." it wasn't a title he aspired. While being a King and taking the crown was an event everyone covet, Min Hyuk didn't want anything other than protecting his beloved. "But if becoming King is what it takes to protect her, then whether it is King or demon, I can take any role," he whispered, his eyes then languidly looked at the two vampires, the black gaze turning to red, "I will think about it. Once we kill the Queen we will need someone to fulfill the position if it isn't me we would have to find someone else suitable for it."

"I believe there is no one more suitable to become the King other than you, milord. The common folks might be the poorest in this land but they are the people who are expose to the truth,"Bom said with much admiration in her words. Her eyes that stared at Min Hyuk sparkled and Raeul sighed underneath his breaths.

Min Hyuk only smiled in response, not revealing what he had in mind. He then tapped his table, "I assume there is no evidence that connect between the Queen and the dark witches?"

"She is very keen in cleaning all the traces, milord. We don't have enough evidence to pinpoint her action to kill you. The only lead we had is the living witness who saw the dark witchess entering the Queen' palace."

"But those living witness are our shadows and that won't be enough to put her to the blame. I could see why she  could keep her position as the Queen now. If she is careless by now the throne have slipped from her fingers. But then when trashes are piled, no matter how much one try to hide it, the smell will beckon others to find them. While she is very clever, it is her pride that one day would defeat her. We need the timing to bring her down and it is soon."

Raeul bowed in response and Bom who had finished her report left.

"Is there any new information regarding Haneul?" Min Hyuk then asked now that they were alone.

"Yessir, a new order had been passed from the Queen to Miss Sol. She wished her to check the forest that had been renowned for the past years for causing missing people."

"Missing people. Now that I am back, I will have more opportunity. Sent a letter to the Queen. For her attack last time, sent her a beautiful letter of taunting.. Make her remember her place."

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