at this time.

All the human emperors looked at each other.

No one could speak or say a few words.

They had guessed before that this person was a mutated sage.

After all, how can the traditional fate of upright sages and sages produce that kind of ancient history of mountain spirits?

Don't stick to details.

Unrestricted by traditional morals and etiquette.

Very difficult to deal with.

But his mutated fate turned out to be the fate of a great Confucian sage who knew everything?

How could one person, a great Confucian sage and sage with at least dozens of horoscope talents, exaggerate to such an extent?

It's simply incomprehensible.

This is a new path!

The lack and lack of relevant knowledge makes them like primitive people, like a physicist who suddenly saw a chemist's book and was confused.

This turns tradition on its head.

This is the grossest trampling from the realm of knowledge and the unknown.

And at this time.

People all over the world gathered to respond to this scene.

"As expected of our Jingzhou Emperor, a scholar and great Confucian who emerged from among us mortals who cannot practice can actually practice in so many fields at the same time!"

"Hahahaha! No wonder!"

"He is indeed a sage of an era!"

"I'm just telling you! The bigger this magic weapon is, the stronger it is, and the more techniques there are, the more powerful it is! Look at how stunned the Human Emperors are when they come to celebrate."

"Hey hey hey! There will be extra food tonight. Come to my village for a drink. From now on we will also be the aloof immortals."

The people who were watching the construction of Jinghuang City were already cheering, but they had no idea of ​​the horror involved. They could only say a few words in surprise:

Oh, it's so amazing, you can actually cultivate so many kinds of destiny.

Oh, doesn’t that mean we don’t have to worry about it and we can develop a technique for us?

The common people's knowledge is so shallow that they cannot understand it at all.

They just cheered and couldn't get into the details behind it.

They had no idea how intimidating the leader scholar was who was leading them forward, and they had no idea what the meaning of developing countless techniques at the same time was.

The common people only know how to follow this existence without thinking, to have great trust, and even to give up thinking, and to fight wherever it points.


All the emperors looked down upon miscellaneous spiritual roots, believing that they were weaker than traditional spiritual roots. Craftsman was an example. Now this understanding has collapsed.

They have instantly realized:

Not only traditional spiritual roots are strong and weak, but the same is true for mixed spiritual roots!

After seeing the truly terrifying miscellaneous spirit roots, all people of insight put aside their contempt and truly felt that the epic torrent of myths of an era was rushing in to overthrow the world and era. They shouted: The future of an Immortal Era.

Reform in the world began in Jingzhou.

Civilization and times are in an upward spiral.

The same is true for the land of Kyushu. Each system, and even the realm opening, are slowly updated with the years. In the last era of change, the leader of Huangquan was still there for tens of thousands of years.


A new era has arrived.


A human emperor took a deep breath and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "You have been hiding until now, but your destiny is so exaggerated."

"No one will expose their true identity, unless you insist on forcing me." Wu Lang said.

He has been developing in the cave.

Gou is the right way.

If you hadn't insisted on messing with me and kept pushing each other to death, how could you have exposed the details of your own skills? Fate talent?

This is a taboo.

Even Xing Hanhan and Li Qingrou must conceal their identities so seriously, let alone their own secrets?

Naturally, the more low-key the better!

But right now, the "Hundred Dawn Fate" can only be exposed.

At the same time, it has become my own cover, allowing me to use countless different types of skills at will without arousing suspicion!


Wu Lang was still a little scared.

"If I hadn't chosen this skill wisely before, I would have been in trouble now." Wu Lang woke up in his heart, but fortunately he kept his biggest secret from the future.


Several human emperors sighed and stopped talking. They quietly watched the ceremony and sat on the benches. The old god was there, majestic and solemn, watching the ceremony in a serious manner.

The master of Xiaoleiyin Temple.

The people of Jingzhou became emperor.

Promote the development of miscellaneous spiritual roots, and propose the creator of self-reliance and self-performing skills for mortals.

He has completely pried open a whole world by himself. This time the attack failed and he withstood three waves of attacks.

How to attack him again in the future? ?

They sighed in their hearts, felt a little sweat on their backs, and suddenly had an idea:

After today, it will be difficult to strangle him in the cradle through the air.

