I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 355 - Betrayed Heart-I

The fortuneteller frowned but she knew Kwon Huan had said the truth. It was because that around the house a barrier had been placed would only allow her in, to be exact her kinds. 

"You are also reincarnated, your soul is the same as hundred years before," said the fortuneteller. It clicked to her what Seoyeon said to her now. The possibility of other light witches being reincarnated again other than her was actually there. 

It was in the light witches nature to hold kindness and compassionate, they don't associate themselves with the evil kinds but that doesn't made them completely free from making mistake or succumbing into ambitions. 

Raising her hands, the fortuneteller was on an immediate guard, "What do you want to do here? If it is the catalyst that you want then I am warning you to drop the idea."

Kwon Huan shook his head and raised both his hand besides his head, "No! You really don't remember. It must be the side effect of your death. I am someone who is your ally, a person whose priority is to safe as many lives as possible. We don't have time, she will start!"

"Who is she?" The fortuneteller asked. "The catalyst?"

Kwon Huan who in his past life was known as JaeGil shook his head, "The head of the dark witches, she is also a reincarnations of the same woman who had destroyed our village."

In Seoyeon's dream, she went back to being inside Haneul. They were currently walking on the Royal Palace here a banquet was held. 

"This is a complete charade," said Haneul while looking at the ground of the castle now filled with archery tools. "The Queen said that she want to be entertained by holding an archery competition."

Yeseul who was beside her tilted her head, "Why do you look angry, milady?"

"The Queen is trying to do something else again. She is the type of person who wouldn't do things for no benefit," answered Haneul and they resumed their walk.

While walking a woman who passed by her was quick to bow, "Lady Catalyst," greeted the woman.

Seeing her, Haneul's lips thinned. She responded the same curtsy, "My name is Sol Haneul. Not the catalyst."

"Oh dear, silly me. I apologize. I am too used to seeing you as the catalyst," said the woman with a brimming smile but Haneul could see through the act. "Are you going to watch the archery competition, milady? Who do you think would win? Personally because we have seen him on the battlefield, I am sure it would be a swift win by Lord Min Hyuk. Have you heard about it, milady?"

Haneul didn't let her emotions swayed but she couldn't stop the fiery blaze on her eyes. She knew this woman not because they had a good relationship. Once in the past, Haneul had heard that Min Hyuk's Family had chosen a woman for him to marry. That woman was, Che In-Hyee the vampiress across her now. 

Haneul knew that Min Hyuk had turned down the marriage offer but now Che In-Hyee seemed to want to mend their relationship after hearing Min Hyuk had became the Hero.

"Heard about what?" Haneul questioned tonlessly.

"Well it had been heard that currently the Hero is searching for a woman to stand by his side. Someone who could strengthen his position. We even almost shared a night together but... What do you think about me, milady?" Che In-Hyee offered her a blushing smile. 

Haneul's eyes flared all of a sudden. Ever since she became the catalyst, never had she been a calm person. It was an act she put on the surface when in truth her heart was the same as an ocean upon storm. 

She hadn't been in her best mood especially after the provocation the yellow witch started and now someone else had done similar action as the yellow witch.

"If you mean what I would think about you putting yourself as Min Hyuk's prospect of marriage, then I would suggest you drop the idea," said Haneul. She who hadn't been smiling now pulled a smile. 

Yeseul behind Haneul supported her lady. 

Che In-Hyee's smile dropped from her lips. Her eyes narrowing, "Why do you say I should drop the idea?"

"For many various reason, Miss In-Hyee. I don't want to note them down but I think I should as you ask me to. Please don't be offended. I had heard it from Min Hyuk himself what type of woman he would prefer to become his wife. A woman who is kind, beautiful inside and out, and a girl who could respect others politely without hurting another's feelings; the last one is particularly important." 

Che In Hyee shook her head, "I think I suited all of the condition above?" And the vampiress caught Haneul's chuckle that passed quickly.

"But you don't," answered Haneul. She took a step forward, causing the shorter woman before her to fall back by three steps, "You are a woman who is cunning, sly and could hurt others for yourself. You know my feeling to Min Hyuk but you have come to say this to me. A conceited girl you are. You knew who I am and it makes me question why are you still brave to come here and provoke me. Is the Yellow Witch the one who put you to this?" 

Che In-Hyee's eyes widened. She felt the threat Haneul's gave out and tried to maintain the distance between them but Haneul had held her shoulders with a tight grip. 

"Look at my eyes," Haneul ordered and the girl can't help but follow her instructions out of fear. "Answer my question."

"Y-Yes!" Che In-Hyee immediately fell on the ground when Haneul released her grip not because Haneul had pushed her but because her knees gave out. 

"I-I am sorry m-milady! I must have been possessed, I don't know why I dared to do that," apologized the woman. 

Haneul then caught from the side of her eyes Min Hyuk passing by. Like a magnetic push, her head immediately darted away. "Remember who you should fear, Che In-Hyee. Don't be greedy again and obey the words of someone you shouldn't," warned Haneul before walking away and Yeseul who followed her stuck her tongue to the vampiress.

Che In-Hyee was miffed. She was a vampiress and like most vampires on her society she was taught that vampire triumph over humans and yet she had been shamed by a human woman who had just acquired witchy power. 

She walked away in anger when her eyes noticed Min Hyuk, "Lord Min Hyuk," Che In-Hyee greeted with an immediate politeness. 

Before when she had been arranged to marry Min Hyuk, she thought the man might just be perfect for her. He had the look, the wealth, and the pureblood line that every vampiress want from him. When she heard Min Hyuk had rejected the marriage, she had been angered but now the anger had disappeared and replaced by her greed.

