I'm the driver in Apocalypse

I am at the end of the driver in Section 1

I was in the last days of when the driver: Dream Po Daddy

brief introduction:

End of the world, killing zombies? Pull? robbing? No, Madei decided - farming, species plain-to-warm hopes.

The first chapter everything is old

A car seams the needle in the crowded car tide, Zuo Zhiqi, provoke a driver to open the car window, "Night! You XXX rushed to the tire" ......

It is our protagonist Mado!

Madei is somewhat depressed today, depressed, lunch, I forgot to eat.

Madei is thirty this year, is a job in a local protective product, and this car is his usual driver and "small gold library".

This kind of company has a small workshop in the general city, and there is a small workshop to facilitate the city's hotel, site and shops.

What is best, hungry is not dead, it is not busy, and it is not busy. Others run a singlela, and finally return to Ma Debu to calculate the calculation. I will be reported at the end of the month.

This city is in a rapid development period because of the rapid development of natural landscape resources, and all kinds of emerging careers came into being.

What is the logistics teacher, a tourist consultant, a hotel accompanying sew sewage ......................................

In short, even the old woman who fry the oil on the street has a bit of tourism, and earned a full pot full.

Made is not very satisfied with this because he is still a part-time driver!

Every weekend, Madei will give a few foufire friends, the content of the news is awkward!

Of course, this "" is not nested, just a homophone.

You are harmonious, harmonious!

This can don't blame, I wrote mysterious, it is because of Made, the thief is bold and small ...

In fact, Madei is not interested in the work of part-time sports cars.

He said to the buddy invited to carry him a sports car:

"What? One is only four five! I said that your child is born or how is it, this point is also used to take a car? Laozi rides a powerful to send him, it is disappointing!"

But when he is bored, after trying to have a few orders, it will gradually be interested!

Whether running a rental or a sports car, actually running is not a car, but an accounting! Yes, you didn't see it! Not loneliness but accounting!

This line of sports cars is a deep water, especially in the tourist city sports car, the door of the side is going to say, a half-finger book is only afraid of being able to make a mid!

Legal eggs, eggs back.

Site why Madon wants to send a "" word for friends?

This is because when friends see this news, I know that everything is old!

The next morning, the friend will be incarnation of Mademan's unit leaders, and give him a call, then indicate that he has to work overtime.

Well, it is the kind of no overtime fee ...

At this time, Ma Debao ,

In his wife's urge, Madei's hand is full of expectation to start a day of "Fresh Tour"!

For him just a month, this emerging career is very interesting, and it will encounter various people in a variety of people:

Have a good person, there is a bad person, there is a beautiful thing;

When I got a bus, I opened my eyes, and I also had a look, I can't wait Made, Madei, to open the river in the car ...

As for Made, it is most interesting, in addition to receiving the way, it is the beauty of the school school!

Beauty, wow, not only to nourish your mood, can you still add a VX, then you ...

The head is going back, saying why Made is somewhat depressed today?

That is because, the first order he received today is very awkward!

The single child is issued in a community. Made is a woman who called the passengers after the agreed place, answering the phone is a woman!

Madei is a spirit of the brain: Hey, there is a door!

Unexpectedly, the woman said that the first sentence made him, she said:

"Ten minutes in the door of the community, until a red horse Schoda came out, I will talk to him! The money will be paid, and I will call me a call!"

Hey hanging up!

Madei did not come to a sentence, he can only be distracted, the phone should be a middle-aged woman, and it is the kind of middle-aged woman who is full of intestines, extremely bloated middle-aged women!

Because the woman said that the woman said, it was loud and harsh, it appeared very angry!

This strange single is not unstoppable for the "full moon" Madefen, and the bonis is called the track!

As the name, this is the fat woman in the home, so that the little money makes the driver to keep up with their own men, then give her a man's whereabout, and then decide that it is a big noisy in the evening. I still kicked on the man butt, let him get the end!

Mades' depressed is here!

Don't listen to his name is quite a man., that is the third child of the Tiger in the mountain, commonly known as the evil tiger!

In fact, Madei is very small, it is a small to change a light bulb. He also wear a few layers of rubber gloves, and then let his wife take the root stick to stand next to him, so in a critical moment, people electricity separation ... ...

