I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 112 Drinking tea in a restaurant and talking about the spirit of the mountain


Falling from the sky.

Wu Lang said goodbye to the swordsman and walked into Jinghuang City in the distance.

The swordsman hugged a bloody long sword with both hands, and stood silently on the distant mountain peak, looking at the cloaked black figure walking alone, and murmured with a bit of sarcasm and self-deprecation:

"Ha! Do you dare to enter the imperial city alone and kill the emperor with a mortal? It is ridiculous. If you succeed, it will definitely be a rare legend from ancient times to the present."

The city of the world.

It is divided into a mortal city and a cultivator city.

Jinghuang City is the largest city of practitioners controlled by the Jingzhou Human Emperor Sect.

Most of the people here are monks. Many monk families have built restaurants and real estate here. They can even spend some spiritual stones to rent caves, some magic weapon refining furnaces, and medicine refining furnaces.

"Three o'clock in the afternoon!"

"Three mountain spirit evil leaders are about to be paraded through the streets!"

On the street, there was an endless flow of people, the monks were whispering to each other, listening to the sound of heaven echoing.

After fifteen days of publicity, most of Jingzhou's spiritual practice community knew about this matter. Although they didn't know what the higher-ups wanted, they also heard some sporadic information.

"Fifteen days have passed in the blink of an eye. After practicing, time really flies by." Wu Lang looked calm, walked forward slowly, found a restaurant, and sat down at the window on the second floor.

There were small sounds in my ears, and people everywhere were discussing this street beheading.

"At three o'clock in the afternoon, the imperial prisoner's carriage was paraded through the streets for three days, and then he was questioned and beheaded at the Demon-Slaying Platform."

"How could the Demon-Slaying Platform kill three little monsters in the Qi-refining stage?"

"You need to know that this is the highest level of execution! Killing demons and immortals, in the past, was a terrifying and powerful evil cultivator. There will be mirror spell projections in every human city to punish them and punish the mortals from all over the world of Jingzhou Immortal Cultivation. Proclaim the majesty of the Immortal Sect, evil will not suppress the good!"

"And now? Just three Qi refining periods? Unprecedented!"

"This is normal. Although the cultivation level is low, the influence is far-reaching. The mountain spirit has become wise and can practice cultivation. It is a great disaster for our human race!"

"It is true that misfortunes never come singly. Demonic disasters are sweeping across the country, and there are unprecedented beast disasters and mutations. This is a catastrophe for our human race!"

Wu Lang looked calm and not surprised.

Public opinion in the world was deliberately guided to create more fear and hatred towards Kaihui Mountain Spirit.

After sitting for a while, an elegant young man in casual clothes sat opposite Wu Lang with a pot of old wine and asked, "I know you will definitely come. How are you thinking?"

"You came so quickly." Wu Lang said calmly.

It's easy for the other party to find you.

A low-level mountain elf wearing a cloak enters the city. If you monitor the city gate for a while, you will know.

"What's the plan?" he asked again.

Wu Lang looked at Jing Ge, just smiled, and said meaningfully: "Isn't there still three days left? Don't be in a hurry, let's sit down and chat."

"Yes, you will be paraded for three days, and you still have the last time."

A gentle smile appeared on Jing Ge's lips.

In his eyes this was a wavering.

The other party is a smart man, and the power and system in his hands cannot be used. Only by handing it over can he benefit the people of the world and quell the evil disaster.

The two of them were speechless.

until 3 p.m.

A prison car below passed by along the street, crowded with people, and countless monks and mortals were watching on both sides of the street.

"go to hell!"

"Goblins, you damn beasts!"

"Kill my parents and destroy my village!"

"You three, have you unlocked your wisdom and become immortals now? God is going to harm our human race!"

Three mountain spirits were imprisoned in a cage. Both sides of the street were cursed and various objects were thrown at the prison van.


Throughout the cities and city lords' palaces in various lands, there is a magic mirror used for communication suspended in the sky, reflecting the parade scene for various places.

Even the people everywhere looked angrily at the three mountain spirits in the mirror, with blazing fire and hatred flashing in their eyes.

"It has indeed begun." Wu Lang whispered.

"See? Anger, fear, hate."

Jing Ge smiled brilliantly, pointed to the street downstairs, and said softly: "For a long time, the common people's hatred towards the mountain spirits has accumulated to an unimaginable level. Unless we announce it to the world, there will be no solution."

"Really? There is really no other solution to the human race's rejection and fear of animal disasters for thousands of years?"

Wu Lang suddenly laughed, pretending not to be inferior, "Listen. Do you hear other sounds in the wind? That is the fate that has been transcended!"

far away.