Jingzhou's world of cultivating immortals was already most of his garden.

Supported by the people and indestructible in people's hearts, it has become his base camp.

It will be twenty or thirty years before they, the Great Tribulation Emperor, and even other current emperors come to Jingzhou.

At that time, the world of Jingzhou’s immortal cultivators would probably have changed! ?


Their trip has been a complete failure.

Not only did they not knock down the opponent, but they also gathered the opponent's luck, and the world returned to the center, boosting the opponent's luck.

Seeing that they didn't make any more noise, Wu Lang laughed in his heart and said: I'm afraid they are at the end of their rope, but they compromised quite quickly.

After sorting out his thoughts, he suddenly stood up and said, "Today's construction of the city comes to an end."

"However, let me say a few final words."

He spoke.

Although he is not a true saint, he knows what he should do.

In his position, seek his position.

Having enjoyed such great luck, one should also shoulder such heavy responsibilities.

Inspiring people all over the world, serving as a beacon, giving speeches, and pointing out the way forward for the future is what I should do.


He took a deep breath, looked at the eyes of everyone in the world, his thoughts were spinning rapidly, and he said slowly:

"There are forty-nine tribes in the world. Human beings have been multiplying for at least hundreds of thousands of years. What were the ancestors of human beings doing in the most remote ancient times?"

"They hide in caves, wearing animal skins, surrounding bonfires, and respecting things they don't understand - the 'sea tribe', 'demon' and 'ancient dragon' of the forty-nine tribes."

"Mortals in the ancient era of ferocious beasts regarded these flying, divine beings as gods, praying and worshiping them."

"They are weak, but they sit around in caves and discuss the mysteries of the world, seek livelihood, search for food, hunt with stone spears, and understand the truth of the world."

"When they tried to understand flames, they noticed the affinity of the fire spirit root. When they tried to understand lightning and thunder, they noticed the affinity of the electric spirit root."

"They tapped into the power and potential within their bodies, explored the laws of the universe, and countless times went crazy and guided the qi to run wildly. They experimented with life and pursued the vast ocean of truth. In that era when the ancient sages and stars were shining brightly, all the explorers, Go forward without hesitation.”

The young man in white walked step by step to the heights of Jinghuang City and stood on the magnificent palace. The breeze blew his clothes and the sun shone on his face:

"They are like warriors wearing angry windbreakers who burn themselves, radiating their charming light and heat towards the aloof world of gods and demons, and launching an attack."

"But in this distant day, they succeeded. They defeated the superior gods and demons, and even hunted them, refined them into elixirs, and hammered them into magical weapons."

The young man in white looked down:

"In today's immortal sects, there are dozens of fire spirit roots and hundreds of different cultivation methods. This is not something you are born with."

"The spiritual root knowledge that their monks have at their fingertips is actually the shining pearl produced by the development of ancient civilization to this day."

"Today, our craftsman's spiritual root only has one copy of "Celestial Craftsman's Creation". In the future, our mixed spiritual root will also open up countless optional methods to achieve its brilliance."

"In the new mortal era, when we step into the Immortal Sect again, how many great people will appear in Jingzhou's world of immortality? How many great ideas will collide? I can't imagine."

The voice of the speech resounded throughout the sky, crossed the sky, and crossed the hills. Countless people raised their heads, as if they could hear the call of fate.

"But those so-called immortals were once humble mortals like us."

"They have traveled to distant galaxies."

"But we humble mortals on the surface of the earth are now stuck in the same place. How is it different from their ancient times? The high gods and demons who revere, pray and worship give us shelter,"

“Hopefully we too can see into the ocean of truth within us.”

"Like the ancient cavemen from eons ago, we opened new gates of immortality, followed in their footsteps, and became giants comparable to the gods. The stars shine brightly, and our names are engraved in the eternal sky of civilization like the immortals."

"The history of mankind is a history of seeking knowledge, pursuing the great road and truth."

"I hope that everyone in the world can practice cultivation, and that everyone is born equal." The figure in white gradually disappeared into the air.

"This is the star we mortals should chase."

Jingzhou Imperial City, the opening ceremony of the city's construction was completed.

What happened today is destined to be imprinted in the hearts of millions of people and will remain forever in the history of this land, which no one can forget.

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