The other side.

The Human Emperor of all nine states in the world has returned, and news of his failure has begun to spread throughout the world.

And, it began to ferment continuously.

"He founded Xiaoleiyin Temple, then beheaded the emperor, and forced back the Eight Emperors of Kyushu. No one can stop him now!"

Some old people lamented that they could not keep up with the times, or that they were witnessing the times.

There was a being who was proficient in calculations and said calmly: "There is no rush. I am not strong at all. The most that a mortal scholar can do is occupy the Jingzhou Cultivation World, become the backward human emperor there, and gain the support of all the barren sects."

"It's not that we don't have the courage to allow the power of the Supreme Holy Land like us to rise. What's more, we don't know how long it will take to develop to our level."

"What's more, it's far away in a remote corner of Jingzhou with poor geography."

There was a discussion in a low voice.

It is a fact that they want to kill them all, oppress the Renhuang Sect who belongs to the same Holy Land as them, and use their luck to go to Jingzhou to launch an attack.

But if the other party really rises now, they won't be too alarmed and cautious.

After all, no matter how strong you are, you can only become the strongest holy place in the world of cultivating immortals in a continent. Other holy places with the same status will not be afraid of you.

A new holy place.

Are there not enough holy places in the world?

Someone whispered: "But his achievements are terrible. This speech is destined to be recorded in history. A new trend has begun, and we old antiques will naturally board the ship of the new era!"

Someone smiled and said, "Yes, his lecture theory is very novel. Ten percent of us new humans have become immortals. Now, ninety percent of them, old humans, will follow our footsteps and develop techniques to become immortals together."

"Fairy craftsmen, fairy doctors, the future era is full of myths, maybe we can rebuild the fairy world, no, this prosperous age will surpass the old decadent fairy world!"

"To take a step back, although we can't control the other party, it is also a good thing for us humans. We are just worried that other races will be jealous."

"The craftsman system, let's start studying the craftsman system."

"Want to spread it?"

"Of course we want to spread the word and let all the major sects in the world go to the city to test the spiritual roots, select a new group of spiritual root disciples, and focus on cultivating them."

The other eight continents quickly reacted.

They began to create new disciples in their own immortal sect based on the spread of craftsman skills.

It will even quickly reach the height of the army of hundreds of thousands of craftsmen who built the Imperial City of Jingzhou.

And, Redstone Technology.

Although the Baixiao sages did not teach it, it is not impossible for them to study it.

Regardless of the various discussions in other eight continents, the public opinion is earth-shattering.

Wu Lang didn't say he didn't know, even if he knew, he would sneer: You can come to Jingzhou and beat me across the Internet?

Just next door, incompetent and furious.

At most, it's just a copy of the craftsman's method I passed on to you.

At this time, after the "urgent" call for guidance after the battle, Wu Lang returned to the Seventh Peak and began to truly relax.

He returned to the flower-covered mountain peak on the other side and saw that his senior sister was still practicing cross-legged and had obviously entered a state of seclusion.

Wu Lang was very calm:

"The great power in the integration stage consumes an astronomical number of spiritual stones for cultivation. Now this problem has been solved. The two senior sisters will also be fattened by me!"

Maintaining goodwill, this is a proper super bodyguard.

He didn't care too much.

I took a detour and followed the quiet stone steps to the back of the courtyard. I came to the underground secret room that can only be opened by the master of the Seventh Peak. I took a few glances at the huge white humanoid clay doll, Hou Tu.


Houtu slowly opened his eyes.

"Yes." Wu Lang walked in and closed the door.

Spiritual energy is not scarce.

In the past few years, Hou Tu, the anthropomorphic soul life, has been constantly reaching higher levels and improving crazily.

Even her original six fates began to improve to varying degrees with constant use and refinement.

"Hou Tu, calculate for me the conflict between my destiny and the Emperor's destiny, and how to advance the destiny technique." Wu Lang said slowly.


Hou Tu slowly spoke: "We have detected a destiny conflict and are looking for a way to adapt and merge."

"Current progress: 0%"

He ignored the progress of the deduction.

Instead, he took out a piece of white flesh and blood mixed with high-grade soul mud from Hou Tu's body and took it out.

"Before, I couldn't control it, so I could only use the soul mud tempered by the golden elixir stage monks to form the Houtu doll."

"Now, I used the soul mud from the Nascent Soul stage to reconfigure a puppet clone. It can have the combat power of the Nascent Soul stage, which should be enough to protect me in reality."

Because Meng Po's words really moved him a little.

Go to the Yunwuyuan!

After all, the battlefield in Jingzhou was too chaotic.

Even the high-end battlefield is becoming more and more fierce, and the demon in the fusion stage who is the candidate for the Demon Emperor has begun to exert his strength to prove himself.

If he, the demon himself, is discovered by a powerful person, something will happen.

Another one is.

He was afraid of the mysterious Tribulation Emperor who was hiding in Jinghuang City.

Whether it is to prevent him from using some means to find his true identity in Jingzhou or to prepare to attack him, it is best to stay away.

"Theoretically, I can perfectly disguise myself as a demon and continue living in another cave."

He fell into deep thought and wanted to break through the fifth level of the golden elixir first.

He began to practice in seclusion. After more than ten days, his aura slowly bloomed and he entered the next level.

He glanced at Jingzhou outside.

What a great tribulation emperor, but he is still fishing secretly in my Jinghuang City.

Even as a cabinet minister, he was in charge of the Artisan and Creation Department and led the craftsmen to start building my red stone technology.

How many days has it been?

The craftsman was fooled by him!

Wu Lang secretly observed his every move, and under the scorching sun, gave instructions to the craftsmen on the construction project:

"But this person, who has been watching my battle with the Eight Emperors from behind, will he be moved by my speech and his dedication to the people of the world, and will he develop a good impression?"

After all, Xing Hanhan also watched his speeches and various deeds, and his favorable impression of him skyrocketed.


Name: Taoist Blood Skeleton

Favorability: -50 (enemies)

Wu Lang suddenly became depressed.

Originally it was -40 points, but why did my favorability drop by 10 points?

Wu Lang couldn't help but look through the previous logs. It turned out that the prompts appeared while he was sleeping.

[Your enemy, Taoist Blood Skeleton, saw that you defeated the attack of the Eight Emperors of Jingzhou, gained the support of the people of the world, and left. The people of Jingzhou were praising your heroic deeds. Seeing that your potential is greater than imagined, they imprinted the idea of ​​​​slave on you. More and more intense, favorability -10]

very good.

I have to find a way to kill this guy.

Wu Lang drank water in his simple and simple deserted mountain cave to moisten his dry throat.

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