I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 124: Sexy operation, taking wives and concubines

"Junior brother, what do you think?" She blinked.

Wu Lang calmly glanced at the charming and charming young senior sister who came to his door. Is this person completely jealous of his Human Emperor Seal?

I glanced at the layout:

[Xing Hanhan favorability: 81]

So high?

After the wave of killing emperors just now, senior sister's favorability level has increased by more than ten points silently?

According to normal logic, this is the level of affection that a girl can fall in love with and fall passionately in love with.

But this is not "opposite-sex attraction" and should be treated as "same-sex attraction".

That is to say.

With a favorability score of 81, he is the kind of confidant who treats himself as a good brother and drinks together and goes to the toilet together.

"So, this guy not only regards me as a good brother, but also wants to have sex with me?" Wu Lang kept analyzing in his mind, and he was quite rational.

Without this digitized intelligence, I might really have thought that my senior sister was in love with me, after all, she acted pretty well.

However, she did dare to sacrifice.

The reason why the other party makes such a major choice is because the favorability is too high!

Although she didn't like herself.

But she felt that she was an extremely good candidate for a Taoist monk, who could greatly help her in her spiritual practice, and her character as a "sage" was very passable.

Don't worry that the person next to you will murder her.


Wu Lang took a deep breath and felt a little moved.

Putting aside love and other matters, as a young hero from the No. 1 Demon Sect, Xing Hanhan is already in the early stages of integration. If he comes to Jingzhou, it will undoubtedly be a huge help to him.

At the same time, if you really become a Taoist monk.

Except for the eldest brother who sees the dragon but never sees its end, Huangquan Sect is the world ruled by two male and female evil spirits like us. Isn’t it true that we can do whatever we want?


This guy is so realistic, doesn’t he think so?

Her goal has always been the leader of Huangquan. The fifth peak can defeat the first peak. Is this because she is completely determined to join forces with me?

"However, if such an alliance is established, our personalities are not compatible. She is a demon cultivator who can jump and cause trouble. She is not as honest as me, who has been practicing silently in the cave."

Wu Lang took a deep breath, "At the same time, I also have to consider her cuckolding issue outside."

Although I don’t want to say it.

But his fate is slightly similar to Liu Ping's.

The other party doesn't like me, but they treat him as a brother. At most, it's a simple relationship. If he meets someone he likes in the future, will he fall out instantly?

Elope for love?

Murder your husband?

This is a problem.

Suddenly, Wu Lang held his chin and fell into thinking about his future life: "Am I afraid that I will become the next Liu Ping? The smiling senior sister was standing beside the bed. Has Wu Lang taken medicine??"

Wait, it seems that there is no need to worry so much. Thinking on the bright side, according to history, even if she marries a cheap wife, she will only be afraid of being beaten to death by her apprentice soon, and she does not have to worry about her future success. wall? ?

at the same time.

If the relationship goes further now, I can let Xing Hanhan make some excuses, and as a Taoist couple, I can have some control over Li Qingrou.

Her apprentice is my apprentice.

"A hidden danger of killing and catastrophe, the second generation of the Underworld Cult Master, the problem seems to be solved!" Wu Lang blinked, thinking quite unscrupulously.

at this time.

"Junior brother, are you still hesitating?"

Xing Hanhan was still boldly throwing out his chips, and said softly and shyly: "I am a daughter who has not yet left the palace. At the same time, the young emperor naturally wants to spread his wings. The junior brother is young and energetic. It is normal for him to want three wives and four concubines. .”

"Even many great scholars and sages in the mortal world will take concubines and they will not stop you. In the future, when you meet someone you like, you can do whatever you want. We are not secular people. We can marry as many as we want. We are destined to go all the way. As a senior, a little passing is tolerable.”

Wu Lang had a headache.

It is indeed the true biography of Meng Po who has won the No. 1 magic sect, and the senior sister's offline has also become quite flexible.

However, Wu Lang still overestimated the integrity of this cheap senior sister.

"Even senior sister will bring this beautiful disciple, who looks very cold and gentle, to marry her and do some very taboo things."

She blinked, looked at the cold girl behind her, and smiled, like an evil pimp:

"Disciple, you are also willing, right? After all, someone like Junior Brother is the most talented person in the entire Kyushu. He is worthy of any goddess or saint. You will not suffer any loss if you become his concubine."

"Let Master arrange it." Li Qingrou's face stiffened slightly, but she remained calm.


