I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 67 - The Deadly Lair-I

The two walked carefully as they entered the building. Han Seoyeon looked up, finding cobwebs and cracks over the corner of the ceilings which was filled with mold and at times she could feel cold wind blowing behind her for her to shiver. As she was afraid of dark there was a part of her who want to turn the lights on but she chose not to as it would signal their position to the witches.

Jung Hwa saw how Han Seoyeon keep darting her eyes around and grinned, "This place seemed like it wouldn't be surprising if a spider appear out of nowhere."

Han Seoyeon jumped, her feet quickly went toward him, "Please don't say that." she was feeling on edge, her fear of darkness and spider combined in the place wasn't something she was very looking forward to see.

Jung Hwa chuckled meeting her fearful eyes, he could see her expression who seemed to argue with him despite her fear. "Don't worry, I was joking, there isn't any spider." as he said the word a spider climbed on the wall on his left shoulder as Han Seoyeon walked on his right. Reaching out his hand he caught and squeezed the spider.

"What happened?" she asked, noticing that he seemed to be looking at the wall.

"Nothing. Just thought that like the witchess's face the place they lived in is no different." he threw his hand away, when auddenly his eyes narrowed and quickly he pulled her shoulder and hid under the pillar of the building.

"What was that?" Han Seoyeon questioned when she saw a sharp kitchen knife struck the old tattered couch which was place beside the pillar.

"Knifes. Seems like this is their weapons other than spells." He didn't know about the previous witchess and could tell that the a witch should muttered a spell to attack and for doing that, throwing knife was good to create distance.

"That's not what I meant." Han Seoyeon said, "I think I saw a shadow of a child."

Jung Hwa narrowed his eyes at her information. Holding his gun near his face, he said, "Wait here Seoyeon don't go anywhere." and she nodded. In the situation is she goes. she didn't think she could help him and instead wait until a time where she could lend him an aid.

"Playing cat and mouse, aren't we?" The Witchess, Hyena laughed. As Han Seoyeon said, it was a voice belong to a child, a high pitched voice which made one to shudder.

"Come out. I don't have time for you." Hyena exclaimed, her voice creating echoes in the empty room. "Cat got your tongue, huh?" she clicked her tongue and walked toward the pillar where she had seen the two people hide in and pulled her knife close to her face with he smile turning crescent for blood.

"Blame it for your bad luck to enter here!" She rushes forward and Jung Hwa pulled his trigger, gun shot echoed and the witchess who didn't expect the guests to bring a gun wasn't able to avoid it in time, grazing her shoulder.


Jung Hwa dashed from the pillar, his hand reaching out to catch the witchess's throat to avoid her from muttering any spells and by a hair, the witchess was able to dodge him.

The witchess clicked her tongue, she looked at her hand which was scarred angrily and glare at him. "A vampire!" she narrowed her eyes at his bloodied red gaze. "What are you?! How do you find this place?"

"From your sister. Dead now, of course." Jung Hwa replied briefly and disappeared into thin air to appear on Hyena's back.

"Damn you!" Hyena growled after hearing another witchess had been caught and killed by the vampire. "I will make you pay for your death."

"Try then." Jung Hwa waved his left palm, suggesting her to come. Taking a fast dash, Hyena with her small body pushed the knife toward his neck. Jung Hwa bent his neck to the right when the corner of his eyes caught a silver glare and avoid the blade which was swung from his right. Bringing his legs he kicked the witchess's stomach but she was fast to jumped behind, crouching on the ground with her expression like a monstrous being.

"Don't get close to me. I dislike ugly faces like you." his words rubbed the sore spot of the witchess who detest the word ugly the most. Hyena once again marched forward, her knifes in both hands were swung continuously and Jung Hwa dodge all her attack to thrust his hand forward to the witchess's heart but failed once again.

The witchess like a leach, was hard to catch with her slippery movement. Hyena was not anything near as strong as him, however, she was experienced in fighting and especially dodging attacks.

They continued the chase, Jung Hwa aiming to rip the witchess's head where Hyena defend herself and attack only when she saw her chance. They moved past the wall, Hyena flung the knife and picked up the one which was stuck in the couch but missed Han Seoyeon who was hiding just right next to her shoulder.

As Jung Hwa dodge to the right, the knife hit the glass window for it to shatter into pieces, light from the moon came creeping into the place, showing Jung Hwa's handsome features that the witchess failed to see earlier.

"You look handsome." the witchess commented.

"Why thank you." his confidence only made Hyena to grin widely.

"But a shame for you, because that face will be ruined now!" The witchess jumped and crawled on the ceiling, her hands and legs works function all at once like the limbs of a spider.

Jung Hwa point his gun to the ceiling, shooting the witchess when suddenly, his eyes felt dizzy, a haze of white appeared on his eyes which blocked him to see the position of the witchess. The spell! thought Jung Hwa. No wonder the witchess stayed on the ceiling to create distance for her to murmur the spells. It wasn't a deadly spell but without his sight, it was hard to aim for the witchess.

Hyena tittered her nails grew out to be black in color and elongated to swung over his neck....

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