I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 133 The true meaning

Undercurrents are surging everywhere in the world.


It is adjacent to Jingzhou, separated by a large abyss of clouds and mist.

at this time.

At the border of Yanzhou, a middle-aged man with blood all over his body looked towards him. His aura was terrifying, and there seemed to be an endless mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood behind him. He looked at a demon emperor and said calmly: "I want to cross the abyss of clouds and mist, and go Jingzhou.”


This demon emperor stopped on a cliff, shook his head and said:

"You are a traitor to the human race. Although you have some secret deals with me, crossing the Yunwu Abyss is an abyss that I cannot do. It is not my territory. I am only one of the thirteen demon emperors in the Yunwu Abyss. That’s all, how could I lead you as a human across the entire Great Abyss?”

In the Yunwu Abyss, every demon emperor has his own territory.

Unlike humans, they like to fight among themselves.

The demon clan has clearly differentiated classes and will not invade each other. Even among the great emperors, there is almost no internal fighting and they are unanimous in dealing with the outside world.

"Isn't that your useless Emperor Mo Yun? A demonic disaster has started, and even Jingzhou can't be taken down?"

The man sneered, his eyes flashing with contempt, "Right now, he is still sleeping and recovering from his injuries. I think his probability of winning this war is less than 30%."

"They hid thousands of meters deep underground and began to build cities one after another. The mountain elves used the earth's energy to cover them. You are not good at the earth's energy. How can you find the opponent's city?"

"They fight tunnel battles and surface battles. You can attack when you advance, and you can defend when you retreat. To say that the winning rate is 30% is to flatter you."

The opponent's analysis was very accurate.

The Demon Emperor shook his head, not caring about the other party's ridicule, and remained calm: "The territory of Jingzhou is originally a desert of spiritual energy, and we are too lazy to care about it. The border over there is the territory of Mo Yun, with few resources, and his invasion is like yellow sand. Who cares about the desolate Jingzhou? Whether he wins or loses is none of our business."

They really couldn't be bothered.

A place like Jingzhou, with no resources and thin spiritual energy, would be too lazy to invade.

This war was originally the initiative of Emperor Mo Yun. He was sneak attacked by the Huangquan Holy Sect of the human race. He was looking for face and vented his anger on the human race.

At the same time, it is also training.

The demon child who trains his subordinates.

He was severely wounded by the number one demon sect in the human race, his true spirit was greatly damaged, and he was ready to abdicate. Naturally, he let his descendants go through a bloody war to select an outstanding candidate to be his heir.

As for seizing resources?


Jingzhou is much more desolate than the Yunwuyuan.

Therefore, he beat him, and other demon emperors didn't bother to care. After all, they had an agreement and would not go to his territory.

At this time, the Demon Emperor suddenly grinned and suggested: "Taoist Blood Skeleton, don't even think about going to Jingzhou in the direction of our Yunwuyuan. How about you go to Jingzhou via the Forbidden Mountain of the ancient temple?"

"Hmph, do you want me to die?"

Taoist Xuexu snorted coldly, quite dissatisfied.

The Forbidden Mountain of the ancient temple is one of the oldest and mysterious forbidden areas.

Even the emperor who encounters some terrifying ancient corpses may die suddenly without any resistance.

To gamble on luck?

He is not stupid!

"Then we will go through the endless sea of ​​suffering?" the Demon Emperor said with a smile.

"Seasonless suffering, it's been too long."

Taoist Xuexu said with disdain, "The fastest is twenty or thirty years. This is without encountering the current of time. There is no advantage at all. Twenty or thirty years? It's all turned upside down."

Seasonless sea of ​​suffering.

It is the central chaotic ocean connecting Kyushu, as vast and boundless as the Pacific Ocean.

Naturally, one can go from any continent to any continent by sea, but the Seasonless Sea of ​​Bitterness is also an extremely terrifying place.

Known as:

There are four seasons in one sea, and the sky is different in ten miles!

The speed of time flow is different in every sea area. The monsoon ocean current is a terrifying time flow current. If you hit it, it will cost you a lot of life.

One day in the outside world, you may be involved in the ocean current, and several years will fly by.

If encountering an extremely turbulent ocean current of time, the life span will rapidly deplete, tens to hundreds of years a day, and even some great emperors will not be able to withstand it, and they will be visibly aging when they emerge.

Lifespan is a top priority for everyone. The sea of ​​endless suffering, where time kills people, is also a terrifying and dangerous place!

"I will not go through endless suffering."

The Blood Skeleton Emperor said: "I'm going to go to the Yunmist Abyss, please let me go. I captured that great scholar, which will also be good for you demon clan!"

