I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 114: Obtain three pieces of ironclad evidence to judge the current emperor!


Rumors spread everywhere in Jingzhou.

That piece of storytelling in the second volume was spread everywhere, and the world was boiling. Countless people knew the terrifying ancient truth and the cause of the mountain spirit.

The world of immortal cultivation in Jingzhou is turbulent!

Every human city has experienced an unprecedented shock!


Among Xuzhou.

A powerful man observed the sky at night, suddenly counted with his fingers, looked at the human destiny star that suddenly began to dim, and said in horror: "Jingzhou's human destiny has failed, how could the Human Emperor Sect there?"

Among Liangzhou.

"The sky has changed!"

A powerful man suddenly spoke, "How does the contemporary Human Emperor anger the people of the world in just a few hours?"

This is so weird.

It's so incredible.

Jingzhou is so huge and its soil is so vast.

This made all people feel resentment and hatred, overturning their beliefs accumulated over tens of thousands of years. The reason was chilling to the back of people's backs.

How vicious and cruel has the Human Emperor done to play with people's hearts to be like this?


A beautiful female cultivator in white suddenly opened her eyes and counted, "Why is Jingzhou's human luck declining? Junior brother actually did it?" But even so, it is just the human emperor's luck declining, and he How to kill the emperor?"

"I can't figure it out."

Kyushu is restless and turbulent.

throughout the teahouse.

Wu Lang looked calm and exchanged glasses with the Prince of Jingzhou in front of him, "The first time we met, you broke my disciple's three plans. The second time we met, it was my turn to take action. This great sage has returned. What's the plan?"

"Absurd and shameless."

Jing Ge's expression changed several times, he stared at Wu Lang with a heavy gaze, and said in a low voice: "I never thought that a sage like you would tamper with history and talk nonsense about things that happened in ancient times!"

His expression changed slightly.

The Shanjing disaster in Jingzhou was not caused by them at all!

This huge blame, the root cause of Jingzhou's decline, was placed on Jingzhou's ancient human emperor. How could I endure it? ?

This is so vicious!

This is killing two birds with one stone.

Not only did it bring the mountain elves and mortals into the same camp, it also made the mortals madly hostile to their Human Emperor Sect and weakened their destiny!

This weakens the people's sense of belonging and disgusts him!

"Traditional salvation cannot deal with you unscrupulous high-level officials."

Wu Lang said: "I am not a corrupt scholar, and I will not stick to the rules. I only want to have a clear conscience, and I just want the people to receive help. It can make the small Leiyin Temple under my command develop, and the major Buddhas come down the mountain to save the world from evil disasters. This is a kind lie. .”


Jing Ge suddenly stood up and shouted angrily: "You are harming our human race! Do you know that if all the common people in the world are mortals, they are all plagued by the beasts of Xinshan. They are their fellow mortals, and they are regarded as the same race, and the future of the world will be , will it lay the foundation for any terrible disaster?"


Wu Lang glanced at him and said disdainfully: "So, you can let the common people accept the mountain spirits, but I can't let the people accept the mountain spirits in this way??"

"After the mountain spirit practices cultivation, he is already as holy as a Buddha."

"They are of the earth attribute and have a gentle personality. They are born as Buddhists. They can be friendly with humans and get along well with them."

"Even if the mountain spirit you call may rebel in the future, lose its original intention, and cause serious trouble, that can only be a matter in the distant future. As long as I am still alive, such a thing will not happen."

"This sharp knife must be used by yourself."

The young scholar also stood up. On the window sill of the restaurant, overlooking the storytellers running around everywhere, he also said a bit angrily:

"I promised those mortal kings who are willing to sacrifice and run for me. I opened up a system for the mountain spirits. In my hands, they will definitely save the world and bring about the rise of mortals."

"They believe me."

The eyes of the great scholar in white seemed to flash with blazing flames.

"Because I am a great scholar with a destiny of sage and sage, and a great scholar who brings blessings to the world."

"It is also because I showed in front of them the skills that mortals can practice, and they saw hope, so they worked hard and flew into the flames to benefit the people of the world."

"That's my commitment to them."

Wu Lang stood up and looked at him coldly: "When I came to this world, it was my first time to carry so many lives on my back. I couldn't live up to them, so I had to fulfill their promise."

"If the immortal sect doesn't save the city of Mortal Kingdom, I will let the mountain spirit do it!"

"If the Immortal Sect does not actively fight against the demonic disaster, I will let the mountain spirits come and fill it with a sea of ​​people!"

"What your immortal sect can do to protect mortals, I will do it for you! What your immortal sect cannot do for mortals to practice, I will do it for you!"

His voice was low and ringing.

Wu Lang is not a saint, but he is a man of his word. Now he has been pushed out with many expectations. He is wanted in the world. The world also regards him as a true saint. He will also perform his duties, so he will not Live up to this promise.

