After all, the reason is simple.

I didn't expect that the period of travel was so "coincident", and the other party just happened to be in the golden elixir stage.

If it is the Qi refining period and he is still a child and his mind has not yet matured, he will rescue the other person and adopt him as a daughter or even a new disciple, to cultivate a father's love.

If he were a powerful person in the Nascent Soul stage or even the Divine Transformation stage, he would hug the thigh of Sister Mu Jiqiu!

But the other party is not much different in age from me, and they are in a similar state.

To share the joys and sorrows with the other party?

Then, I would reject it immediately!

He is very realistic.

"Besides, once I follow her, I'm afraid I will encounter all kinds of dangers, all kinds of exciting secret realms? A lot of exciting vendettas, love and hate? A series of key attacks from demonic disasters, right?"

Wu Lang knew very well.

The other party must be having a very exciting time, and my old arms and legs can't bear the excitement of playing.

"I don't want to be another Liu Ping."

at the same time.

Don’t think you are only in the foundation building period.

But he is an acting peak master of the Demon Sect, and his status in Kyushu can be said to be extremely high.

Just like a prince of a royal family, even if he is only in the Qi refining period, he still represents the supreme power and status of a country.

The power that can be used is enough to frighten people.

Even some contemporary leaders of the declining Holy Land cannot compare to him in terms of status alone!

It can be said that as soon as I came down from the mountain and was born, I stood at the top of power in Kyushu, enjoying the rights and obligations of the top power of the first demon sect!

Take a look at what you did during the time that you traveled through the year.

Use your own authority to create a group of Seventh Peak yinsha, stir up the pattern of mountain spirits in the world, tame the beasts in Jingzhou, plot against the major Buddhist sects, and destroy their foundations

This is already a single effort that has shaken one of the huge continents of the world of immortality!

Is this what a monk in the foundation building stage should do? ? ?

Wu Lang thought secretly:

"Although I am in the foundation-building stage, I am the Seventh Peak Cultivator of the No. 1 Demon Sect. I want to develop countless sinister forces under my command. I am in charge of Jingzhou. How can I use my cultivation to evaluate?"

"The woman in front of me is just a young monk at the golden elixir stage."

Wu Lang's voice was cold, and as the carriage rocked, he continued to slowly close his eyes, "It's just that the future is promising. If I follow her now, she won't be able to afford this opportunity!"

I reject this interview immediately!

Your company is too small, the salary is not high, the strength is not strong, there are a lot of bullshit, and the risks are high. Don't talk to me about your dreams, talk about the future, and make a big picture. It is of no use to me, a veteran in the workplace!

Besides, I am very busy.

Practicing Bai Xiaosheng's various sub-professions and developing the Seventh Peak every day. How can I have time?


No matter how hidden the mountain spirit troops are, they may not be able to withstand being discovered after a while, and they have to prepare for exposure. He is still busy controlling the troops, fighting against and avoiding the big factions in Jingzhou.

"On the other hand, I occasionally send messages so that I can get in touch and gain a good impression."

Wu Lang ignored it and said, "Just invest in the future."

He lowered his head and looked at this summons token. It was quite high-level. It was estimated that the core disciples of these major sects had run away with the sect's legacy.

It seems that as long as they are not so far apart, they can still communicate.

He didn't plan to run too far, and the other party's station shouldn't be too far either.



The tiger keeps running.

Land Rover is nowhere near as fast as Feijian.

The "plane" in the sky must be countless times faster than the "train", and Wu Lang didn't know how long he ran.

In short, after this chance encounter, another month passed through the mountains and ridges.

After wandering around and stopping, I finally chose an inconspicuous barren mountain, settled down again, and opened up a cave.

"Finally settled again."

Xu Xinying was very happy, "Master, I'm going to clean up the demon disaster in the nearby area. By the way, can we develop some mountain spirits?"

"No more large-scale development."

Wu Lang shook his head, "If you see a few qualified people and you don't have enough training partners, just develop two or three of them."


Xu Xinying was a little disappointed.

Soon, within a few days, Wu Lang opened a cave in a mountain, arranged a foundation-building level breath gathering formation, and finished all the decorations and furnishings of the space ring.

The cave has also become more impressive.

After settling down, Wu Lang began his ordinary and boring life of cultivation again.

Soon, four months had passed since he left Yunming City. Wu Lang had already broken through the fourth level of foundation building and was making rapid progress.

at the same time.

When I was practicing in the cave, I occasionally looked at the "Yin Chai Log". After being released, these ten yin chai leaders were like wild horses running wild.

Indeed, the execution ability is extremely strong.


[The leader of the 'Fire Project', King Tai Gu, has a cowardly and inferior character. He is unreasonably worried and thinks that they will definitely fail. He gets red-faced with the other nine people and has different opinions. After being unable to stop him, he is rushing to the Yunwu Abyss to help the other nine people. The possibility of Pulse's failure to retain the racial fire and rapid advance resulted in heavy losses. Only 8,000 people were left, and the population was being replenished on the spot. 】


[The leader of the 'Bunker Project', King Taishan, has a calm and resolute character. After several months of traveling, he has found a large lake. He is digging an underground tunnel under the lake and starting to build an underground dark demon city. He has also conquered the surrounding mountains as a surface. Protective reconnaissance tower on top. 】


[The leader of the 'Infiltration Plan', King Tairu, is eccentric and daring. There are only a few hundred strongest people in this lineage. They follow the elite route and are sneaking into human cities. They are preparing to put on a cloak and pretend to be human, transform into assassins and gather information. And think that the most dangerous places are the safest. 】


[The leader of the 'Attack Plan', King Tai Jing, the leader of the extreme hawks, executes a crazy expansion plan, crazy and brainless development of tribes in major mountain ranges, expansion of ethnic groups, regardless of the consequences, thinking that as long as the mountain spirits spread throughout Jingzhou, there will be no way Kill all the mountain spirits now. 】


[The leader of the 'Buddhist Project', the King of Thailand, the leader of the extreme dove faction, advocates affinity with human beings, is putting on a black cloak, hiding his identity, saving a mortal city, and eradicating evil disasters. He believes that as long as he shows love and affinity, the aloof Immortal Sect They will gradually change their perspective and accept this friendly race. 】

Wu Lang took a few glances.

The leaders of all major plans, the ten kings of the mountain spirits, have begun to exert their strength!

Carve out a future for your own race, fight for a land of breath, and seek immortality.

And Xing Hanhan came here again to enjoy the excitement, paying more attention to these shady characters than himself, "It's so amazing, junior brother, it seems that each of these shady characters has unlimited potential!"

Wu Lang rolled his eyes crazily.

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