I'm the driver in Apocalypse

I am at the end of the world, the driver 78

If it is seen from the end of the road, "Yu Wang Cave" is too obvious: the land is almost, the vision is open, and you can see this dark hole.

Ma Dezi looked at the cave in front of him and gave a full imagination.

Like a wife, Lai Xiaotian, give the brick wall?

Not very good, the amount of engineering is too big, and the one-story brick wall is probably necessary to take thousands of bricks, and build a few layers of words to use the tractor to go down the mountain.

How many big trees or weeds blocked the hole?

This seems not realistic: Where did I find a big tree in five meters?

Even if you can find it, it is also a big trouble.

Do you want to install a roll gate to this hole?

... Is it necessary to use the electric rig to first flat?

Ma Debu wants to leave the spectrum until he suddenly pays attention to the casing in his hand.

Wall or door, it is actually nothing to block dangerous.

If you use a block or a baffle, apply the outside of the cliff stone wall, then the danger of being discovered is not excluded?

Yang Soup is boiling, Mo Ruo's bottom salary.

good idea!

Madebu took the thigh, and the plan to make "fake doors" also added to the schedule.


Drag to noon, Madi gasped back to the small house.

He is told people to help unload the hand, see Yan Xiaoting and Yan Xiaoling raised a large water cylinder!

"Hahahaha, De Bao, see what we found? Such a big water tank, the problem of eating water in the future!"

Yan Xiaoting said while lifting, while excited.

Ma Dezi is also very happy, the problem of water, he has never thought about it, after all, there is too much.

"Come and come to you, help me unload the things! The water tank is not so hard, see I will give you a hand!"

Made in the cylinder, I saw him with each other, and then directly took the water tank. On the side, he rushed to the house and ridiculous:

"Women, do you live with your mind! You are lifted and not good, you will now, you can learn more by me later!"


Yan Xiaoling took him into the house in the house, and after the consent of Yan Xiaoting, he pulled Made to a stone reactor.

She pointed to ten meters away, standing on the bunch of hamlets on the stone, proud:

"Master, I practiced a morning, I specially let you inspect!"

Madei is laughing, but it is intended to see Yan Xiaoling, is it intentionally?

"That's good, nothing, this static indicator is not big. This way, I will throw the stone, you have to shoot, I will take you in a few days!"

Yan Xiaoling was awkward, she was angry:

"You are too bullying, people! I just pushed a morning, you let me shoot such a difficult thing, no! Change one!"

Yan Xiaoling, this is the same, the youthful girl is immediate, and Made, who is next to it, almost looks almost.

After you escape from the city yesterday, Yan Xiaoling wore a dress of Qantang.

She is a tight orange t-shirt, out of the cover, a slightly loose woman's white, head on a head, a high high horsetail, with cool denim shorts.

This is the feet, the girl's playful love almost didn't hook Madeh's soul.

"Cough, ok!"

Ma Dexi quickly lowered his head and wanted to the side. "That case, the water bottle is too low, or ... or shoot a tree!"

"Tree target?"

Yan Xiaoling doubts, "What is a tree target?"

Madei took a stone to a short tree, then according to his height height, painted a big small circle, this is to Yan Xiaoxue:

"You see, the head of the zombies is probably in this small position! And the water bottle you put is relatively low, the arm of the hull is not used to make more strength, too simple is too easy!"

"Now you have to shoot and you are equivalent to you, or smaller than you have a small goal, this is to use the strength of your arm and waist! When your muscles develop the inertia of shooting posture, I promise that you will be more surpass in the future. Mirajjvovich, became a real zombie! "

Yan Xiaoling opened his mouth, she didn't understand a shooting test, how to pull the zombiek star and what Qiqi.

Seeing Yan Xiaoling looked at him, Madei smiled:

"Shoot! As long as the ten steel arrows have the small circle in seven shots, you will pay attention to you!"

Yan Xiaoling bite the lips, stands to the position designated by Madee, and the arrow is aiming quickly.


The arrow should be out, and the foot is flying out of more than 20 meters away, shot!

Madei laughed, dry cough, pulled the face.

Yan Xiaoling looked at him, and the feelings were astily in a hurry. She also put on the steel arrow. It was prepared to hold up aim, see Ma Debu Yu Hunt:

"Xiao Yan, you are too impatient! When the cutting rack, the arm must be stable, the accuracy of shooting is not the finger of the trigger, nor is it elsewhere, and all strengths are concentrated on the arm of the bracket. ! "

Yan Xiaoling saw that he said that he was talented, and Zhen Zhen said, suddenly his mouth:

"Then come over to help me correct the posture, I will always shake one for a long time!"

Maden walked over the side:

"That is what you have not habitually keep a posture for a long time."

After he walked to Yan Xiaoling, he carefully corrected her movements, and occasionally didn't care when her arm or body, and the gods concentrated.

Yan Xiaoling places him to squatting, and the corner of his mouth suddenly reveals a smile, but the white cheeks gradually floats a flour.


In this way, the top of Tianquan Mountain is gradually lively.

Mademan has some cleaning house, some of which are fed and feeding sheep; some are hard to "shoot corporate arrow", some are Mountain rushing to create hidden "fake doors" ...

Anyway, no one is idle, because everyone knows

Only with your own hands, the future can live a safe and beautiful life.

Chapter 83, I am boss

Madon has lived a busy and full year, and it is also.

On the evening, after the commander of the zombies and the zombie dog launched, they lived in a high-end hotel opposite the gym.

Insert an app: perfect resell of book artifact old version of the replaceable source

In meditation, it seems to have only its own unique zombies to live in this place full of peace and peace.

Of course, there is no desire to sleep.

It simply felt simply, this is a means of display, and the order when eating.

It's natural to know that some survivors have escaped in some survivors, and they will go far from the long river that flows to the East.

It also learns from some of the cavities under the downstairs to learn some of the corners of the city, and hide some "flesh and blood".

How magical words are in a hurry!

When it recovered the trace of ancient hunt, it did a decision:

Before finding food that can replace "flesh and blood", it cannot be completely extracted from the same kind.

This is like the owner of the old cat, grasping the big, to be able to catch it tomorrow!

Wisdom, this is the wisdom of survival, and has been engraved with the knowledge of other people need to pass, engraved into the gene.


In the most luxurious room of the hotel, it is taking a bath.

Fadally, like a rag, it has gradually captured the field of view of the object reflection, and a strange body is present in the bathroom.

The deep blue corpse, extends along the torso to the fingertips; the skin is slightly shrinking, this is a serious shortage of water; the ribs are deeply filled, and there is no more palm of palm, and the lower blunt A deep pit ...

When it is obliquely to see yourself, an emotional mood is a difficulty, which is an unpleasant emotion.

Strange, angry, ignorant, do not reply, have a trace of excitement ...

In addition to these, the most ugly is a black liquid that is covered with each part of its body.

Open the shower, the cold water remaining in the water tower, and stepped into the water column step by step.

Under the rinsing of the water flow, it wipes these black liquids slightly, and the black water flows into the legs along the legs.

After half an hour, the oblique eyes came out from the bathroom.

It wanted for two seconds, and then took out the room and took a good black suit on the hallway.

Wearing a suit, obliquely sitting like a puppet, sitting in the bed along the edge, the room is getting smoking, and its chest is getting slower.

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