I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 92 - Gaze Of A Blade-I

Seojun waited for his sister to speak but hearing there was no reply he spoke, "Of course I rejected them. I didn't forget what they did and will never forgive them." Seojun recalled the time where his sister was bullied inside the house and he knew how much she had suffered for his sake and he would never forgive his uncle and aunt who had hurt Seoyeon. "I know what they are trying to do but sister, what exactly happen between them and you?" he asked.

"They are asking me to pay their debt." Seoyeon sighed and heard Seojun gasped.

"Debt? How much?"

"Ten million Won." replied Seoyeon.

"Ten million won?! What did they use that much money for?"

"I also don't know and also don't want to know." She replied coldly She also wondered how they was able to take loan and what did they use the money for but frankly she didn't care. "Anyways Seojun, take care of yourself beside them. We don't know what they are trying to do. It's best to be less associated with them. Be careful."

"Of course sister, you too. Don't forget to take care of yourself."

When the phone call ended, Seoyeon settled herself to the bed and threw her back to sleep on the surface. Thinking of her aunt and uncle only made her head ache that she decided to put a stop on it. She looked at the clock, after taking a note of the time she raise her back and sat on the bed to mull over a different problem she had to face tomorrow. Associates. The community made to protect vampires who live in the secret.

She was sure in the associates there would be more vampires like Jung Hwa and she didn't know if she should be frighten or looking forward to it. The only vampire she had met was Gwon Sheiin and Jung Hwa, with a few other vampires she saw and she remembered one vampire who was hostile toward her. Since long before fantasy creature like vampires had never poses a good relationship with humans which had her wonder if she would be alright inside the place filled with vampires. Vampires from what she know from Jung Hwa, they posses great influence behind them that making one person disappear would surely be easy for them. It was very likely that she could be kill without being found out who had killed her or where her body had disappeared to.

However, that wasn't her biggest concern. She didn't know what the Associates would do to her. If their priority is to protect their fellow vampires, Seoyeon had to put her guard more than she did everyday.

The next day, Seoyeon woke up early. Part of it out of nervousness to enter the vampires' society. When she was ready to leave her house, she walked down the stairs for her steps to stop. He was there, Jung Hwa. The man leaned his back lazily to the car and his eyes travelled to stop at her and pulled a wide grin.

"I've been waiting." he said. "I never doubt that you would be late." he joked.

"You came for me?" she gave him a clueless question and had his smile widened.

"Of course, as the one responsible for you, I will be the one to come and fetch you." She felt grateful and her cheeks began to heat up. "Which now I think I should remind you Seoyeon. You're going to Associates but do you know how? There is no address in the envelope right?"

There wasn't the address? Seoyeon pulled the envelope to see that there was indeed no address in the envelope. She heard Jung Hwa chuckle, the man having his laughter happily at her. "It has been almost a week Seoyeon and unexpectedly you missed the important detail." He then opened the door and swiftly offered her to enter the car.

Seoyeon entered the car albeit reluctant. She looked at him and question, "If I didn't receive the address then how would I be able to go to the Associates?"

"They would be the one to come for you and I came today to be the one to fetch you there. It's my role, don't you agree?"

"Is it because the address was keep in a secret?" she asked.

"No, the Associates' building is put in the open that they don't need to hide and wouldn't be able to. Unless they have witchcraft on their side that is."

"Then why do they didn't wrote down the address?" Seoyeon asked confused. Jung Hwa claimed the building was built in a plain sight then why bother to come and fetch her themselves when they could have wrote the address for her to go?

"Silly cat, you still don't understand?" she heard him ask with his usual slightly narcissistic tone. Seeing Seoyeon shaking her head, he explained. "It's to see whether the person the envelope was addressed to would run from them or not. If they came to the house to find the person afraid to come or suddenly disappear, it would be easier than waiting them patiently."

"In short to watch over us." Seoyeon uttered and Jung Hwa nodded lightly. "If I run away, what would happen?"

"There are various possibility from what I could think. A few that I think would sully your ears if I explain which I wouldn't. But I heard from Ji-Hyeang he also had some way without killings that intrigue me." He said the words as if it was his job but Seoyeon could clearly hear his pure curiosity. Like a lion who was having fun to watch the prey's behavior before eating them.

"You are wearing the same clothes like you did at work." He pointed at her beige blouse and her simple black pencil skirt, an outfit style she chose after some deliberation.

"Should I wear something else?" she asked with nervousness in her voice. Though she tried not to think too much, she couldn't hide the fact she was worried whether the Associates would do to her or what kind of conversation they would have with her.

"No it's fine, you're perfect." the simple word had her heart thud aloud.. "Come in," he lead her inside the car.

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