"what is the benefit?"

The Demon Emperor pretended to be curious and said, "Stop lying to me. I'm happy to watch your human race fight among themselves."


Taoist Xuexu scolded: "That sage opened up the way for mortals to practice, and even mortals can practice. Now our human race has more than 2,000 people to have the qualifications to become a monk, but what about then?

Two thousand mortals, two thousand monks!

The advantage of your demon clan in cultivation has been broken by us. When the time comes, the human clan will be powerful and prosperous! "

He said sadly: "You are so stupid! If you don't let me go, you monsters will be exterminated!"


When the other side's Demon Emperor heard this, he directly sneered, "Don't lie to me, it's so difficult to develop the technique. Now that he has opened a craftsman's spiritual root and deduced it to a high level, I'm afraid he has already passed half of his lifespan. At most, you humans are just It’s just one more new spiritual root.”

He's not really stupid!

Can he see the prospects that the human monks can see? ?


The intelligence of top demons is very high, and they are not weaker than these insidious and cunning monks.

This new system may be very powerful, but it will take tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years to produce any results.

Now, it’s like tasteless!

Even in his eyes, this matter is either big or small!

It's equivalent to just one more spiritual root.

There are dozens of spiritual roots that humans can cultivate, and one more is really nothing.

Everyone has a corresponding skill, and they may not be able to master it even after hundreds of thousands of years! In the eyes of these real overlords, dreams are just as unrealistic.

That's it?

Are you saying that we are demons and genocide?

Your human race will be exterminated if you have one more spiritual root?

It's not like he didn't know how insidious this bloody Taoist was, so he wanted to deceive him.

"You're the one who's stupid."

Taoist Blood Skeleton sneered:

"He doesn't have to deduce a skill to the ultimate level, and it doesn't need to be too advanced. There is one Qi refining period Qigong every two months, and six miscellaneous spirit root Qi refining periods a year.

At that time, all the people are mortals in the Qi Refining Stage. In their lifetime, the upper limit of all the people may reach the Foundation Establishment Stage. That is enough for you to drink a pot! "

The Demon Emperor smiled and said: "Wouldn't that be better? The mountain spirits, who are everywhere in the Qi Refining Period, have absorbed all the spiritual energy in Jingzhou. Your mortals, who are everywhere in the Qi Refining Period and Foundation Building Period, have also absorbed all the spiritual energy in your states."

He suddenly laughed, "In a few years, all your states will turn into loess like Jingzhou! I should be more grateful to him for opening up the exercises for mortals!"

The Taoist Blood Skeleton was furious: "The human race is different from the mountain elves. As long as we, the human race, plan the quantity, even if all the people are cultivating immortals, they won't be able to consume so much spiritual energy!"

After all, it takes ten months for the human race to conceive a child and more than ten years to develop into an adult.

The fertility rate of mountain spirits is simply inhuman, and they can produce several billions a year.

What has limited the number of mountain elves has never been the reproduction rate of mountain elves. So now, what is limiting the number of mountain elves?

It's Jingzhou's spiritual energy that limits the number of births!

A mountain spirit with a third level of Qi training naturally needs to absorb spiritual energy reserves.

As much aura as there is in the air, people will have as many babies!

Like a super exhaust fan, the Mountain Spirit is a human-shaped spiritual energy storage bag, which causes there to be almost no spiritual energy in the air in Jingzhou, which is why it is so barren!

But they can’t kill them all.

Everybody knows.

In the history of Jingzhou, there was even a time when emperors from other continents were invited to join forces, and hundreds of them joined forces to eradicate the mountain spirits and sweep them to extinction.

But what?

Can't do it.

Not even a hundred great emperors can do it.

This thing is like a cockroach. If you miss one, within a few months, the entire mountain will be overrun again.

It can be said that the wildfire is endless, and the spring breeze blows it again.

Worse than cockroaches.

"so what?"

The Demon Emperor said: "He solved the beast disaster in Jingzhou, made the mountain spirits enlightened, sterilized, restricted fertility, reduced the number of mountain spirits, improved the quality of the mountain spirits, and turned them into a normal and powerful clan of ordinary practitioners.

At most, one continent has recovered. To us demons, one continent is almost the same, or one less is quite a lot. Is there a problem? "

"Taking a step back, if a continent recovers, the demons and monsters living in it will also rise. It's not just you humans who take advantage. For us, he is also a saint and a good thing. Will we stop him?"

A sly smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Unlike my impression of your vicious human race, we feel quite good about him!"

Taoist Blood Skeleton's expression changed slightly, and he was impressed by the other party's character to the side of the demon.

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