I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 102 Tiger House travels far, leisure time

The land is desolate.

On a gravel road.


A majestic and handsome tiger, three meters high and eight meters long, was galloping with a huge wooden house on its back.

If anyone sees this scene, they will be surprised.

This is a golden elixir stage tiger spirit. I wonder what big shot is sitting in the carriage on its back?

In fact, there are just foundation-building monks inside.

This tiger is the foundation-building Dzogchen. It has practiced the technique in the past few months and has reached the early stage of the golden elixir.

"Master, I suddenly feel so happy."

She smiled, looked at the ruins that were getting away in the distance, and opened her palms, as if to grasp the ruins of the city in the distance that were getting smaller and smaller. .”

"Keep fighting, what you cultivate is madness, an unscrupulous heart to move forward." Wu Lang just smiled and said: "Without fear, whatever your heart thinks, and where your fists go, your mentality will naturally break through."

Xu Xinying nodded heavily.

To her, it seemed like a dream!

She had only been practicing for half a year, but she actually saved her hometown, Yunming City, and redeemed a whole city's people, which gave her a great sense of accomplishment!


She suddenly raised her head and roared at the sky: "I'm so happy! My fists are moving forward!!"

She jumped off the wooden house on her back and ran around the tiger like crazy, running in circles, and the dust was billowing.

Wu Lang was speechless.

Don't sit in a good tiger cart, just run and exercise underneath.

She ran several times, but she still felt that all her strength was not exhausted, so she ran forward and shouted: "Master, I will go ahead and clear away the demonic disasters along the way! Let us move forward faster!"

Suddenly there was no shadow.

He is really passionate and youthful, as lively as a child.

Xu Xinying now has a clear and flawless glass heart, free from evil and free from distracting thoughts.

After practicing this technique, the whole girl's temperament gives people an extremely pure, pure and clear lovely and innocent feeling, and the whole person becomes sunny.

But this is fraudulent.

When she enters a fighting state and turns her anger on, she will find that there is nothing wrong with the complete opposite. There is no opposite. She is still an extremely pure and clear girl with one muscle, but her fists are big and fierce.

Wu Lang ignored her and began to collect his thoughts.

"Having a golden elixir stage mount makes traveling very convenient."

"Now that I have dispatched the ten leaders of the mountain spirits and solved Yunming City, I randomly chose a direction to set off. It was not that I had any destination in mind, I was just looking for a new hiding place."

Why explore various secret places?

Looking for the fairy gate on the front line to resist the evil disaster and enter various markets?

Like the protagonist, looking for opportunities in the midst of disasters and devastation of life?

It has nothing to do with yourself.

I still have some idea of ​​what my destiny is.

Besides, if you go to a hellish front line, those cities would be full of wanted posters, even though it would be impossible to find you.

I don’t know my appearance, cultivation level, age or characteristics.

And I have just condensed the Dharma intention and broken through the foundation building, so I will no longer go out and wander around. I can completely retreat for a long time.

One level of foundation building to the Dzogchen of foundation building.


Set a small goal first:

Hide in the wilderness, the more remote the better. Hide for a year first, practice until the foundation building is complete, and then think about condensation.



The clouds follow the dragon and the wind follows the tiger.

The tiger galloped forward, over the mountains and ridges.

As expected of a great demon in the Golden Core stage, he was running so fast, but he was quite steady. The pace of his four legs was better than the shock absorbing effect of a famous car. Sitting in it, he didn't even feel much shaking.

"People take flying boats, but I can only take Land Rover."

Wu Lang began a boring life of driving during the day and resting at night.

Every night when he practiced at the Seventh Peak, he was irrigated by the luck and spiritual energy from the Xiaoleiyin Temple on the Tenth Peak, allowing his cultivation to be smoothly consolidated, and he soon broke through the second level of foundation building.

And he didn't even swell!

The seventh-generation peak master of the world's number one demon sect, in the early stage, it would be a shame if he couldn't practice like drinking water!

Moreover, he has already stepped over the threshold: before the golden elixir, there is no resistance.

In the eyes of the real middle- and upper-class sects, golden elixir is the real beginning of the road to immortality.

In the blink of an eye.

A month of boring repetition every day passed while I was on the road.

Encountered a battle between monks?

A monk passing by in heaven came down to talk?

Encounter a secret place and get an opportunity?

No "event" is triggered.

Along the way there are endless wilderness and green mountains.

His destiny is indeed just ordinary.

"It's cool, I just like this kind of ordinary life." Wu Lang lamented that he was indeed not the protagonist, and nothing happened.

"You have to be a "sage," "human emperor," and "me alone." This kind of protagonist's destiny will be full of opportunities, dangers, and enemies."

But it's very quiet here.

But what about the apprentice next to him?