When Ma Debai followed the red horse 20 after a downtown market, this list was finally completed.

I watched the man on the car walked into a mahjong, Madu quite filled the woman's phone, and then said not to change the color.

"Hey! I have already followed the place, oh you wait for me to see ... He is, he stopped the car in a lane in the city center, walking into a call ... called ... What kind of fiber-optic jade finger, there is a three-missing a mahjong hall next to it, it is very good! That, it's okay, I will hang it, I will give you a praise, thank you! "

Made of the phone, Made, is a bit of a gloisy.

Is it notifying the riders to see the lively?

Good guy, he obviously heard a low sultry roar in the phone, just like a lioness in the afternoon of the zoo, hungry extreme angry!

This kind of mononi looks quite beautiful, but also gives money.

It can be used for him that is not only rushed to the money, and this list is like a seasoning in life, and only the role of embellishment.

And he wants, but it is a deputy residence in life. At least it has to be a small dish who can see it!

Just in this kind of depressed mood, Madei received a second order!

At the moment, Mademhen, I heard my little and dirty "", helped him grabbed the hand of the steering wheel, almost hit the police car who was driving next to it!

The mobile phone screen shows this list: a long-distance order for up to four hundred kilometers!

In the tourist city, long-distance orders are very common, you can grow up to 400 kilometers long, Madi, who has just been full, has never seen it, the old drivers in the riders have never seen it.

Madei shakes his hand to call, and he secretly prayed in his heart:

Thank God for giving me a long distance, if you are not too trouble, you are troubled with the arrangement, let the passengers become a beautiful woman! Pleasetto, Amen Alm, Shangyi ...

The phone passed, an empty and weak female voice sounded:

"Hello, I am at the XX Academy, I am wearing a yellow dress short-sleeved skirt, wearing sunglasses, come over! Oh ... forgot to tell you, I have two Personal! Well, you are slow, thank you! "

In this short tens of seconds, Madei did not remember what he said, he was only deeply immersed in the weak and very nice voice ...

Chapter 2, Jia people

The bill address is not far from Ma De, and he is skilled to hung up the gear to the highest level. The front foot is almost stepped on the bottom, and the car is like a wild horse.

Madei swept the depressed mood, some of the fat face, was very excited, he was happy to say: his mother! I am not thin, I have to be thin! Long-distance beauty is accompanied, these two good things are finally engaged! In case, it is two beautiful women, hehe! Then let the people will send them back to them too!

The XX College is not far from the center of the city, and the distance is about three minutes. Under the speed of Made, it has only spent a minute in a minute.

Madon stopped in front of a traffic light, just toned to the leader of the college.

He opened the window, stretched his neck, the college gate, trying to find the short-sleeved short skirt that makes him dreaming around, wearing sunglasses.

However, today is a lot of college students in the college, around the school, at the entrance of the college, or wait for the bus to the station, or push your baggage.

At the entrance of the college, the boy girls each enclosed into a bunch of people.

The boys are mostly low to play mobile phones, and they have an earplugs in the ear, and they have no one in their own cars. The rest of the time is placed on the phone. It seems that there is only their lives.

Although the girls also watch mobile phones, but they are dressed up in their own clothes!

Seeing this, many people will say: When do people do not go out, make up, how do you still say that people are stinky?

In fact, this is just halfway!

When the young girls go out, they will do their best, and they can leave the dormitory even if they leave the dormitory, even if they are bored to stand next to the road, the nature of love is still driven to pull their attention to their own body. !

Is it more painful today? Is the color number not match?

Is the skirt not short enough? There is no stains of the thighs of the outside ... Wait, these are very trivial things in the boys, in the eyes of the girls, it is better to be glory, eat chicken, etc. tonight. Major life matters!

The girls are together for three or two two and two, and Yan Yan, you said that I am not lively. Of course, there will be a beautiful body and good school flowers, and they often have such a two homologous green leaves, just like "like flowers" Species ...

Madei is waiting for the traffic lights in the steering wheel, and the other hand is placed on the phone, and the sharp eye of the radar has swept through the vast girl.

Madei means very simple:

After connecting the phone, I have to see the girl with the phone, there is a boy, that is basically a boyfriend, then he will cancel the order and joke, this is the entrance of the college is Saturday, not afraid of the girl. Car!

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