I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 919: The death of the imperial capital!

The morning sun of early winter sprinkled in the eventful imperial capital, and it seemed so nondescript. At this time, Jin Shangyu was enjoying a delicious breakfast at his small dinner table.

"Old Wen, in your opinion, how will this Jia Mi act!"

"Shang Yu, it's hard to say! Maybe he is not the key point!"

"Oh, you mean that Smalun, right?"

"Actually, the old man refers to the True Dragon Palace! After all, from your analysis, the old man feels a bit of crisis, and most of this danger comes from the True Dragon Palace!" At the end, the old man also put down his chopsticks. , The whole person seemed to be lost in thought.

Faced with such an old man, Jin Shangyu didn't say much, but looked at each other quietly.

Of course, because everyone talked about things more sensitively, the attendants in Jin's Mansion were also very interesting, and they left after a short while.

Time seems to be still at this moment.

However, just as Jin Shangyu quietly listened to the analysis of the current situation of Mr. Wen Shuo, a hurried figure floated into Jin's mansion!

"It's him! Why did he come!"

"Boss, the big thing is not good!"

"Something big is not good, just say it, what happened!"

"Um, boss, according to the latest intelligence, it seems that someone acted last night!"

"Chasing the wind, speak slowly!" At a certain moment, after Jin Shangyu felt the seriousness of the situation, he also signaled the chasing wind that had just arrived and spoke slowly.

Look at that chasing the wind is already sweating! Although breathing is normal, Jin knows that this guy must have used the super body technique to forcibly extract his own power.

"Brother, let's be straightforward, something happened to Fengyun Palace!"

"Something has happened! What the **** is going on! It's not that Smalun really started!"

"Brother, you are really a god! It was really his hand! I heard that last night, Sima Lun entered Fengyun Palace on the grounds of reporting things. After a while, Fengyun Palace was counted outside. Hundreds of strong men besieged, at first, Simalun was still helping to resist! Whoever imagined, at the most critical moment, he actually changed his mind and took the queen in one fell swoop!" At the end, there was some chasing. Speechless, after all, such an event is too powerful! It is difficult for ordinary people to understand! "

"Mother, it happened! And it happened last night! It seems that Lao Tzu's choice was still wrong! If Lao Tzu could go there last night, I believe this kind of thing would not happen!" While muttering to himself, Jin Shangyu It's also walking back and forth in the hall!

"Brother, what shall we do? The situation is now in chaos. If this Simalun is allowed to arrogantly continue, I am afraid that no one in the Imperial City can fight him!"

"Okay, Chasing the wind, you go back! Tell Lingyun, it's the same sentence, keep it steady! Don't be scared by the current situation! Isn't it just that Fengyun Palace has fallen! It's hard to say who is here? The most important thing is that we should not mess up our minds and let us take advantage of it! In addition, we should send out people to pay close attention to the development of the situation, especially to see where they detained Jia!"

"Don't worry! Brother, we know what to do with your words!"


"Chasing the wind, go back! Today's morning session will definitely be a slow and long struggle! Let them mess up first! I don't bother to care about it!" At the end, I didn't know what was going on. Jin Shangyu was not in a hurry, but arranged to chase the wind back.

In the face of such Jin Shangyu, Chaifeng didn't say much, but just bowed his hands and moved out of Jin's mansion!

"Old Wen, you have seen it, heard it, the capital is already in chaos!"

"Yeah! It's really beyond the old man's expectation. This Simalun actually did it in advance! It seems that his going to the Forbidden Army to transfer troops last night was just a means of containment! His real purpose is to prevent the Forbidden Army from doing tricks so that they can act!"

"Yeah! It seems that this Simalun is not easy! He even deceived Lao Tzu!" At a certain moment, when the chasing wind quickly left, Jin Shangyu and Old Man Wen Shuo were also communicating in the small living room.

Although the atmosphere was a little lost, both of them knew that this was just the beginning of the chaotic world.

"Old Wen, let's go! There shouldn't be any major incidents in the daytime! I will go to Li Zhao to wait for news now! I believe that the current early days are already in chaos!"

"Okay! There is no good way now! I hope Li Zhao and Lv Zhong can get the latest information from it!" Seeing that Jin Shangyu already has a plan of action, Mr. Wenshuo didn't say much, just a long one. He breathed, then turned and left.

"Okay! Come on! Let the storm come harder! Simalun, Jia Mi, your chance to appear on the stage is here! However, since Lao Tzu is from the future, he won't sit idly by and let Lao Tzu come. Disturb this chaotic situation!" While murmuring in his heart, Jin Shangyu also slowly left the Jin mansion.

Of course, his destination is Li Mansion. Here Jin Shangyu was waiting for news at Li Zhao's mansion, when the real dragon hall was already in chaos.

"All Aiqing, you are quiet, all quiet! Let King Zhao finish talking!"

"Long live the Lord! Xiao Wang's action is also an act of decree! If there are any ministers who say otherwise, it is an anti-decree!"

"Wang Zhao, I know what you mean! Tell me!"

"Yes! Long live Lord! This Fengyun Palace has suppressed the True Dragon Palace everywhere since the first emperor wandered! Believe this, all of you are clear in your heart! This king is only acting by will today, and will do it after the evil. ! What's wrong, do you need to be so nervous! Besides, when is it now, of course, it is the era when Lord Long live dominates the world! Is it useful for you to always hold a wicked woman!" At the end, Zhao Wang Sima Lun also became more and more excited, even at a certain moment his hands and feet began to wave.

This time, after listening to the words of Zhao Wang Simalun, no one of the ministers dared to say much. Because people have already made things clear, and those who say it again are against the decree!

In other words, the early days of today have already taken more time than in the past. Not only did courtiers come, but even the real dragon hall was full of heavily armed sergeants.

Of course, there was also an iron cage at the feet of these sergeants, in which a woman was imprisoned. But seeing her clothes shattered and unkempt, it gave people a very sloppy feeling.

However, when no one in the True Dragon Palace dared to say anything, the emperor Sima Zhong on the dragon seat finally spoke!

"Dear Aiqing! Now you know! Just know! In fact, although I and Jananfeng are husband and wife, they are actually the biggest rivals! You have also seen that he united the important ministers in the court to fight against me, and it was the most sad. The thing is, he actually did a lot of depraved things! You said, what should be done with such a woman!"

"Kill her!"

"Can't kill her so easily! This is too cheap for her!"

"Yes, yes, she should be tried publicly, and she will be slashed again and again!" At a certain moment, after Emperor Sima Zhong gave the final order, the officials also began to crusade against Janan Feng!

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