I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 54 - Walk To Hell

Han Seoyeon opened her phone, her black eyes reflected the silhouette of her phone. How should she call him? she asked herself and mulled. He still doesn't know who Wan Seulgi he met in the blind date was or the fact that she had been the one who met him in all the blind dates they have gone together with.

Not that she wants to keep the secret for a long time but she was not sure whether it was something she could tell through phone.

No use of thinking too much, Han Seoyeon thought and pressed the call button.

A few kilometers away from Han Seoyeon, Jung Hwa stood in front of the large wooden framed window with his black eyes staring clear to the garden bellow. It had been only a night after the incident regarding Gwon Sheiin's transformation and the Associations was quick to call him to their headquarters. While waiting for the person responsible for the investigation, Jung Hwa had invited himself to travel around the building and walked leisurely to stroll over the place.

A person behind Jung Hwa was young man in his early twenties. Brown hair and light freckles from the bridge of his nose and bellow his eyes. He held a very troubled expression as Jung Hwa uncaringly walk to the building without permission and could only follow his steps until the young pureblood stopped his steps to view the garden from the window.

"Sir Jung Hwa, please follow me I will show you the way to the Associates's head meeting room." the young man who walked behind him was once a human and now had been turned to a half vampire named Yu Sheen said, wishing the pureblood vampire would hear the plead lacing the words he said.

"I see that the flowers in the garden haven't bloomed yet." Said Jung Hwa that had Yu Sheen to be slightly taken aback by his question and nodded.

"At most time roses would bloom around Spring in the garden but for winter the Winter flower will bloom-"

"I know," Jung Hwa interjected the half vampire from babbling what he had known already, "My question is why is it still not blooming despiser winter is near?"

"That, I don't know it myself." Yu Sheen replied sheepishly. In his mind, he was questioning the odd pureblood vampire in front of him. He wasn't the gardener so how would he know why the flower doesn't bloom despite its time?

There was a hum rolling from Jung Hwa's lips that parted only a paper thin away. When Yu Sheen saw his gaze, he felt an uncanny look from Jung Hwa's eyes that seemed to be saying, 'You don't know this much? Then why are you still working here?'

It was still his first day working in the headquarters! How could he possibly knows things in the Garden? He hadn't even met the gardener either! He had heard from his superior half vampire of how the purebloods ranked first in the term of their whimsical behavior. It takes years and even centuries for normal human nor half vampire to be able to understand what was going on their head.

Yu Sheen didn't believe his superior's words at first, doubting how purebloods would be odd but now he learned his lesson through the youngest pureblood.

This was but just the youngest purebloods but what about the pureblood that come before him? He doubted they will be a milder night creature than the one standing in front of him now.

The young pureblood vampire seemed to have a good head on his shoulder and with no doubt he was handsome than the rest of vampires he had ever seen, a strict ambience like how the way he composed himself nothing less to a wall but there was something that make him often wonder whether the questions Jung Hwa gave was serious or making a fun of him.

"Where is it?" asked Jung Hwa while Yu Sheen was giving an earful complain in his heart.

"Where?" What? He didn't caught what the pureblood vampire had said and broke to a slight sweat under Jung Hwa's peering black eyes.

"Where?" Jung Hwa lifted his brows at the listless half vampire and played a smirk to his face. "To Hell."

A pin drop silence filled the corridor of the building where they stood at. Yu Sheen was still a new transformed half vampire, his mind was more of a human than a vampire. when he was met with the mischievous smile yet the serious sounding words, he could not help but gulp down in fear.

"He- Hell?" It took him a whole six minute for him to squeeze the one word of from his mouth where Jung Hwa almost thought the half vampire who stood rooted at his spot was cursed by a witch.

Jung Hwa rolled his eyes to the half vampire. "Yes." he deadpanned, "I bet you have never seen hell before us purebloods always travel around hell. It is a beautiful place since you are a new vampire, do you want to be dragged there?" he smiled but the smile was far from being kind. It was a smile that had Yu Sheen shuddered.

Until Yu Sheen heard Jung Hwa's reply did he realized the pureblood vampire was being sarcastic about it.

Pulling an awkward smile, he reached out his hand with his back bent to say politely, "Please follow me."

They walked down the corridor a long walk but out of the two people who were walking beside each other Yu Sheen could feel his nerves jittery from the long silence that ensued on their way. There was a part of him that prayed so that anything of anyone could help him out of this situation of walking with a predator.

When they passed by the last corridor, Yu Sheen took a left turn to see Jung Hwa had took his turn even before him which made him wondered whether the purebloods knew his way even without him ushering him.

Just as he hope that nothing bad could happen in the situation, as they were about to walk up to the staircase, two men walked down from the staircase.

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