"My eldest disciple, I haven't seen him for a while. Let's see how he is doing now." On this day, Wu Lang was drinking tea at the Seventh Peak and looking at his disciple's recent diary in his spare time.

Xu Xinying also noticed it, and curiously looked over, "Master, I also want to see the latest situation of senior brother."

She had heard many rumors.

Senior brother, I heard he is very calm and honest, he is very suitable to be the elder senior brother of the Seventh Peak. This kind of character is very good at taking care of the juniors!

Moreover, Master said that the other party's qualifications are much better than his own!

She is well aware of her own combat prowess. The ones she has seen so far are all sweeping through the same level, although they are all low-level wild cultivators without the inheritance of the big sect.

But still very strong.

"Let me see how senior brother's qualifications are better than mine!" She thought to herself.

Wu Lang was helpless, seeing that she was becoming competitive, so he watched it with her.

The logs I started a few months ago have been saved to this day.


[Your disciple Liu Ping was selling cooking cakes outside the city. He happened to encounter a fight between monks in the Qi Refining Period of the Demon Sect outside the city. He was silenced. He could only reveal his identity and went on a rampage to kill. 】

It was very exciting as soon as it came on, and it was completely different from me.


[Your disciple was stained with marks and was noticed by the demon cultivator’s father, who began to hunt him down. 】


[He was brutally attacked by monks from the third level of the Foundation Establishment Stage, and was seriously injured and killed. 】

When Xu Xinying saw this, she was a little surprised: The Qi Refining Stage was completed, and the third level of the Foundation Building Stage was counterattacked?

She weighed herself and felt that she had a chance. She had to see if the opponent used a sword to have a chance of winning.


[Your disciple Liu Ping is seriously injured and hiding in a cave. He dare not go home for fear of exposing his identity and harming his wife and children. 】


[Your disciple was once again hunted down by his ancestors, the Dzogchen monks in the foundation-building period, and he fled deep into the mountains for a month. 】

Wu Lang was stunned and killed the younger one and the older one.

What about this gourd baby?

Wu Lang smiled. Fortunately, he was smart enough to kill them all.

Even the hornet's nest is filled with pesticides, and even the outrageous drama of "a wasp in the house suddenly has the unexpected opportunity to become intelligent and become a spirit, and decides to avenge the owner who was exterminated" is strangled in the cradle.

Sure enough, you have to be so calm in your work in order to survive in the dangerous world of cultivating immortals.

Xu Xinying was shocked, "What kind of life is this? The reason is just because I went out to the city to sell cooking cakes, but the result is that it gets more and more troubled? This level of unlucky is really impressive!"

She suddenly felt so envious!

I also like fighting.

But in the past month, I haven't met anyone. They are basically all kinds of demons and monsters from the Qi Refining Period. They are completely different from the legendary experience of the senior brother.

"Low eyebrows are unlucky, I'm so envious."

She was looking forward to it, "As long as he doesn't die, he keeps killing all the way and hovering on the edge of death, how can he continue to cultivate this level?"

Wu Lang also looked very calm.

Just basic operations!

Why did he think Liu Ping's qualifications were terrifying and would be rare to find in thousands of years?

Because his two fates [Rotten Peach Blossom] and [Low Eyebrow Unlucky] match his skills so well, the probability of his matching fate is so low that it is unimaginable.

If there is an unlucky person who specializes in attracting monsters and ridiculing others, then his crooked-mouthed dragon king magic skill must be practiced very quickly!

"Master, I'm so envious of my senior brother." Xu Xinying said frankly, "My other destiny is Nine Yin, which I haven't used at all!"

But she looked at these information logs and suddenly said: "Wait a minute, Master, if I expose my Nine Yin destiny, my physique as a cauldron, and my ability to refine magic weapons, will a large number of people come to kill me?" I?"

You are such a show off too.

Wu Lang glanced at her.

Ordinary girls have this kind of physique, and they would like to hide it to avoid being targeted by evil cultivators. Life would be worse than death, but she is still eager to try?

"Well, it's somewhat effective." Wu Lang gave a fair evaluation.

After all, this berserker who doesn't activate the "war body" and doesn't become crazy still looks very beautiful. It will indeed make some evil cultivators jealous, thinking that he is a delicate young and lively beautiful girl.

But if you go crazy, you won’t know who is doing whom.

"But these past few months, my eldest disciple has been having a wonderful time every day."

"He is worthy of being the Dragon King with a crooked mouth. Passersby look down on him. He slaps and kills him everywhere. He has become famous in the world. And then it is revealed that he is a cowardly son-in-law and is beaten and humiliated by his wife. This is really The development of novels about a son-in-law cultivating immortality!" Wu Lang laughed.

This is the fate of the protagonist.

The life of a disciple is quite exciting, which is different from running around in a calm and indifferent way with a very low sense of existence.

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