I'm the driver in Apocalypse

I am at the end of the world. Section 71

Said, he took a long and rushed out of the door, and Zhang Chao saw it.

When I came to the corridor, the scene outside the window made Zhou Da Nawa.

In the bright yellow light, the transmissive zombie has enabled the door of the machine and electricity, and some of the zombies seem to have discovered the rushing Zhou Dahai, whispered.

"The ship gate control room ended at the corridor, and the fire door is!"


In the empty corridor, a few people began to struggle, and the footsteps were soaked, and they gave an echo.

The corridor is very long, and the long run is simply introduced by his two days.

At the end of the zombie, the rock hydropower station that has been officially listed Samsung Tourist resort is receiving nearby tourists, organizing water dragon boats.

Available, I have recently used the book app,!

At 10 o'clock in the morning, the first question is a more than a dozen employees.

They first feel that headache is full of heat, and then the limbs are weak.

Director of the Tang Chang and the local maintenance of the town of the town immediately, contacted the hospital ambulance in the town, ready to first send unusual employees first.

It can be taken at this time.

I don't know how to do it, I can still say that the employees who have said a few words have changed:

Their eyes become gray, even the pupils disappeared; the body appears on the body, and the gods are all lost.

More than a dozen employees became zombies at the same time, and they were surrounded by many tourists. This is worse.

Just ten minutes, the entire rock hydropower station became a living bloody hell.

Blood, residual limbs, crazy screaming, desperate call rescue and closed iron network unable to escape, allocked all this in this chase of this evergreen.

When the stationmaster saw the situation, the situation had completely lost the control, and several employees were prepared to rush into the hotel in the power station, and I plan to keep in touch with the rescue.

Can just run into the door of the hotel, from the inside, a group of zombies that have been infected, live alive to the machine power room ...

"At the time, I just rushed into the machine and the machine and the zombies behind them!"

The stationmaster recalls.

"In order to let us go first, big cow ... The big cow he took the ax in the door, and he took the five or six zombies!"

Zhou Dahai was shocked and asked:

"Big cattle? Is it the big zombie?"

I have been tired of being a bit tired. He ran to a stairway stopped, breathed:

"Yes, he is my apprentice big cow! ..."

There is no window next to the stairs, temporarily safe, Zhou Dahai waved the hand to let Zhang Chao two people rest.

"The big cow, his family is bought! It is not a good job, the old lady's eyes are also blind. If you build this hydropower station account for his field, he still doesn't know where to repair the earth."

The stationmaster took a rest and sighed.

"Later, I saw that his sewer is very hard, and the superior department is discussed, and the compensation of his home has reached a position of the power station, and he also took his operation technology of the apprentice."

"But ... but I didn't think wow! I hurt him, I hurt him!"

Speaking of this, the stunning of the excitement of self-blame is long and tears.

Zhou Dahai looked at him, patted his shoulders:

"You don't want to blame, the last day of the zombies should be global, even if he didn't enter the hydropower station, he didn't make you apprentice, and maybe it will become like this."


"The big cow cuts until there was no strength, I just ran over and wanted to pull him to enter the electricity room, a zombie will come to me ..."

"Is the big cattle saved you?"

Zhou Dahai loudly asked.


"The big cattle is strong, directly pressed the zombie, but he was also biting his neck! Big cattle, big cow is the zombie that turned into my arms .. .... "

"Later, he became the madness of the zombies, and the five or six employees were biting in the machine. I can't help it, this is hiding to the ceiling of the power generation to support the current .... .. "

Zhou Dahai doubts:

"No! It, the old bull has just saw it, it is holding the long ax, and ... and its eyes are also red!"


"I don't know what is going on, he still has a zombie with other zombies a day before yesterday, and suddenly changed last night."

Zhou Dahai is flashing, and the zombie is not accidental, and there must be an excitation factor.


At a glance in his eyes, just sweeping to the arms of the station leader, tied with a bandage above, and asked casually:

"How did you get this injury?"

Yan Weibo touched the bandage:

"I got last night, I was hungry at the time, I went to find some eating, and I accidentally hanged when the kitchen!"

last night?

Zhou Dahai seems to have thought about it.

Chapter 75, I want to go home

Zhou Dahai is thinking again, Zhang Chao suddenly inserted:

"Chief, you listen, they sing the voice!"

Zhou Dahai hitting the ground, got angry, in addition to the scorpion of the zombies, I can't hear Chen Yao's song.

No, you can't wait.

Zhou Dahai quickly supported the , then let Zhang Chao two people run in the direction of the fire door.

The is older, only ran for a while, even if you call, you can't help but have anxious.

In fact, it is necessary to say, Zhou Dahai does not want to open what ship lock, even the so-called "base" he can bother, let alone the sinister people like the reporter Zhou.

But he is also a person who has entered the army, which is deeply supported by patriotic education for many years, and the purpose of serving the people is still relatively firm.

Although the people on the viewing cruise is silent at the critical moment, they can be ordinary people after all, Zhou Dahai is also a young man with blood, and the heart is temporary.

Running for two minutes, several people finally saw the fire door in front.

Although this corrocner is not long, but there are several places have corners and ink, it will inevitably affect the running speed.

"After the fire door is straight, the iron gate is the boat gate control room."

The station head waved the two people in Zhang Chao, "Hey, since the rock power station is changed from the private system to public ownership, I can't manage the ship gate management, I don't know ... "

It is said that this is obvious here, because Zhang Chao, who just opened the fire door, suddenly:

"No, there is"

I haven't finished it, I will see what I have hit by something, and my body flew. I can't move it on the floor.

"Ah! It is here again!"

Qianzhi standing on the door, lost rationality, and ran behind the feet.

Zhou Dahe Song opened the station head, and step a few steps to Zhang Chao, I saw a radiant wound, from his neck, it has been extended to the abdomen!

If the money returned to the money, I saw Zhang Chao, and "vomiting" has passed through the head.

Zhou Da Nawa's peony is numb, and the pistol will look at the fire door.

Five or six meters, only the "big cow" that has been escaled is stably standing in front of the fire, the long handle double-eddy ax is in hand, and the blood red scorpion is still staring at him.

"Money, money ... look at me, my mother ..."

Zhang Chao, who is still survive, and then spit his fresh blood head and die.

I don't know if it is anger, or desperate.

Zhou Dahai only felt that his hands were getting more and more cool, even a strong gun could not calm him down.

"Big Bull" stared at Zhou Dahai, and then his head was biased. The sight crossed Zhou Dahai.

"Hey ... ah!"

"Big Bull" is embarrassed, and the big step will come to three people.

Zhou Dahai hurriedly pulled Qian Zhigang back, and he lost his confidence in his hands in his hands.

"Big cattle, big cattle! Do you hear the master?"

Suddenly, the stationmaster gave a step forward.

He hangs tears on his face, and a little pity in his eyes.

"Big cattle, master sorry you. You just have just twenty-five this year, you will follow the master in the machine and water for a year, even a girlfriend is not ..."

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