I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 90 - Question Arises-I

Han Seoyeon didn't know how she could survive before getting the day passes by in work with him. With the days going on where Seoyeon would have to stay by him for every days in every hours she can't remember how she was able to pull through the day and fortunately or not, Jung Hwa seemed to be focus when it come to his work.

That evening, Han Seoyeon arrived in the hospital to visit Wan Seulgi like she did often whenever she had free times at hands. Holding a knife on her right hand, she brought the blade and pushed to cut the flesh of the fruit to peel the skin.

"You don't have to come here everyday, you know. I'm fine now." Wan Seulgi said and munched down the fresh apple Seoyeon cut lazily with a remote TV in her hand.

Seoyeon stopped her knife and inclined her head at her, "Then why are you still here in the hospital? I thought you only need two days here. But it's almost six days now, are you really fine? Or is there something I'm missing here?" Asked Seoyeon with concern, she did not think it was normal for hospital to lengthen the days of her stay in the hospital.

"There is nothing! You're just a worry wart, Seoyeon." She bite crisply to the apple and then asked, "Anyway stop talking about me, how has it been going with you and Mr. Jung?" she danced her brows, "Have you gone to next stage yet?"

"Next stage? Shush, what are you talking about?!"

"Think about this Seoyeon do you think there would be someone who would accept you as a secretary right after you pour him water in front of people? Is it's me, even if it's over my dead body I would not hire such a rude person." She was correct in some parts thought Seoyeon. "This is impossible unless he really loves you!-"

Seoyeon felt her ears turning red and quickly took one slice of apple to push it to her Seulgi's mouth to stop her from talking.

"Wham ammm yumm da ing?" Seulgi's words were muffled with the apple between her mouth.

"I can't hear you!" Seoyeon act oblivious and pinched her earlobes. This was getting out of hand. She wasn't ready to love anyone now. Her life still had many problems surging in the waves of the Sea called 'life'. For a very long time, Seoyeon had never come in contact with love and all the heartbeats she felt from Jung Hwa felt fresh that had her wonder if she had fallen for him to? But it was too sudden and she wasn't quite sure of her feeling yet. It would be rude to accept Jung Hwa when her feeling was still hazy and she didn't want to do a half-hearted relationship.

She chose to learn her own feeling, finding is whether she loved him the way he did to her. It takes time but if they were meant to be, she believe the future would be long for them.

"Excuse me, Ms. Wan." a voice travelled behind them. Before Seoyeon turned her face, she saw Seulgi quickly finish the apple in her mouth and began to brush her hair with her fingers.

A man stood in front of the room, clothes in the white robe of the doctor, he pushed the glasses that slides from the bride of his nose and entered with a sweet smile. One hand was jammed inside his robe pocket and when he saw Seoyeon he spoke, "I see that you have a friend visiting you today. Welcome."

"How are you Doctor Lee?" Seulgi asked with a beaming smile that Seoyeon noticed.

"I'm fine," he chuckled, "it's kind of weird for you to be the one who asked me how I am feeling when you're the patient right?"

Seoyeon didn't have to ask seeing how Seulgi interact with the doctor she could see her friend was smitten by the handsome doctor. Doctor Lee seemed to be a kind person and gentle too with the way he spoke. He walked beside Seulgi, laughing each time they talk and she found that perhaps it wasn't only Seulgi who have fallen for the doctor.

"Ah! Doctor Lee, did the children stick this to you?" asked Seulgi, pulling a sticker of a chick character with a leave staying over it's head that had Seoyeon stop and remembered the time where Jung Hwa compared her to the character.

"What?" Doctor Lee inspected the sticker Seulgi head and shook his head with a smile still appearing to his face. "Those little troublemakers. This afternoon they receive a donation from a milk company and the sticker came with it as a present, they must have stick this when I distributed the milk earlier."

"The sticker is adorable." Seulgi smoothened the edge of the sticker.

"You can have it, but it's had been used, I will feel bad if I give you this one. That's right, I think I still have a spare one." Doctor Lee said and rummage his pocket to pull a larger sticker of the character.

Taking the sticker, Seulgi took it to her hand like the treasure she sees it as one. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. But the one who you should thank isn't me but the donator." Seoyeon heard Doctor Lee spoke, "It had almost been a week since the donator gave presents to the hospital. All member of the hospital is very grateful for their kindness. I also wish to thank the donator too."

"You can't?" Asked Seoyeon.

"The donator prefer to keep their identity hidden and had never came to the hospital directly. It's a shame, they must be a very good person." he spoke with admiration.

"They must be," agreed Seoyeon when she turned her face she find Seulgi with a very red cheeks and a wide unending smile.

"Well, Ms.. Wan do you have any problem with your health today?" Doctor Lee asked as he checked Seulgi and the two talked again happily for Seoyeon who watched them to also smile.

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