[Li Godan favorability -1]


[Li Godan favorability -1]

It dropped seven points in an instant!

Wu Lang glanced at her, dumbfounded.

Lower my favorability again? ?

If you don't commit suicide for a day, you won't be happy, right?

If you agree to this one, you will only have two consequences.

First, completely subdue Li Qingrou and strangle her in the cradle before she rises. So what if she has -100 resentment and favorability? Just play with it by yourself, it's like a time-travel plot, it's quite exciting.

Second, Li Qingrou has secretly developed to the point where she can threaten her master. According to the normal protagonist routine, she will kill her "adulterer and adulteress" supporting villains, continue to fight monsters everywhere, upgrade, and soar to the sky.

Well the answer is pretty obvious.

Follow Xing Hanhan's routine, which is obviously a villain's vicious supporting role, and force the future leader into a concubine?

What's the difference between having a 50% chance of death and dying? ?

Generally speaking, normal people backslide, run away in fear, and sternly refuse.

But who is Wu Lang?

He is different from other people.

He made his third choice!

"That's not necessary."

Wu Lang acted like a gentleman, took a few steps back, made a calm gesture of refusing to join in with someone, and said slowly and seriously: "Not to mention the wishes of senior sister, your disciple must still respect her personal choice. "


[Li Godan’s favorability +3]

Wu Lang seemed not to have heard, "At the same time, the suggestion from the Taoist companion of the senior sister is nothing more than to use the human emperor's luck pool and the luck of the Queen of Jingzhou to increase the speed of practice."

"So, how about choosing a compromise?"

Wu Lang said: "On the surface, I became a Taoist couple with my senior sister, signed a contract, and got a false name, which can be lifted at any time. And my senior sister is naturally blessed with luck. When I practice, come to my seventh peak and enjoy it with me." All it takes is the Human Emperor’s luck and blessing.”

Xing Hanhan was startled and a little ashamed: "Isn't this not good?"

She is indeed greedy for the luck of the Emperor.

Previously, the Mountain Spirit family's luck pool blessing and spiritual energy gathering were too low for her, so she didn't bother to care.

But the Jingzhou Human Emperor's luck is quite huge, which allows him to practice much faster, which is enough to make her extremely excited!

You know, why does Jingzhou have no emperor?

Because the spiritual energy is thin, this environment is not enough to prove the emperor. The difficulty of proving the emperor is dozens of times more difficult than in other continents.

And why can the Human Emperor become emperor?

It is because with the help of the human emperor's spiritual energy, and by means of these methods, that he can reach the normal concentration of spiritual energy in the barren Jingzhou, and he can become emperor.

Wu Lang was quite serious, "Anyway, my cultivation level is still low, and the blessings of the two clans' luck cannot be absorbed at all. Instead of wasting it, it is better to give it to my senior sister for training."

"Thank you." Xing Hanhan blushed, feeling that she had just been like a fireworks girl showing off her coquettish style to welcome guests. She took the initiative to cheat, which somewhat disgraced the dignity of an elder senior sister.


Xing Hanhan’s favorability +3

The further back you go, the slower the favorability increases.


[Li Godan favorability -1]




Obviously, he and her cheap master have become false Taoist companions, and his favorable opinion of him has suddenly dropped. Are he ready to kill this pair of losers?

Wu Lang turned his eyes and looked at Li Qingrou next to him, "Master nephew, do you also want to practice under a false name? The queen is your master, but the position of imperial concubine is also acceptable. After all, I can't swallow so much spiritual energy."

"Oh, is that okay?" Li Qingrou was a little surprised.

Junior uncle is indeed a sage. Not only does he not covet himself, but he also gives himself resources free of charge to help his fellow disciples.

"Of course you can."

Wu Lang's expression was still calm and upright, and he said in an unfeminine manner: "This is nothing to lose to me, but it will help you two practice."

"Why don't you thank your uncle yet?" At this time, Xing Hanhan next to him warned: "Give you a concubine with the title of concubine, and your cultivation speed will increase significantly."

"Thank you, uncle." Li Qingrou said seriously.


[Li Qingrou’s favorability +3]

[Li Qingrou’s favorability +3]


No matter how cunning your personality is, I already understand your tricks.

Wu Lang nodded, looked at the two people calmly and seriously, and said: "Let's sign a Taoist couple contract. It's just a wife and a concubine in name only. We can just go to the church. The marriage contract is just a piece of paper and can be torn up at any time."

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