I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 143 Murder and Heartbreaking

Wu Lang was stunned.

He controlled the incarnation of luck, and in the deserted mountain cave on the other side, some people were sweating:

"What a ghost! I just built an imperial city, and if I move the human emperor's seal a little bit, you guys can take advantage of this and come over??"

This scene is so familiar!

Jing Ge had done something similar before.

After his luck improves, he will become a subordinate of himself and trick himself into projecting it.

What's the difference between this one who is just waiting for the opportunity to build the imperial city and gather his luck and seize the opportunity to have the phantom of the Zunren Emperor come over? ?

Besides, come to wish me a happy birthday?

I'm not proclaiming emperor and ascending the throne, I'm just building an imperial city. How about congratulating me together?

Besides, I just killed a Human Emperor and got on the demon-slaying platform. My face was swollen because of you. You guys come to congratulate me?

Don't quite believe it.

This wave is really a disaster.

"Are you guys attacking from both sides?" Wu Lang was confused.

In the cave, Wu Lang felt very happy and had goosebumps and wanted to run away.

I've only been emperor for two years, right? Jingzhou is a barren desert, and all kinds of monsters and monsters are here!

He took a deep breath, suppressed the intention of running away, and hurriedly contacted the Seventh Peak to find someone knowledgeable.

How the other party came is not clear.

The arrival of the phantom figures of these eight human emperors was very shocking and terrifying.

Just right.

Xing Hanhan is practicing in seclusion at the Seventh Peak, and even Li Qingrou is practicing here.

When they watched this scene, Li Qingrou frowned slightly. The future protagonist had such a cold and elegant face, but he hesitated to speak.

Xing Hanhan said, "Huh? Junior brother, I'm bored in seclusion, but you actually have a great show over there! It's just a small matter of imperial examination and building an imperial city. The Eight Emperors congratulated you instantly, it's so honorable!"

And Xing Hanhan smiled happily.

No wonder this fun-loving man was hunted down by Li Qingrou. There was obviously a reason for his death.

She was gloating:

"They are simply too deadly. Even if their true form cannot catch up, they will still use every conceivable method to kill you and create trouble for you. It's really exciting!"

Wu Lang's face turned dark.

It's not that the real body can't catch up, but one has already run over.

This is a double attack.

Fortunately, I have always been super stable. I hid in a cave in a barren mountain deep in the old forest. I secretly took care of myself without leaving the mountain. I raised a group of mountain spirits and disciples and developed on my own in the Jingzhou practice world.

Otherwise, I won’t even know how to die.

"Sorry, sorry."

Xing Hanhan calmed down and said seriously: "It seems that although the journey is far away and most people cannot come to Jingzhou, there seem to be some exceptions. After all, the world is so big that there are all kinds of surprises."

Wu Lang nodded.

There are indeed two exceptions.

A great emperor who had already come to Jingzhou, and eight human emperors who had a shadow of fate, all used their own means to forcefully approach Jingzhou.

Xing Hanhan said: "This time, it's not that I don't remind you. Only they know some of the inside stories of the Human Emperor. I really don't know that after you established the Imperial City, they can contact other Human Emperors through some strange humane secrets. Come find you."

"But I took a closer look. Even though the other party was caught off guard, you don't have to panic."

Her smile faded and her expression softened:

"They are just using the same source of luck to cross continents and project the luck. They are not coming in their true form at all. Don't panic. They really can only come here temporarily to 'congratulate' you."

Her words of congratulations were spoken with a strong emphasis.


The weasel paid New Year greetings to the rooster and was uneasy and kind-hearted.

Wu Lang also instantly understood what Xing Hanhan meant.

Why do you need to be present to kill someone?

Just kill someone and kill your heart!

Before, he didn't need to be there in person to kill the old emperor.

As long as he uses tactics to "kill" his people's hearts and cut off the opponent's luck, the Human Emperor Sect has created mountain spirits all over the mountains and plains, harming the ancient mortals, and now it is planning to turn modern mortals into mountain spirits, so black that they will cry bitterly. Tears, all the mortals in the world were immediately furious and filled with hatred. They immediately turned black and the other party lost the throne!

