I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 71 - Saved-I

But Jung Hwa didn't have time to worry about the half vampire. He bent down near Han Seoyeon for Yu Sheen to finally notice two humans were also inside the room.

"I can carry her." Jung Hwa offered and Han Seoyeon gave her immediate nod.

"Please." bringing the unconscious Wan Seulgi carried by his arms, Jung Hwa stepped out of the room which surprised Yu Sheen's life.

"Sir Jung!" he called.

"What?" came the clipped hurried tone from Jung Hwa.

"Should I stay here?" Yu Sheen deliberated. Wishing Jung Hwa would say no because the place where he was now is the lair of the witches. If there are reinforcements from the witches, he feared his body would soon become a substance for the witches to experiment on. He wondered how could his life become so dangerous?

That afternoon,Yu Sheen was doing his work that Jung Hwa assigned to him and came back home with his mentality drained. He was born as a human and then turned to a half vampire. In the beginning he chose to become a half vampire for a simple reason to become richer but then here he was, almost being eaten alive by being in Jung Hwa's team, the youngest pureblood.

He slept like a baby, peaceful when he was suddenly woken up by his phone to see that it was a call from Jung Hwa. Alarmed at why the pureblood would call him, he took the phone with sweats when without greeting Jung Hwa immediately ordered him to come to a designed place, knowing well what would happen if he come more than the three minutes he gave.

Jung Hwa clicked his tongue, narrowing his eyes on the half vampires who was supposedly the smartest out of his peers. "Protect the place unless you wished to be thrown into the sea." he taunted and left with Han Seoyeon toward his car to drive in a hurry toward the hospital.

Han Seoyeon sat on the back seat of the car, letting her laps to become a place for Wan Seulgi to rest her head, her face was marred with worries. She touched her cheeks to feel a fever transferring to her finger and worriedly wiped the sweats that began to form on her forehead.

"Her temperature is rising." she stated out of worries.

without moving his eyes he spoke, "I know. This is the highest speed we could go for now." Though there was a part of him who doubt the human doctor could do anything to help a person after being kidnapped by a witch there was little thing they could do either which make it the hospital their best option.

Once the midnight passed, Wan Seulgi was quickly transported to the hospital and with Jung Hwa's ride they were able to arrive to the hospital in less than ten minutes. Han Seoyeon who couldn't sit still as the doctor perform the check inside the room began to drawled in front of her room, her eyes constantly looking to see the door where Wan Seulgi was.

"Have you called her family?" asked Jung Hwa who was standing beside her.

She gave a thoughtful time and shook her head. "You should call now." she nodded, thinking of how Mr. and Mrs. Wan were now still worrying about Wan Seulgi and took out her phone to call Mr. Wan.

In less than five minutes, Mr. and Mrs. Wan came fishing toward the hospital, asking the direction to the nurse they reached to the place where Han Seoyeon and Jung Hwa was. Mr. Wan first rush to the room while Mrs. Wan came toward Han Seoyeon.

Her face was pale from anxiousness after hearing that Wan Seulgi was brought to the hospital. "What happened, Seoyeon? Did anything happen to Seulgi?" she asked, inquiring in a hurry as her eyes which had become red from crying was directed at Han Seoyeon.

Faced with the disturb expression, Han Seoyeon was at loss to what she should say. She can't possibly tell Mrs. Wan of the witches and she doubt the woman would believe the mystical sounding story.

"Excuse me, madam." called Jung Hwa for Mr. and Mrs. Wan who hadn't notice him due to their rush, finally make out his face. Mr. Wan who saw his face squint his eyes at Jung Hwa, trying to remember when he had seen his face when he recalled.

"Mr. Jung?"

"Yes. That is me." replied Jung Hwa. "I have know Ms. Wan a little and heard from Seoyeon that she had disappeared. We went to places she could go and find her was kidnapped. Fortunately nothing bad happen to her. She is currently unconscious and the doctor is trying to find out what happen."

"She was kidnapped?" Mrs. Wan who had said the words stumbled back with her hand covering her forehead. Han Seoyeon quickly helped Mrs. Wan toward the nearest chair. Just then the doctor walked out of the room and Mr. Wan quickly came to the man.

"Is Seoyeon alright? Is my daughter alright?"

The doctor nodded, "She is only having a fever now, we still couldn't able to find the reason but fortunately her fever had calmed down after taking a medicine. It was possible because she had been in a very cold place for a long time."

As Han Seoyeon exhaled a relief breath, Jung Hwa hummed with his eyes narrowed. Mr. and Mrs. Wan rushes inside the room and when Seoyeon was about to do the same, she saw his shadow moving toward her.

"I see that your friend is fine now, I will go." he said, walking away when he felt her tugging his sleeve.

"You're going now?" her eyes reminded him like a cat who felt sad that the master leave them.

A chuckle passed his lips as he rose his hand to pushed her hair which covered her eyes to the back of her ears. "Why miss me already?"

Han Seoyeon looked at him and let her finger loose from holding his sleeve. "Where are you going?"

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