I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 59 - Surprise-I

Han Seoyeon pursed her lips to say, "Are you perhaps busy now, Mr. Jung?"

"Say Seoyeon what day is this today?" Jung Hwa asked her back that had her taken aback by her question.

Nevertheless, she replied, "Saturday."

"Wrong, Seoyeon this is weekend stop placing Mister every after my name. You could call me just by your name." Jung Hwa said, his eyes shifting to walk down the foyer of the building and pushed for the double door to open.

"But I am not yet acquainted well with you Mr. Jung, I don't think it's appropriate to call you directly by your first name."

"Who says that? As far as I know seven days are enough for us to become acquaintances or was I wrong?" asked Jung Hwa pushing the button of his key car and the door on the left seat to open.

"You are not," however, Han Seoyeon also wasn't sure how to call his name without sounding strange.

"Good." Jung Hwa said leaving the phone to the side to talk to her with the bluetooth earpiece. "No let us talk about earlier. I am not busy right now, in fact I have my hands very open now."

"Can I meet you somewhere Mr- Hwa? I have something to confess to you."

"Oh?" Jung Hwa rose on of his brows and tittered. "Can I take this as a confession that you finally fell for me?"

"That's not it! It's something different." Han Seoyeon pressed her voice when she voiced out the word different.

"Can I meet you somewhere? Anywhere is fine, I don't think it will take up a lot of time." She had wanted to tell him the truth properly and the best she could do is to talk to him with their eyes meet, thought Han Seoyeon.

"Okay. Do you know the cafe across our company?" Said Jung Hwa without asking anything which Han Seoyeon felt grateful for his consideration.

Remembering which cafe he mentions she then recalled which one and replied briefly, "Yes."

Once the blue sky had turned to orange and faded to black, the moon appeared and Han Seoyeon being the one nearest to the place, came earlier before Jung Hwa. Her heart felt tied and her nerves jittery.

She felt she was on edge and nervous to tell him the truth of everything and on top of it she had to ask a request of her best friend. Although she didn't mind to tell him the truth and her mind had constantly urged herself to tell him that she was standing in as Wan Seulgi in their blind date, she wished not to tell him in this situation where she seemed forced to be tell the truth with Wan Seulgi's disappearance as she didn't want him to feel disappointed. But Wan Seulgi's life might be in danger and it was better safe than sorry.

Her black eyes darted around the cafe that was almost vacant as the hours were closed to night. Being the first one to arrive helped her a little to recite what she should talk to Jung Hwa but then she realized she wouldn't be able to guess Jung Hwa's reply after her confession and decided to do nothing than clearing out her mind.

However, it didn't take long as soon Jung Hwa arrived to the cafe. Once he found the seat Han Seoyeon was at, he strode over and pulled his chair to seat across her.

"Why didn't you order anything yet?" Not waiting for her reply as he knew she would reject him, he called the waiter with his finger and had the young man to trotted over to the two people.

"A latte please." Jung Hwa stated his order

"Is that all sir?" Jung Hwa nodded and the boy quickly run back to fetch his order.

Now that Han Seoyeon see his face again in front of her her mind that she had cleared now became muddled. She pursed her lips to a line with her eyes moving to see the movements his long fingers were making then when she lifted her chin, her eyes stopped back to his raven gaze that held a hint of red.

"Did something happened?" was the first questioned he asked. His cunningness could be pick out but other than that she also heard his gentleness.

At first when Jung Hwa entered the place he could hear several heartbeats and out of all the heartbeat he chose the distinct sound of Han Seoyeon. It was slightly calm bit there was a hint of nervousness that he could tell well with his decades of experience in hearing a human's heartbeat.

"I don't know where to start," she muttered the truth, confused to what she should say or explain and for some reason thought the table across them wasn't wide, she could feel a distance between him and her.

"I will wait you can start from every where you like." he smiled a slanted grin.

Han Seoyeon inhaled a deep breath, she took a good two minute before she started, "Mr- Hwa," she corrected herself, "There is something that I have been hiding from you. Do you know Wan Seulgi? She is the one who was set up to a blind date with you." She waited for his reaction or respond that never came and began to fiddle with her hands.

Although her mind had been thinking what to say now that he was in front of him, she felt short of words. "But the truth was that all this time, I have been standing in for Wan Seulgi. I mean, all this time the Wan Seulgi you have met is actually me."

She shut her eyes tight, avoiding to see his gaze as she felt meeting his gaze now would felt thorny to her heart. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have lied about it-"

"I know."

Han Seoyeon snapped open her eyes. She still had her eyes down not to his eyes but her face showed clearly her surprise. What did Jung Hwa replied to her? I know?

She looked up finally to his face to see how his smile was kept evenly now on his lips for her to confirm to herself that Jung Hwa had said what she doubted her ears had heard.

"You know?" she asked and he bobbed his head up and down. "You mean you know that I have been acting as Wan Seulgi or that Wan Seulgi was me in my disguise?" she asked for his confirmation.

"Both." he replied sounding very amused....

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