Seeing Min Hyuk's eyes moving to follow Haneul, her anger upon the woman came back, "Even though she had just turned as a catalyst now she had used her power to threaten others who she doesn't like, I am afraid of the future of our kingdom."

"Threaten?" Min Hyuk asked without looking at the woman who nodded as she thought Min Hyuk was interested in her conversation.

"I was passing by when she noticed me. It appears she felt jealous," Min Hyuk's eyes finally went to meet her.

"Why jealous?" There was nothing Haneul should be jealous of from Che In Hyee and he knew this the best than anyone.

"It seems she still remember that I have almost engaged with you, milord. I was praising you for your magnificent conquest and it appears that Miss Haneul didn't like that."

Min Hyuk chuckled and Che In Hyee thought he was laughing at Haneul in mockery not knowing that he was laughing at her.

Che In Hyee bravely shortened the distance between him and her, coming closer and demurred, "Milord, would you like to spend some time with me? The moon can be seen very beautifully from my veranda. I know you love to see the moon—"

"Haneul wasn't wrong. She knew me very well," answered Min Hyuk that put the woman to confusion. "I only like woman who is kind, beautiful inside and out, and a girl who could respect others politely without hurting another's feelings. That woman is only one in this world. Not you."

"What?—" Che In Hyee was confused but suddenly she felt a chill from the man beside her. 

"Next time, In Hyee," then Min Hyuk smile faded as a cold hostile look set on his face, "Don't provoke or take a work for the yellow witch ever again. You and your family cannot face the consequences."

Haneul crossed her arm, sitting on the seat that wasn't too far from the Queen or the current princess who is the niece of the Queen, sitting a seat before the yellow witch that put the woman in dissatisfaction. 

The yellow witch believe she was older and should be respected more but Haneul had gotten the seat that was once hers. being dethroned had her mood to turn bitter.

The archery competition was boring to Haneul's eyes. It went for long before her interest was caught as the an in the deep blue robe came with the long bow on his hand. 

It was Min Hyuk. 

Haneul put a close eye to Min Hyuk's performance. Needlessly to say he was perfect, whether it was his aim or his posture that appeared strong when she looked at him from behind. 

When Haneul closed her eyes briefly to blink, she could imagine is figure standing alone in the mass of bodies during war and it put her at ease to see that he had came back, safe and intact. 

Though the bitterness from what the yellow witch quickly raise to her heart again. 

"Perfect!" Said the head of the knights when the arrow had been released and sharply hit the small red dot on the wooden target. 

Round of praises rained the place in seconds, everyone praising Min Hyuk for his magnificent archery. 

The Queen showed a smile, "We truly cannot expect anything less from our dear hero. By now I can tell you will win the competition."

"Thank you for your word, your highness," said Min Hyuk, appearing polite but when his eyes met the Queen, it was clear what kind of hate that he held to the woman.

Haneul and Min Hyuk then locked gazes and when he smiled to her, the stings that she felt when meeting him suddenly felt better though when the yellow witch put a clap an irk crawled in her heart, 

"There are still a few more best archers..." the lady in waiting who organized the competition begin to speak.

Haneul had stopped paying heed to the discussion as she turned to look back and forward.

The Queen noticed her action and spoke, "Are you searching for a lost item, Haneul?"

Haneul noticed the hooded gaze of the Queen who was putting a smile but the smile didn't reach her eyes. 

A sudden premonition came to her, something bad was about to happen. She hadn't guess what it was, "I am searching for my maid—"


The sharp scream had Haneul to break her gaze and look at the open ground where the archers were performing. There, she caught the sight of Yeseul who was passing by the ground while four arrows run through the wind over her. 

The particular archer had attempted to fire four arrows at the same time but had failed to do so.

"Yeseul!" Haneul, who didn't pay good attention to the competition was late when she reached out her hand.

She was about to use her power when two of the four arrows stopped on air. While the other two arrows that was shot toward Yeseul was cut to half by both Min Hyuk and Han Anhye who was also in the open ground.

The Queen smiled before putting a startled face, "What have you done!" she yelled to the archer who bowed to the ground. "You have hurt the maid of the catalyst!"

"M-my lady! Forgive me, I-I don't know what happened either..."

"Guards bring him away! Make sure he is punished for his mistake!" the Queen ordered immediately.

Haneul was still startled before she looked at her palm. What happened?! Just now, she didn't manage to use her power and was only able to stop one arrow. Was it the yellow witch?

In time, the yellow witch came beside her, "It appears you have just found a new power. Who knows that by people around you getting hurt we can find a new power inside you. Maybe we have found the ultimate method in exploring your power—"

Haneul's eyes sharply met the yellow witch where her black eyes turned silverish, "Don't try something you cannot cost, yellow witch," it wasn't her, thought Haneul who then stood up. "My Queen, I will be taking my maid to the physicians."

Without waiting for the Queen's agreement, Haneul had quickly left the place, bringing Yeseul with her. She bowed her head to Han Anhye.

"I will help," Min Hyuk offered and Han Anhye also did the same.

"I can manage. Please, we just need some time alone," answered Haneul, giving Min Hyuk a sincere look and he was quick to nod, also stopping Han Anhye from coming with them.

When they were finally in an empty room, Haneul saw Yeseul's face that had turned pallid.

"That wasn't my power," said Haneul. "I was late and I can only stopped one arrow. The other arrow.... was it you, Yeseul?"

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