I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 43 - Dirty Blood

Gwon Sheiin was the only daughter of her family, spoilt to the core where there was no help could be done to fix her attitude. When Gwon Sheiin was faced by the statement Jung Hwa gave mischievously, she laughed at first thinking that he was being sarcastic toward his secretary and gave a joke for her only to soon realize that he was not joking.

"Yes, I'm sure to hold one if I am able to have the honor." she said nervously knowing well she can't retort back to a pureblood vampire's words.

"That being said, I'm quite thirsty." Han Seoyeon looked at him, "Should I bring you a drink, Mr. Jung?" Han Seoyeon hoped he said yes so she could leave the place as the woman standing across them now had been sending daggers through her eyes.

The vampiress knew that she can't get angry to Jung Hwa and could only despise the lower breed human who had crossed her luck.

But Jung Hwa had another thought by saying, "I would like something warm like blood." His eyes fell over Han Seoyeon who glared at him with a smile.

What was this man thinking? Han Seoyeon knitted her brows boldly to him now that she knew he was a pureblood vampire. Then she turned her eyes to see how Gwon Sheiin was unaffected when Jung Hwa mentioned blood to understand that the woman was a vampire too. Likewise, Gwon Sheiin looked at the secretary who seemed unsurprised by his words and notice that the human knew about vampires.

"Should I get you a blood pack, Mr. Jung?" Han Seoyeon pressed her tone as she said her last word really feeling that she should not be here right now.

"You seem to be working very hard today as my capable secretary." he said the word like a praise but she knew it was sarcasm as he could tell how much Han Seoyeon wants to go away from the place now. "I don't need the blood pack because there is blood for me already, right Ms. Gwon?"

As Purebloods vampires could drink blood from both vampires and humans when Gwon Sheiin heard his words a blush of happiness colored her cheeks.

On the other side, Han Seoyeon looked at him confused. It would be normal if he had said those words to the human, Han Seoyeon but instead he had directed the word to Gwon Sheiin the vampiress.

"If you will give me the honor." Gwon Sheiin smiled happily. Unlike humans who would cower in fear when a vampire wanting to drink blood from their neck, the vampiress Gwon Sheiin was ready to give her blood right the moment after he asked.

"Hm," He hummed for a long moment before turning to Han Seoyeon, "Please bring me the blood pack, secretary Han." Gwon Sheiin now shared the same confusion as Han Seoyeon. Didn't the man first ask to drink her blood?

"I have a blood allergy to dirty bloods you see, if I drink blood before they have been tested from germ it could trigger my allergy." He lied through his teeth coolly at the women, "That's right, when you hosted the party don't also forget to test my drinks too Ms. Gwon. It wouldn't hurt to be careful of dirty bloods after all." he said to turn his back to the party halls when he noticed how Han Seoyeon who had been wanting to leave the place now stayed rooted at her spot. Did he call the vampiress dirty?

"What are you doing?" He didn't need to continue with his words as Han Seoyeon has quickly taken her steps to follow him from behind. As they walked, she spared a look at Gwon Sheiin to notice the vampiress was glaring at her.

"Was it alright for you do that?" she questioned as they walked down near a pillar.

Jung Hwa came to a stop and turn his face feigning an innocence. "What did I do?"

"Pouring oil to fire. I think you will be a bad cook if you keep on letting the fires high." Han Seoyeon alluded.

He pushed his hair back, replying to her words with a grin, "Actually I'm an excellent cook but sometimes there are times when there are stubborn ingredients that had to be burnt to black."

"I doubt that there are ingredients that have to burnt to black as it will lose its taste." They both know well that they were not talking about cooking. Their gaze fixed at each other where the one had put a very satisfied smirk and the other one gave a small smile.

"You don't believe me?" he gave an accused tone. "If there is a time I should treat you my cooking." He took the drink from the waitress who passed by them and handed the drink to her.

"Your words is enough, thank you." she rejected him softly to take a few sip of the drink to notice it was a drink with slight alcohol aftertaste.

"What about the blood pack, Mr. Jung?" she brought up the matter again where he snickered, "You are too cheeky some times Secretary Han." Yet despite his words he never saw her in a bad light for retorting to every words he gave.

"Is it wrong for me to be cheeky, Mr. Jung?" Han Seoyeon smiled.

Jung Hwa shrugged his shoulder and took a sip of his own drink to reply with his grin intact, "No." One thing she know from the vampire is that he amused himself every time she replied back his words. Was it some kind of a new fetish? What a weird man, Han Seoyeon thought.

Before the party ended, Han Seoyeon excused herself from Jung Hwa to the washroom. Exiting the party hall, she walked down a long hall. The hall was silent with scarce people as most guests are entertaining themself in the party and only the sound made by her heels echoed at the place.

When she made a steps right and left, a fading sound of her steps sounded from behind. She thought it was the delaying sound after her footsteps were her echoes only until she realized it wasn't the case. When she stopped her steps the sound of the footsteps also stopped. Someone was following her. But why is the person following her being so careful? They must have come with a not so good intention...

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