I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 161 Fishing Law Enforcement

Wu Lang was extremely happy after breaking through the seventh level of the golden elixir.

On average, I break through a small realm every two to three months. Who else could I do?

It's all made possible by resources.

He thought for a while and said, "After settling in for more than a year, it's time to get down to business."

He came to the Yunwu Abyss not just to avoid the Tribulation Emperor hidden in Jinghuang City, but also to get a seat at the Demon Emperor's seat.

After all, Po Meng has spoken.

You have to give it a try yourself, right?

Three clans share the same emperor, which is still a very beautiful ultimate pattern.

If even the enemies are my people, and the three tribes are all our own, Jingzhou will really have its own iron-clad empire!

Others want to break into my Jingzhou?


Of course.

He is self-aware that the demon clan respects strength. Even if he is facing the change of throne and cannot fight, it is absolutely impossible for him to compete for the throne.


In the new deserted mountain cave, Wu Lang sat cross-legged:

"Remember the history of the Yunwuyuan in the previous life. The demon disaster lasted for more than thirty years and then ended. Then the demon emperor fell and the new emperor ascended the throne."

"This new emperor is not a genius. He is a false emperor who forced his way to success. He only managed to overcome one level of calamity by forcefully passing on his skills. In the end, he only ruled the world for three hundred years before he was overthrown and replaced with three eyes. Demon Emperor."

After all, the emperor's power transfer breakthrough is the lowest level of crotch stretching.

This kind of breakthrough, the Dzogchen, generally has little potential.

The three-eyed demon emperor who defeated this false emperor was the real terror. He was ruthless and cruel to the extreme, posing a great threat to the human race.

He is the old enemy of the future female sword emperor of Jingzhou.

A thousand years later, the Empress of Jingzhou led Jingzhou, the weakest realm of immortal cultivation, to travel by water, gained the friendship of the Shark people, and found a lot of resources to open "fishery." After the cultivation environment in Jingzhou began to improve, the Three-Eyed Demon Emperor It's hot and the war begins.

"These two existences are two figures from the same period in the future. Mu Jiqiu is now a little more than the Nascent Soul stage, and the three-eyed demon emperor of the next generation should still be fishing or even weaker."

Now, it should be between the Nascent Soul Stage and the Divine Transformation Stage.

Wu Lang calculates history.

The next generation of successors of the Demon Emperor, they must be at least the combined stage monsters now, and they are fighting on the front lines with the leaders of the Jingzhou sect.


He started to think about the next generation!

"If I can figure out how to control the next generation of demon protagonists in the Yunwuyuan, I will be the Supreme Emperor."

"Even, maybe, you can use him to fight for the power of the Yunwuyuan, and take the opportunity to provoke them to kill the bloody emperor. This is also a route."

Wu Lang's thoughts are very dirty.

It even coincides with the current Blood Bone Taoist plan.

He wanted to mentally control himself, an upright mortal sage. He ran away and secretly came to the Yunwu Abyss, intending to mentally control the future Demon Emperor.

This relationship is a bit messy.

You fuck me, I fuck him.

"It's a pity that the future Demon Emperor is a man, who is difficult to gain favor with, and he is also a cruel radical who is difficult to control."

He frowned slightly:

"It's a bit of a headache. If I turn him into a woman, my goodwill will be much easier."

"My best way is to kill him, seize his life, and let other demons parasitize and lay eggs on him to inherit his talent."

"And the demon who succeeds him should have a weak character and be a woman, so that I can control her, gain my favor, and even accept her as my disciple or daughter!"

His plan is insidious.

Only a future person like him, who traveled from the future to the ancient times, could make such a cool move of intercepting the protagonist of the future and killing the protagonist of this era.

If it was before.

He is timid and would definitely not dare to do such a risky thing. Attack the Demon Emperor, the protagonist who will conquer Jingzhou in the future?

I have good luck!