Wu Lang took a deep breath, his eyes flickered, and he knew what the other party was going to do: "Take the other person's way and give it back to him."

"They want to learn the same trick I did before and kill my luck in Jinghuang City."

You can't come in person, you can't use force.

They are here to attack my heart and use the same tactics on me that I used on the Old Man Emperor!

It seems that if you fight snakes all day long, you will eventually be bitten by a snake.

"Sister, I have something urgent, so I won't accompany you any longer." Wu Lang knew that the matter was urgent and planned to leave immediately.

"go Go."

Xing Hanhan nodded.

Then, she was no longer in the mood to practice. She looked at the projection of the Seventh Peak on Wu Lang's side with curiosity, watched the battle, and murmured: "Watch the junior brother receive the guests."

Even Li Qingrou, a person with a cold face, came over silently.

She sat on the floor and watched silently.

Xing Hanhan was furious and slapped Li Qingrou on the head: "What are you looking at? Just go and practice! After all this time, you are still in the Nascent Soul Stage. Your cultivation speed is not as fast as that of your uncle's two direct disciples! You are the best person I have ever taught." What a bad disciple!"

"Master, I also want to see my uncle receive guests," Li Qingrou said cowardly in a low voice.

"Huh, pinch my back and I'll show it to you."

Xing Hanhan was still speeding on the road to death.

It's a pity that she doesn't have a favorability section, so she can't see a bunch of Ding Ding Ding, and it will be maxed out in an instant.

Jinghuang City.

I just went back and exchanged a few words with my senior sister. In fact, it didn't take long.

Now, Wu Lang felt a little confident, knowing that the other party was most likely going to blackmail him, make things difficult for him in front of the people of the world, and lower his popularity and luck.

"Everyone, the Human Emperor has arrived, and you are welcome from afar!" Wu Lang stood up and greeted them with a smile.

"Congratulations on the founding of the city!"

"Congratulations on building the Imperial City!"

And these eight human emperors also came slowly.

Their expressions changed slightly and they looked at each other up and down.

After all, I have been observing in the shadow before.

This is the real first time we meet together.

In fact, it was not their initiative to come here this time. It was the major sects in their respective states and the sect's holy land who asked them to come.

Those major sects had no way to contact Jingzhou, so they thought of the Human Emperor Sect, using the same source of luck to let them come to congratulate them and cut off the opponent's luck.

It's not easy for them to resist.

After all, the Imperial Sect in other states was at the bottom of the list of first-rate sects.

In fact, they even feel disgusted with it!

Although the other party killed the old emperor, they were also resentful and naturally wanted to attack the other party, but this was an internal fight within the human emperor's lineage, and the other party was also a human emperor.

This is a family matter.

The other sects took the opportunity to intervene. Although they had the same goal, it was a bit of an insult to their lineage of the Human Emperor.

"Everyone, since you want to congratulate me, you naturally want to watch the ceremony." Wu Lang said: "Why don't you come and see my Jingzhou world?"

Wu Lang didn't know what the other party's specific plan was, so he took the initiative directly.

"That's fine." Several human emperors nodded.

And at this time.

Among the eight ministers of the cabinet standing respectfully behind, the bloody Taoist hidden in the ministers squinted his eyes at this scene:

"Interesting! The eight great emperors must have guessed that the other party wants to cut off their luck in eight continents from a distance, and plunder the faith of their people across a continent."

He felt that he had underestimated the people of the world, and other people had guessed this sage's plan:

"Now, they are directly turning against the guests, and in turn, they are joining forces to take the initiative. The eight of them came to kill each other's luck. Are they going to be like the Jinghuang City before, and discredit the luck of the Jingzhou Human Emperor?"

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Awesome, these people obviously can't go to Jingzhou, but they still want to kill him from the air!"

He took a few steps back and hid among the eight ministers. Looking at the contemporary emperors from all over the world gathered here, the atmosphere seemed very tense.

Good night

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