I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 601: Rent land!


In the yellow boundless field, a group of people were talking about it, and even at the end, two people moved their hands, but at a critical moment, three figures came to the front.

Of course, the three people who arrived here were not others, but Jin Shangyu, Feng Luoyun and the mysterious masked man like a mystery.

"Mother, it's obviously that you Murong Xianbei wants to learn Lao Tzu's farming methods, and now it has become Lao Tzu's righteousness. You girl, it's really difficult for a woman! But this girl doesn't care about exposing herself Identity, it seems that all of them should know his identity!" At a certain moment, when the masked man responded loudly, Jin Shangyu was also muttering to himself.

Speaking of it, Wei Yu had already stopped at this time, and the other person was scared to laugh when he saw the masked man, which shows that his position in Murong Xianbei is so high!

"Well, I said girl! Actually, you want to improve your productivity and come out to learn, these are all understandable! But can't it be in this form, at least it should be a low profile!"

"Low profile! What a low-capital status! Not to mention, that, you all go back, tell Murong Feiyu, it means the deity!"

"Yes!" Following the masked man's words, the Xianbei sergeants also turned and left one by one.

"You bastard, what do you mean! I don't want to talk to Laozi alone! That's fine, I will satisfy your prudent wish!" While muttering to himself, Jin Shangyu also waved his hand to signal that he was leaving. go with.

"Brothers, let's go away! Put this double-headed plow here first!" Seeing Jin Shangyu waved everyone to leave first, Luo Yun also threw a sentence and led everyone away.

"Smelly boy, my mind is very quick! I was able to guess Lao Tzu's mind, yes! Okay! Let's talk to her!" Watching Feng Luoyun and the crowd slowly leave, Jin Shangyu It was also muttering to himself.

The high sun slanted and the cold wind blew, but it did not attract the attention of the two. I saw them standing opposite each other. Although their eyes were constantly changing and communicating, no one spoke first.

In the end, someone Jin couldn't help it, and said slowly: "Beauty! Why don't you speak!"

"Shut up! Watch out for the sword in the deity's hand!"

"Okay! I can see through your daughter's body, and you will see your true face! Stop pretending here! Let's talk, do you want that stuff!"

"Jin Shangyu, you look pretty handsome, why is one mouthful is a rogue! Yes, this girl just wants your farming tools!"

"That's it! Then you said it earlier! Is it Lao Tzu's dream to promote agricultural technology?"

"Poor mouth! What are you talking about! This girl can't understand a word!"

"I don't understand! No way! I mean to help your tribe increase food production! This is always understandable!" At the end, Jin Shangyu was a little embarrassed! After all, what I said before is sometimes really incomprehensible.

Of course, after hearing Jin Shangyu’s explanation, the masked man obviously relaxed a little, and saw that she swept the double-headed plow with her eyes, and said softly: "You are really willing to help us! Or say you pay What are the conditions!"


"No conditions! This stuff is called a double-headed plow! It is a small stuff invented by Lao Tzu, whose purpose is to increase the speed of plowing the land! In addition, Lao Tzu also invented the method of using war horses to replace cattle farming!"

"What, it is possible to use war horses to plow the land! This, how is this possible! War horses are very temperamental! How can they listen to people's orders!"

"Girl, don't worry! These are all mature experiences! If you look further away, the farmland, although it has not been planted, has already been turned twice and the manure has been released! Why can it be so fast? Having completed such a large project, how could it be completed without the help of a war horse!" At the end, Jin Shangyu also pointed his hand far away.

Following the direction of Jin's finger, the masked man really looked at it carefully.

Looking up, there is a gray area. Although you can't see the edge, you can see that the land has been sorted.

"You, you really have worked hard! Such a large piece of land is ready for farming! It seems that you really want to farm here!"

"Girl, what you said is not kind! If I don't want to farm well, stay here and do what you do! However, I'm talking about it again! Now you are the first to run over! It was not Lao Tzu who provoke you first!"

"What do you mean! Could it be that we will hurt you again! Don't worry, I won't delay your major events! However, this girl has a request! I don't know if Mr. Jin can open the door to convenience !" At a certain moment, when the two were talking about a large fertile field in front of them, the masked man actually wanted to make some demands!

"You girl, when did your attitude change so good! It's not a conspiracy! Or what you girl wants to do! Forget it, I am afraid that she is a young girl when I pass through the great god!" While talking to himself, Jin Shangyu also smiled slightly, then nodded gently, indicating that the other party could make a request.

"Well, since Mr. Jin is so majestic, then the girl can say it! In fact, nothing! You also know that we are stationed here and there is nothing to do, or you rent us together Kind of! Don't worry, you must pay the rent by then! This girl knows this!"

"No, I said, you guys, don't you just stay here and plant what kind of land!"

"Why, I can't bear it! I still don't want us to learn the techniques of farming! It seems that the beautiful words that Mr. Jin said before are just bright and bright!"

"Oh, I wanted to learn Lao Tzu's farming skills! Well, since I have become neighbors, why can't I be a pair of masters and apprentices! Lao Tzu agreed!"

"Shut up! Who is your apprentice! We are renting land, and we will give you rent at that time!"

"Well, you can't be joking! Don't worry, I will mark a plot for you tomorrow, and I will also tell you the double-headed plow and how to domesticate the war horse!"

"You will be so generous! Let's talk, what are the conditions!"

"No conditions! Just treat it as a gift for a beautiful woman!" At the end, Jin Shangyu's figure was also volleyed, and the next moment, he disappeared before the eyes of the masked man.

"Jin Shangyu, you, your body skills are indeed smart! It's just that we can only be opponents!" While muttering to himself, the masked man also slowly left here.

A storm in the camp also came to an end in this way. Of course, as a large tribe of the Xianbei tribe, the masked man also initially achieved his goal. After all, the farming technology of the Central Plains is still ahead of the northern land!

But at that time, how those northerners settle down and how to develop their own agricultural projects will not be what Jin is worried about.

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