I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 146 Murderous Intention

Huangquan Sect, the seventh peak.

"It's over, it's over!"

"They really came prepared and used their words to kill their hearts!"

Xing Hanhan was a little anxious. Seeing this scene, his mind was racing:

"These bastards are sitting in high places commenting and talking to each other. They are touting how this system is beneficial to the people of the world and how good it is to the people. They seem to be touting the achievements of junior brother! Look forward to the construction of Jinghuang City!"

"Actually, I wanted to use the admiration of the people all over the world to ask my junior brother for his system of craftsmanship, saying that it can save the people of their state."

"In this case, why are you so embarrassed not to give it?"

after all.

The junior brother told the world about this method before, but he only spread the first volume. In the next volume, those craftsmen were recruited to teach it secretly.

They thought for nothing that they wanted the junior brother's second volume to complete the Qi refining period exercises.

Even more.

They also want all the foundation building stages that will be opened in the future, and the follow-up techniques all the way to the golden elixir stage!

"Although Junior Brother is powerful, he is just one person."

She was in the seventh peak, pacing back and forth anxiously:

"In his lifetime, he will probably be able to develop one or two complete techniques that can be practiced to the integration stage and the tribulation stage."

"As soon as they come up, they want to commit most of Junior Brother's hard work to prostitution and let Junior Brother work in vain for the rest of his life! He worked hard to develop the skills and handed them over to them! They say they will benefit all the people in the world!"

"This is moral kidnapping!"

"At the same time, if they take this technique and pass it on to the people in their state, will they tell the people that it was developed by their junior brother??"


"Although I won't lie, I will definitely imply that it was opened by the Human Emperor, openly or secretly, and that the people of my continent will worship and be grateful for the good fortune."

This wave is very vicious!

You work hard, but you remain anonymous.

The first thing to gain is the hard work and hard work of Bai Yao.

Even if their junior brother gives them a skill, they will definitely study and deduce it secretly, trying to find the core secret of their junior brother, and develop other skills to replace it!

Second: After teaching it to the people, and gaining the love of the people in your own continent, you must take the luck of the Nine Provinces that belongs to your junior brother and turn it into your own luck!

These powerful people have deep thoughts and are so evil!

Setting up a dragnet step by step may seem like a small thing, but in fact, there is a big picture behind the scenes to ambush you.

And at this time.

The junior brother is in a dilemma.

What if you choose not to teach? ?

This will instantly leave a reason for being attacked in the eyes of the other Eight Emperors.

After all, you are a selfless sage who previously intended to serve the people of the world for free, but now you are hiding it and not benefiting the people of other continents. Isn’t it true that your character has collapsed? ?

They will take advantage of the victory to question you and take the opportunity to sow discord among your people!

"Which one you choose, whether you take the move or not, is a dead end."

She was very nervous.

We can only see how the junior brother breaks the situation.

Even in her eyes, this situation is a dead end and cannot be broken at all. No matter how you go, you will be waiting for you in the pit.

Jinghuang City.

Wu Lang also saw through the other party's thoughts.

He cursed the old fox secretly several times.

These old monsters, the incarnation of luck, are also full of oppression.

He immediately realized:

I really can't break this situation.

If you don't hand it over, the sage who opened the gate to the world will completely collapse in an instant.

If you are a sage who serves the people of the world, you will indeed suffer a small loss for the suffering people of other continents and let it spread to the next continent.

At present, I can only hand over my exercises to ensure my safety.

"But this skill is not my hard work, I paid for it for free."

Wu Lang was very calm in his heart, "They thought I could only develop one in my life, and by taking this technique, they were trapping me. But in fact, it was not."

The human brain has limits.

Naturally, it can only be done to this extent.

But with the help of Houtu AI’s intelligent computing power, my time consumption can be greatly reduced.

This is the real confidence that the players of "Underworld Ghosts" can become mortals in future generations and open up immortal sects, and the reason why they can develop so many techniques.

As for finding a way out of this skill?


Without the ancestral scriptures, it would be impossible to develop various techniques with mixed spiritual roots.

The second ancestral scripture is equivalent to a complex formula involving the rules of the soul's origin. Only by mastering the ancestral scripture can we use it to reason about other techniques.

Just like people can't deduce the "First Ancestor Sutra" of Huangquan Sect.

They couldn't even find the first ancestral scripture, let alone the second ancestral scripture based on the first ancestral scripture of Huangquan.

at this time.

Wu Lang glanced at them and said calmly: "All the great emperors of the current states are also prominent figures in their own world of immortality. They must have the world in mind, work hard, and want to benefit their own people, right? I want to give this technique to you. For you guys!"

The other Eight Emperors were slightly startled.

They just spoke, and they hinted at the suffering of their people. Just when they exerted their strength, the other party knew that they had spoken?

This made it impossible for them to say any of their subsequent words, their tactics of uniting the people of the world, and their secret coercion methods.

It has the illusion of being slapped on cotton.


How could Wu Lang give them the opportunity to shoot at him? ?

Just give in.

Wu Lang nodded and said, "Even if you don't speak, that's my original intention. I want to spread this skill to the whole world, and you are here just in time."

The other human emperors were silent.

Suddenly, I felt a little bit out of touch.

So proactive?

Although they don’t know what the other party wants to do, if they offer it with both hands, they will naturally take it.

The spread of this technique to their continent will not only allow them to have this new lineage of practice system and increase their power, but they may also be able to study the principles of the technique!

"In this case, we don't want it in vain." A human emperor said: "We will use some top private skills to exchange with you."

"That's not necessary. This is for the people of the world, not for you. There is no need to exchange it." How could Wu Lang want their skills?

These people were obviously well prepared, and even if there were no problems with the techniques they were given, they would never be able to use them.

"Then on behalf of the people of our continent, I would like to thank you, Your Excellency." A human emperor stood up.

Wu Lang nodded slowly, "If the book is published, please also write the author, Bai Xiaosheng, on it."

Several human emperors were somewhat silent.

Are you waiting for them here?

"This is natural." Several Human Emperors said with smiles: "We, the people of this continent, should know that it was your Excellency who opened it, and we should appreciate it."

But what they were thinking was.

Writing the other party's name is to gather luck for the other party. The luck of the people of one's own continent and the human emperor has all gone to the other party. How is it possible?

It seems that it cannot be spread through books.

This technique must be spread privately and secretly among the people.

Then, he sent people to secretly spread the news: This is the Human Emperor of the Human Emperor Sect, a technique developed for the people of the world, and a line of craftsmen who prospered the city for the human race.

This is a play on words.

Is it wrong to talk about the Renhuang Sect?

Is it correct to say that he is the contemporary emperor?

The first reaction of most people in this state is the Renhuang Sect in this state, and their luck will naturally converge on them.

After all, the people are ignorant and only recognize the Human Emperor Sect in their own state. They don't even know what creatures, people, and other Human Emperor Sects exist in the next continent.

They are very clear about these emperors' tricks to control the people.

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