I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 382 - Platform Raising-I

Far away from the associate, the Mistress had apparated out of nowhere in the middle of her base. The rest of the witches were surprised and at the same time scared as they knew of the Mistress's temper which could result them something worse than death as they have seen it before.

"What are you alright doing?!" yelled the Mistress upon seeing her followers looking at her like a dumb frog who only stared at her. "Get him some help now!" The Mistress pulled forward Gun Nam who had a large wound on his stomach. "I said now!" She stressed every words she said for all the witches to quickly tend the near-dead Gun Nam.

Whilst the people were in a mess, trying to heal the vampire who they knew they wouldn't be able to heal completely as it wasn't in their nature to heal, the Mistress had left the room. She angrily took off her white coat that was drenched with blood and threw her gloves across the floor.

"Are you alright, mother?" came the voice from behind her. The Mistress quickly snapped her head back to look at her youngest son. "You seem displeased. I may not be able to contribute much to your aid but I can lend you a help if needed."

"You can't," answered the Mistress curtly, "It was another damned pureblood ruining my plan again! It had been perfect!"

"Well mother you should calm yourself a little," Taein walked to raise his hand only for his mother to swat away his hand harshly. Anger was in her eyes as she stared at her son.

"You expect me to become calm?! At this moment where my plan had been ruined?!" The Mistress yelled in anger.

Blood drew a line on Taein's hand from where the Mistress had slapped his hand away, scratching his skin by her sharp fingernails. 

Taein stared at the red liquid oozing out across his skin but a smile was on his lips as if he was happy, "Don't you worry, mother. Your plan might have been ruined by your goal doesn't change it only added a little more. We needed the help of the Associates to reveal the presence of vampires and to show ourselves. That is what we had told Gun Nam."

"What do you mean?" The Mistress questioned. Her tone was more of a superior to her subordinate rather than a mother to her son.

"Our true plan was to have Gun Nam revealing the existence of vampires and we take the chance to kill the vampires and rule the world with only but us. It is a grand plan we only lose Gun Nam but he is just another piece on the chessboard," Taein's smile widened. "What I mean is that, we can forget about Gun Nam and started a new plan. We have been able to kill most purebloods our plan has worked more than seventy five percent of it. What we only need is to bring the existence of vampire to light and then proceed our original plan."

"But without Gun Nam we won't be able to trap other vampires and lure them to reveal their existence not especially when the vampires has a lot of influential people who could shut down all news."

"Then we just need to make a grand play!" Taein clapped his hand like an excited child. "First we should capture a little pureblood. It will be difficult considering our last largest action today but it won't be impossible to catch purebloods. Your potion to make them go mad succeeded."

"And so?" The Mistress raised her eyebrows. 

"Let's choose the largest event in Seoul and put the little mad purebloods there. We can then see the vampires showing themselves. While the Associates can indeed bury the evidences to their existence they would still be vulnerable to hide such a large scaled incident especially when many innocent lives of humans are involved in this case."

The Mistress's eyes widened and she pushed herself from the seat she had just taken a seat a moment ago. Quickly, she went to touch the cheeks of Taein. "Good job, good work my son! That is true. Why can't I think of it before?!"

"You tend to forget things easily when you are too immersed in one goal, mother. But do not worry for I will be here to lend you another pair of eyes to help you," Taein's words smoothly rolled out of his tongue as if it had been reiterated a few times. 

"You are right I still have you," The Mistress cupped the cheeks of her son. As she wasn't short, there was only two inches difference between her and her son, "Taehyung had betrayed me. I had a lot of trust to him. I believed in his capability but he could only disappoint me. But I am sure you won't do such a thing won't you, Taein?"

"I won't, Mother. I won't leave you," Taein answered obediently. "Taehyung left and he is a betrayer to his promise but I won't."

The Mistress head nodded as she was in please. She then looked down on Taein's hand, "Oh dear I have injured you. Let me heal that for you."

Taein placed his hand on top of the Mistress and lightly shake his head. "Your power is meant to do a lot of things mother and I am far from the priority. I remember you have only a little amount of the potion left. Searching for the items to make the potion would need a lot of times. You should go quickly and while you go I will stay here."

"It would be better if you come with me," the Mistressed said for Taein's lips to make a small gap but he was quick to curve his lips to a wider smile. 

"I will be here because there is a need for someone to look at these underlings of yours. As you told me before that without the shepherd the lambs would run to whatever being who could give them the grass. I will be here to look after them."

The Mistress pulled Taein to her embrace, "I know I can trust you. I will come back quickly don't start a mess here, would you?"

"I won't mother," Taein replied, smiling as he waved his hand over the door where his mother had went but the moment the door closed, his smile fell.. "Liars, liars, standing in fire," he sung, "The liars should face their retributions soon enough."

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