In a restaurant.

A mortal is telling a story about [The Mortal Mountain Spirit Story], Volume 1.

"It is said that in ancient times, there was a mutated mountain spirit who opened up his wisdom and sought a way for his race to escape from the sea of ​​suffering."

"Then, he finally had an epiphany and found a solution to enlighten the race and find a future."

"In the end, he was defeated by all the major immortal sects! He was paraded in the streets and beheaded in the afternoon!"

"He made his final voice, and before beheading him, he roared to the world: I am a human being too!!"

There were also sighing sounds from around. I didn't expect that the mountain elves had such stories in ancient times, but they were more ridiculing and ridiculing.

"Hahaha, even a mere mountain spirit needs to be enlightened?"

"In the end, I wasn't suppressed by the Immortal Sect!"

"Okay, well done! The scholar said it very well, reward me!"

"It's really exciting! I hope that in reality, the story of this storyteller overlaps perfectly. These mountain spirits who have risen to enlightenment can be like in the story, and in the end they were beaten to death by our immortal sect, and their inheritance was destroyed. , will never be reincarnated!"

Everyone burst into laughter.

Most mortals, even monks, have an unbreakable grudge against the mountain spirits. As long as they are in Jingzhou, this is an unbreakable feud.

This story stirred up their emotions perfectly.

Especially when I heard the tragic story of the mountain spirit being exterminated by the Immortal Sect, being paraded through the streets, and tortured, I felt so happy!

That damn mountain spirit should end up like this!

Especially the last sentence of the mountain elf before his death, "I am also a human being", is the finishing touch, showing all the ugliness of this race. Is it just a mountain elf who has opened up some wisdom and wants to become us humans?

It’s a complete buffoon’s story!

This story, coupled with the current catalysis of street parades and keeping up with current events, became an instant hit in the past ten days and caused a huge trend in various countries.


Jing Ge, who was sitting next to him, frowned slightly, "Is this the sound you want me to hear?"

He had heard this story.

The whole story tells the story of the rise of the Mountain Spirit and its defeat by the Immortal Sect.

In the past few days, the monks from the Emperor's Sect on their side couldn't help but be very satisfied after hearing the story of the vilified mountain spirit, and they also took the initiative to secretly add fuel to the flames.

"This is obviously a story that vilifies the mountain spirit and is all about torture and torture. Could it be that you spread it?" He asked inexplicably.

Is this to help him deal with his mountain elf race?

Wu Lang smiled meaningfully: "You will understand soon. Sometimes, great hatred and great love are just a thought. Now the more they hate, the more terrifying they feel in this story, and the more their emotions change. exaggerate."

at this time.

Mu Jiqiu happened to walk into a restaurant.

After Mu Jiqiu's master took the lead, she, Xu Xinying and her group rushed to Jinghuang City in several dozen days.

As soon as they entered the restaurant, they heard these stories and frowned slightly.

Xu Xinying was surprised on the spot, "Isn't the story in this story exactly the story of the ancient mountain spirit demon king that Master told?"

"But this is the first chapter? So what is the next chapter? Is it the reason why the Mountain Spirit Demon King was surrounded and suppressed by the Immortal Sect? This is the only reason that is unclear."

She sat down to inquire, but found that there was no next chapter yet.

The surrounding restaurant guests also made noises.

"Sir, when will the next volume be released?"

"I want to see how the mountain spirit will be worse off next!"

The storyteller at the top smiled slightly and said, "Everyone, I have been talking for more than a week. The next volume will not be a storyteller. It is just a page with only a few words."

"You don't have to tell the story, I'm sending it to you now. As everyone expected, the mountain spirit in the next volume will be even more miserable! It's so miserable that it's despairing!"

When the guests heard this, they were even more happy.

"Hahaha, I can't wait!"

"You really know how to do business. There is no better time than watching the mountain spirits parade down the streets facing the world of immortality, while reading the next chapter of a more miserable book!"

"This damn mountain spirit, the more miserable the better!"

After that, pieces of paper were distributed to everyone.

And in an instant, Jing Ge's mind sensed the content on the bottom of the piece of paper, and his mind went blank, as if he had seen an unbelievable, unconstrained and terrifying plan.

"You, a sage, are so ignorant."


The paper in everyone's hands instantly turned into ashes.

"Don't look!" His voice shook the entire Jinghuang City, as if the mighty power of heaven came to this world, shocking the entire city.

"It's late." Wu Lang showed a gentle smile and looked at the sky outside the restaurant, "It's about to start."

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