He is still a strong man who surpasses others at the same level. He has countless opportunities and it is normal for him to kill monsters beyond his level.

Is it something that ordinary people can kill at will?

When I attacked him, did I lose my mind, or did I think he was a weakling?

He is not as good as Li Godan, who can grow into a protagonist with the highest golden destiny, but he is also one of the next-level overlords with an orange destiny in the next continent.

But now he is not afraid.

Anyway, the immoral things I did caused less waves than this?

If you have too many lice, you won’t be itchy. If you have too many debts, you won’t have to worry.

"But how to find this future protagonist? Even the local protagonist who will influence the future generation of Jingzhou is still a protagonist."

"It's like looking for a needle in this vast haystack."

A strange smile flashed across the corner of Wu Lang's mouth.

Although he felt this way, he didn't come here without thinking. He naturally had some means and confidence to find the other party.

Destinations attract each other.

Regardless of whether it was the previous Mu Jiqiu, when he was still in the golden elixir stage, he came to him for the first time inexplicably, leading to the two getting acquainted.

The lady who was Liu Ping's disciple just now attracted each other and attracted a lot of rotten peach blossoms to her at the same time.

All of them prove that the rivers of destiny interfere with each other and the "substitute messengers" attract each other.

And who are you?

The biggest beater!

Carrying huge opportunities, those protagonists, if they don’t come to me silently, after all, with my help, they can win the whole country!

He thought about this.

"Demon loyal minister, apply online, whoever wins you will win the world, waiting for a demon boss to come to your door."

He calmed down and walked out of the cave. Looking at the wild cliffs and wilderness, he suddenly became inspired by poetry.

He faced the sky, in the mountains and wild winds, and looked like a mountain talent. Pick up the pen and write a line of big characters:

[I have been wandering for half my life, and I only regret that I have never met the Lord of the Ming Dynasty. I have amazing abilities and talents that are astounding in the world! But he could only be covered in dust and depressed, so he lived in seclusion in the mountains and forests, keeping company with insects and birds, and living in caves. 】

[Alas, if you meet a master of enlightenment, your half-life learning will be put to good use! 】

Wu Lang blinked.

Hope fishing is useful.

After seeing his disciple Liu Ping's sexy tricks not long ago, I suddenly realized a profound truth about him.

There are limits to a person's life. If you can't get out of your own destiny, you will always be bound to the framework.


The dragon king chooses his wife and licks her; the good minister chooses his master and devours her.

He continued to practice in the cave.

Next, he would go out every once in a while to recite poems and write poems, grieving that his talents were not met, and increasing the probability of mutual attraction between fates.

He was angry and wrote:

[If you want to discuss the heaven and earth, you will hate the ignorance of music appreciation! 】

Another month passed.

The practice was boring. Wu Lang was about to break through the eighth level of the golden elixir. He walked out and started to show off his poetry again. He had nothing to do and wrote another sentence:

【There are lovers, and then there are thousands of miles. 】

[Thousand-mile horses often exist, but Bole does not always exist. 】

He shouted loudly to the sky, depressed and frustrated.

Then continue your daily practice.

Fish once a month.

Anyway, nothing is lost, there is no harm in giving it a try.

During this period of time, he practiced in seclusion in the cave, occasionally returning to the Seventh Peak to chat with his senior sister, and at the same time paying attention to the situation outside.

In the blink of an eye, two years have passed.

The golden elixir is at the eighth level.

He silently felt his cultivation and raised a smile.

I took a look at the external situation this year.