"So, you don't hesitate to have the leaders of all the mortal nations accompany you to create this huge lie? Risking being immediately liquidated by me, and confuse the mortals of the world together?"

Jing Ge was a calm prince who could control his emotions very well. He strategized and devised three strategies to capture the three leaders. At this time, he was trembling slightly with anger and spoke. "This is a fallacy! Although it is a deliberately sensational story, people will not believe it if they calm down."

"Do you really not believe it? They think the Immortal Sect can do such a thing!"

Wu Lang looked at him calmly, his voice sharp and thorny: "This is what you taught me. His Royal Highness, who is good at the emperor's mind, uses rumors to deal with rumors, and uses ignorance to deal with ignorant people."

"Prince Jingge, what did you say to me at that time?"

Wu Lang suddenly changed his mind and poured tea for him like a host.

The smile on his face became gentler, but it gave people the illusion of being cold and angry, as if a devil was whispering softly in his ears:

"You said - for tens of thousands of years, animal disasters have brought them too much pain. These ignorant people are always willing to believe what they believe, and never care about the truth."

"Now I will return this sentence to you."

"For tens of thousands of years, the immortal monks have brought them too much pain. These stupid people are always willing to believe what they believe, and never care about the truth!"

Jing Ge's expression showed a hint of shock.

Although he is unwilling to admit it, the pain and hatred accumulated over thousands of years brought by the Immortal Sect to mortals is no less than the hatred and pain caused by the beast disaster.

These ignorant people, whose distrust has accumulated for tens of thousands of years, has already reached the level of violence that is about to explode. If this catalyst continues, it will indeed ignite the volcano. I believe in this mountain elf conspiracy theory that seems to be unable to withstand scrutiny.

"At the same time, who says I don't have evidence?"

Wu Lang's smile became deeper and deeper, and he looked outside, "Revealing the scandal is just the first step. Next, I will show the evidence to the world!"

at this time.

Outside the restaurant, the storyteller was surrounded by people after he handed out the next piece of paper.

"Is what you said above true?"

"I think it's true! The Immortal Sect is so vicious and likes to use us mortals for various experiments. Even a big city next to me was blood sacrificed by immortal cultivators. It was so cruel that even the children were not spared."

"Those are demon cultivators who use living people to practice magic. Immortal sects are good."

"How can it be good!"

"I think this can't come true! Mountain spirits are humans who were cursed in ancient times. It's too exaggerated. It's empty talk!"

"I don't want to believe it!"

Some people are willing to believe in the evil of the Immortal Sect, while others still remain rational.

However, the storyteller who sent out the next volume smiled and said: "I have three ironclad proofs, each of which is as solid as a mountain, which can prove the truth of this matter! The emperor of the ancient immortal sect enslaved the ancient mortals and turned them into mountain spirits! "

"Three irrefutable proofs?"

The tide of common people became larger and larger, and countless people were mentally disturbed.

Everyone already knows.

The torrent that broke out before our eyes would be the biggest event in the entire history of Jingzhou mortals.

In the distance, a monk officer finally came to his senses and wanted to capture this ostentatious mortal scholar, "Damn mortal! He actually gathered a crowd to spread rumors! Slander the Immortal Sect!"

"You let him say it!!"

Jing Ge, who was sitting high up in the restaurant, frowned and couldn't help snorting.

His heart couldn't stop sinking.

So what if the rumors about the restaurant under my nose were stopped?

The other party has been prepared for a long time. They have colluded with all the mortal countries to find a large number of these dead warriors and storytellers. They are not afraid of being liquidated by them in the future. The moment they are just burning in front of them has been spread all over the world. Even in the Jinghuang City in front of them, such dead warriors There are a lot of them.

at this time.

He cut off the so-called ironclad information of the storyteller, which was actually harmful.

"I want to see, how can there be any three ironclad proofs for this empty talk and lies?" Jing Ge's eyes flashed with anger, "Is it possible that you can still fabricate ironclad proofs out of thin air? Evidence that the mountain spirit is a human being? ?"

"The evidence is indeed irrefutable!"

Wu Lang's smile became gentle again, as if he had never been angry just now. He drank tea calmly with a cold expression:

"I don't know about the dirty things inside your Human Emperor. You must have hidden them very well. But the dirty things about the Mountain Spirits, if I say they were done by you, they were done by you."

Jing Ge's face changed slightly.

In this man, he seemed to see a somewhat nimble judge. He knew that the other person was a criminal but had no evidence, so he secretly fabricated all kinds of evidence to frame him and wanted to punish him!

Wu Lang glanced at him:

"Today, I come here to seek justice for all people in the world."

"I'm here to sit on this 'Temple of the World' and interrogate the contemporary Emperor of the People for the people of the world. I should obtain the ironclad evidence of the three mountain spirits and list the several crimes of the Emperor of Jingzhou!"

"Then, he will be paraded through the streets to show off to the world, and he will behead the current emperor at the Demon Slaying Platform!"

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