I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 45 - The Hollowed-II

As the passed the halls and Jung Hwa took a turn when he reached the squared corner he squinted his eyes at the dead body lying on the floor. The man had the neck on his fleshed ripped apart a proof that Gwon Sheiin had drank the blood of the human man until it dried up as there was no single trace of blood left at the man's body.

Noticing that Jung Hwa stopped his steps for a moment to look down, Han Seoyeon brought down her chin to have him pull her body up and gained her attention completely to him. "What happen?"

"A dead body you don't have to see it curiosity always killed the cat." The scene may look fine to his eyes but the same can't be said to Han Seoyeon.

She didn't reply anything to his words and instead did look away. Once they reached to the room where Jung Hwa could sensed there was no human inside, he turned the knob slightly to crush open the door knob. As the door was opened, he carried her to the room and let her down only when they reached the long couch.

Jung Hwa took a step behind confirming her heartbeat with his ears to turn his body when he felt a tug on his sleeve, "Where are you going?" she asked at her voice he could pick the trembling clearly.

"I will be leaving for a moment. Once I close the door do not open it for anyone except it was me." The hollowed vampire it was too coincidental for Gwon Sheiin to be infected as one and he wasn't sure there was only one hollowed vampire outside.

And while Han Seoyeon heed by his words to stay at her spot without moving, the man left the room. The smell of blood lingered all over the hallways which was parted into two after he walked down the corner. The bodies left by after Gwon Sheiin had fed mercilessly was the bodies of the bellboys who worked in the hotel. Most of the bodies are men and this was due to the fact Gwon Sheiin was good enough to be stare at in the eyes of a male human. But Jung Hwa place his attention somewhere else.

Vampires have much better hearing which exceed far the sky than humans and that can't even be compared to the hearing of a pureblood vampires. Which made him felt odd. There was a trace that the people who was sick dry by Gwon Sheiin had tried to struggle away from her capture and they just had screamed for help. But he had not heard a single shriek of scream where he should have heard it clearly. The party did held a loud music but it didn't tamper with his hearing. Someone must have done something that prevent him from hearing the cries.

Jung Hwa continued his strides, he went everywhere to search for any more possibilities of harm that could have come to call the vampires from the Associates.

Han Seoyeon sat on the couch with visible tremors on her hands that brought her shoulders to shake along. It was her first time to ever seen a dead body. Gwon Sheiin may had strangled her to where she could still feel the hand grasping to kill her by the lack of breaths but she didn't wish for the woman to be dead. Even though she tried not to the scene where she had seen the gore and the hole gaping on Gwon Sheiin's chest floated back to her mind and she could feel how her blood turned cold.

Just then, she heard a sound of clacking and looked toward the door knob which was turn and her face went pale. "It's me," as though Jung Hwa knew what she was thinking he came inside the room with a couple of men behind him.

One man had a brown reddish hair curled haphazardly, a sharp nose, high cheekbones and the other one had a straight black hairs kept long to cover down his ears. They both look charming but at the moment with their bright red eyes they did nothing well to hide their true identity as a night creature.

"This is the girl?" The reddish brown haired man quirked a question. "She is a human." She narrowed her eyes very faintly on those words. Was it wrong for her to be a human?

"A human that I have chosen." Jung Hwa corrected, and the man gave a smile. Han Seoyeon looked at how the way Jung Hwa was looking down back at her. His red gaze were enough to petrify a person but she had look at her gently.

"What about the bodies?" Asked Jung Hwa to the black haired man he referred as Deok Ji Hyeang.

"The associates will take care of them including Miss Gwon's body." He replied tonelessly giving a look at Han Seoyeon to show who he was pointing at to say, "Did she knew your identity before the accident or after the accident?"

"Before." Han Seoyeon heard his reply when he added another question. "What happen if it was after?"

"Let us take this outside." The brownish red haired man said not wanting to give more information where a human was there too. Not that he thought bad of the human it was their work to protect the vampires who lived amongst the humans and having someone to overhear their conversation could bring them a weakness if the woman telltale the story to others.

"No need." Jung Hwa said for the two men to look at him, "It is fine here, I don't like to be in a place filled with the smell of bloods." He briefly said his reason.

The brown reddish haired man seemed to be dissatisfied by his words. Pointing his finger on Han Seoyeon he pressed his tone. "A human is here. Even if he is your woman keep her in your bed not here. We can't have a lower being to hear a closed information- AHHH!" The next moment, the man let out a pained scream. Han Seoyeon who had been peeking up her bent head saw Jung Hwa took the man's finger giving a slight twist which was enough to make the man whimpered.

As the bone on the vampire's hand had turned to powder, Jung Hwa looked down on the man with his bloody red eyes. "I had told you she is the one I have chosen didn't I? Are you deaf?" he pointed sarcasm on the man who now kneeling in front of him while holding to his hand with a pained expression. "Don't point your hands on what is mine and don't ever use that tone to her or else next wouldn't be your finger but your eyes and life.." He warned enough in a low curling tone.

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