[Your disciple Xu Xinying and Mu Jiqiu met up. Fortunately, they were saved by the Shark clan. With great luck, they broke through the fifth level of the Golden Core stage. The Shark princess was shocked to learn that she had a nine-yin body, and proposed the practice of the Yin water system. suggestion. 】


[Your disciple had an epiphany in his heart and practiced secretly in the Merman tribe, trying to perfect his mad fighting skills, integrate into another destiny - Jiuyin, and develop his own exclusive skills. 】


[Your disciple Liu Ping was brutally beaten, his Taoist heart soared, and his cultivation level was promoted to the sixth level of the Golden Core. He secretly recruited countless disciples and established the prototype of the Dragon King Sect. 】


[Dragon King Sect, all the major Yin Chao disciples were scattered again, hiding their names. They were brutally beaten by their wives, covered with bruises, and were heartbroken. They regularly returned to Huangquan Sect for gatherings to discuss how to please their wives and their miserable status in the family. 】

"Dog licking exchange meeting?"

Wu Lang scratched his head, feeling too bad. Although I, the Seventh Peak, have marked out for you the position of your senior brother's disciple, it is not for you to use it like this!

Wu Lang was too lazy to pay attention to him, and he did as he pleased.


[Your Taoist companion Xing Hanhan encountered the current of time by chance, his lifespan was -37, and he broke through the fourth level of integration. 】


[Your Taoist companion Li Qingrou encountered the current of time by chance, and her lifespan was -32. She broke through the second level of the fusion. She felt like she was almost chasing the traces of her master, and she couldn't help but speed up. 】

Wu Lang looked very calm and calmed down.

It seems that in the more than a year since I went to the Yunwuyuan next door and went into seclusion again to fish, everyone outside has been living a wonderful and prosperous life.

As expected of the protagonists.

It can't be compared with the boring life of a working-class worker like me, who just has nothing to do and just fishes!

he sighed.

Seeing that Leiyin Temple in Jingzhou is developing in full swing, there is a vague prototype of a holy place that will win the hearts of the people.

It seems that these ten people from Thailand are passionate and fighting for the rise of their race. They are the real heroes and sages of the era!

"Jingzhou next door is exciting, but it's to be expected."

After watching all this, Wu Lang saw an outrageous message:


[Your Taoist companion, Po Meng, breathed a lot of luck, successfully recovered her physical strength, and once again wandered around the world, traveling through the turbulent flow of chaotic time and space dimensions, looking for the lost fragments of her own reincarnation rules. 】

It's the same message again.

"It's just that Meng Po has started to absorb my luck." Wu Lang looked at the human luck that had been sucked out recently, and was still replying slowly, feeling speechless:

"She says she doesn't want it, but her body is so honest!"


Po Meng kept accelerating to replenish her strength and go looking for the fragments of her reincarnation.

Wu Lang glanced at it a few times but didn't care.

Although I don’t know the specific secret of this reincarnation fragment, after I retrieved it, my strength must have greatly increased, and my backing has become a little stronger.

He kept observing and felt that his life was quite enjoyable.

I took a few glances at Jinghuang City.

"Master Xuexu, you have been working very hard recently." Wu Lang whispered, "Now that I am earning contribution points, I will soon be able to develop a technique for him. If I go one step further, I can practice with the luck of my harem. .”

Then he's completely hooked.

After learning his details, we have to find a way to kill him!

"Although no one likes me, the harem still has to be beautiful girls to be pleasing to the eye." He sighed, after all, he is also a man.

After taking a look at the outside world and seeing that nothing happened, he decided to continue his cultivation. Steady cultivation was the way to go.

Being paraded through the streets and all that, it was so miserable.

In the following days, he continued to work overtime in the cave and fished regularly once a month.

[Wu Bole's appearance is good, who will praise him now? 】

【Don't shed tears just to talk about worries, but you can get it by paying attention. 】

"Alas! This world is chaotic, and there is no wise ruler!" He was unappreciated and felt sorry for himself. He wandered outside the cave for a while, walked on the mountain road, and then returned to the cave to continue his hard training.


After more than ten days, an accident happened.


I felt the outside world was shaking, as if there were monks passing by and fighting outside.

In the cave, Wu Lang blinked, always feeling a little strange, and said with a strange expression: "Is it possible that the fish is coming?"

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