I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 98 - How A Bite Taste-IV

At first when Han Seoyeon had entered the building she thought that the place was beautiful and vast. Both from inside of the building and outside, everything was pretty to look at that she felt as if she had went to a different country. But know her view had changed after the history of the building Jung Hwa filled her in.

The place had become dark and chilling for her. To think that the place was built after the horrible murders meant that the place were created as a Church as soon as they had killed the family. She felt sorry for the family who had to went through the tragic death.

The cross which was made out of wood sparkles and so was the place she stood at the moment where glass were kept in the middle of the ceiling. She didn't knows anything about the existence of vampires and before she met Jung Hwa, she didn't know that they were amongst humans. Jung Hwa claimed that humans were afraid of superiors being and as a human she could understand the feeling but she couldn't when the story fell where the humans killed vampires for their satisfaction.

"I know you wouldn't." Jung Hwa's voice came to her ears, she saw there was a sense of trust he had in his eyes when he had uttered the word and somewhere in her heart, she felt happy he thought so on her behalf. "What happened after that?" she asked him.

Jung Hwa could tell that slowly Seoyeon had began to think about his world and it made him happy to know that. As the closer she walk away from her side, the sooner he would come to her. "The building was then taken by the human who led the siege but the family's death was heard to the whole land and the vampires was angered by the news. They attacked the humans again, ending their lives here in the building before giving the house to the officials who are tasked to control the peace between humans and vampires."

"I thought vampires don't care about others." she commented truthfully. Based on what she had seen, vampires seem to be lacking in the case of emotions.

"Not all. Some vampires care about their fellow kin and some who were angered wasn't only out of rage for the family's sake but anger out of their pride to be killed by humans." He replied, "As you know by now, vampires don't like it when they find another being stronger than them."

"That's ironic. Humans feared beings stronger than them but Vampires are not different." Seoyeon looked down from the ground where she had been looking toward his face to then his lips where he had smiled and his fangs showed at the corner of his lips.

"Fear isn't something people could run from. It stayed within one's heart forever like a second nature. No one could escape from fear. Although fear is good at one point for others to realize the boundary they shouldn't cross, it could also be a weapon in this case." He then turned a look, at the beginning of his words, Seoyeon who hadn't notice how long she had stared at him notice how his words were serious but now he turned and grinned at her. Without him speaking, she could feel him wanting to tease her which he did by saying, "Like you, the spider, and also the darkness."

"I don't kill spider." she defended herself and he gave her a nod of understanding. "What about you?" she asked him, curious of his answer, "Will you kill what's stronger than you?"

Jung Hwa's expression didn't change much but then his grin was wider, "Why would I kill what's weaker than me? I believe that there is no one stronger than me. Fear came when you feel you are weak and unable to protect yourself but I could."

It may sounds like his words were another serve of his narcissistic comments about himself. But Seoyeon could tell he was completely serious with his words. He believe he was stronger but to Seoyeon he was.

They entered the building without stopping. Throughout walking, she saw pictures hanged on the wall and took the time watch the painting. Seeing the large golden framed painting, Seoyeon drew her brows into a frown. It was a drawing of a woman with blonde hair and eyes closed. Her expression was flushed with red colors where she was hugged by a man. Only a piece of fabric covered her body as they were sleeping on a wide bed, she saw how the other man who took the woman to his arms sank his teeth to the woman's neck, resulting to trail of bloods dripping to the plane of her chest.

For the building that looked like a Church, Seoyeon had to say that the painting was too sensual that she didn't want to stare at it long. When she turned her head away, she met Jung Hwa's face. Half of his face were made by shadow from the painting and the rest of his face was glowed by the lights. The orange color of the chandelier hanged above them made his skin to have some color and there she saw his eyes twinkling with amusement.

"I didn't know you have interest in this painting. Are you wondering how it will feel when you are bitten?" Jung Hwa asked. His lips were parted under her sight and she could she how his tongue running to his fang. There was something sensual about his action and she didn't know if it was because of the painting she had been watching or the way he had spoken last time. As if he could read his mind which he always did, he spoke, "You must be remembering when I told you the heavenly pleasure."

She pursed her lips. If she called him shameless here, she felt she wouldn't be able to win with his smart reply. Jung Hwa just had the ability to have her quiet by his words. "I didn't.." came her short reply and she avoided seeing his eyes, avoiding that her habit would tell her lies.

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